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听歌学英语: 钢铁之心 Bullet-proof Heart

来源:可可英语 编辑:chuztpah   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Bullet-Proof Heart - Claudette / Harvey Mas

I can see you coming from a million miles away见你从数百万里之外赶来
Everyone around you screaming foul play foul play身边的人都尖声呐喊 严重犯规 严重犯规
It’s in your eyes that I’ve became your target从你的眼神中 我知道自己早已成为你的目标
This might be something that you’re gonna regret这或许会成为你的人生憾事
You’'re packing automatic you’re on a fire and你太草率了 你这是在玩火
But there’s no doubt about it可是毫无疑问
You keep你不要随便碰我
Don't you know I got a bulletproof heart你难道不知道 我有一颗钢铁之心吗
Won’t be falling for you whoa no我绝不会为你倾倒 绝不会
You try to shoot me but I knew from the start你努力想得到我的心 可是我一开始就知道
You’ll be missing your … on my bulletproof heart面对我的钢铁之心 你会一败涂地
Whoa whoa oh oh
Bulletproof heart钢铁之心
You know I didn’t … used to live this way你知道吗 过去的我不是这样的
I fall in love我也曾轰轰烈烈地爱过
But I can’t count the times my heart’s been stepped on只是受到的伤害 也不计其数
This turn around… all gone这让一切都化为乌有
You think you got my number你以为 你拿到了我的号码
That you’ll be breaking breaking through你就可以打通我的电话 成功俘获我的心吗
Think you can pull me under你就能将我征服吗
But I’ve got news for you但是我要给你点忠告
Don’t you know I got a bulletproof heart你难道不知道 我有一颗钢铁之心吗
Won’t be falling for you whoa no我绝不会为你倾倒 绝不会
You try to shoot me but I knew from the start你努力想得到我的心 可是我一开始就知道
You’ll be missing your … on my bulletproof heart面对我的钢铁之心 你会一败涂地
Whoa whoa oh oh
Bulletproof heart钢铁之心
And just like wonder woman而我就像神奇女侠
You’ll never see me running绝不会落荒而逃
I got a move that you never seen before我拥有你未曾见识过的本领
I got a force field better keep your eyes peeled我拥有无形的屏障 你最好保持警惕
Super hero got nothing on me就算是超级英雄 也拿我没有办法
Don’t you know I got a bulletproof heart你难道不知道 我有一颗钢铁之心吗
Won’t be falling for you whoa no我绝不会为你倾倒 绝不会
You try to shoot me but I knew from the start你努力想得到我的心 可是我一开始就知道
You’ll be missing your … on my bulletproof heart面对我的钢铁之心 你会一败涂地
Whoa whoa oh oh
Bulletproof heart钢铁之心
Don’t you know I got a bulletproof heart你难道不知道 我有一颗钢铁之心吗
Won’t be falling for you whoa no我绝不会为你倾倒 绝不会
You try to shoot me but I knew from the start你努力想得到我的心 可是我一开始就知道
You’ll be missing your … on my bulletproof heart面对我的钢铁之心 你会一败涂地
Whoa whoa oh oh
Bulletproof heart钢铁之心
bolt [bəʊlt] n. (门窗的)闩,插销;螺栓;闪电
I heard the sound of a bolt being slowly and reluctantly slid open. 我听到门闩被人缓慢而费劲地抽出来的声音。
A bolt of (lightning) 一(闪电) 道
Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky. 突然,一道闪电划破天空。( [ˈkrækl]v.(像东西在火里燃烧一样)发爆裂声,噼啪作响
A bolt from the blue 突如其来的事件(或消息);晴天霹雳
Her dismissal came as a bolt from the blue. 她被解雇简直就是晴天霹雳。(dismissal [dɪsˈmɪsl] n. 解雇; 开除; 撤职; 不予考虑; 不予理会; 摒弃; 驳回(诉讼); 不予受理;)
The company decided to appoint a Japanese manager as president of the company. The decision came as a bolt from the blue.公司决定任命一位日籍经理担任总裁。这个决定太出乎意料了。

Don't forget to bolt the door.别忘了闩门。
The gate bolts on the inside.大门在里面上闩。
The vice is bolted to the workbench.这虎钳是用螺栓固定在工作台上的。
The pig rose squealing and bolted. 那头猪尖叫着站起来,飞快地跑开了。
When he saw the police arrive, he bolted down an alley.他看见警察来了,便从小巷逃走了。
Don't bolt your food!吃饭不能狼吞虎咽!
Being under stress can cause you to miss meals, eat on the move, or bolt your food.压力之下会造成错过进餐、边做事边吃、或者吞吃食物。
I like to think back to high school, when I could bolt down three or four burgers and a pile of French fries.我喜欢回想高中时,那时我可以一气吞下三四个汉堡和一大堆炸薯条。
If the soil dries out the plants may bolt.如果土壤过干,植株可能会过早结实。



重点单词   查看全部解释    
stress [stres]


n. 紧张,压力
v. 强调,着重

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

bolted [bəutid]


adj. 用螺栓固定的 动词bolt的过去式和过去分词

lightning ['laitniŋ]


n. 闪电
adj. 闪电般的,快速的

dismissal [dis'misəl]


n. 免职,解雇



adv. 嫌恶地;不情愿地

bolt [bəult]


n. 螺栓,插销,门闩
v. 闩住,插销,(突





