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听歌学英语:彻夜 All Night

来源:可可英语 编辑:chuztpah   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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All Night - The Vamps / Matoma

I've been up all night, no sleep.我彻夜无法入眠
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己仿佛一直在做梦
All night no sleep彻夜无眠
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己一直身处梦中
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己一直身处梦中
Sometimes I tend to lose myself when I'm out here on my own当我有时候抽离时感觉要失去自我
I never seem to get it right, but I guess that is how it goes我似乎从未对过,但我想这大概就是事物原本的运行轨迹吧
Ever since you came around can't nobody hold me down自从你来到我身边,再没人能压制我
You showed me how to find myself when I needed it the most在我最需要帮助的时刻你指引我如何找寻到真我
I been up all night no sleep我已彻夜未眠
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己总是在做梦
All night no sleep彻夜未眠
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己总是在做梦
Wide awake that's okay as long as I'm with you完全清醒也是可以的,只要和你在一起
I'll be up all night no sleep我会彻夜无眠。
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己总是在做梦
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己总是在做梦
I'm never gonna find my way我会永远找不到自己出路,
If I don't run to that goal如果我不去为目标努力奋斗。
The past is the past. Today is today过往已成云烟,此刻即是当下
And there are things I can't control有些事我无法把控
The circles underneath my eyes眼睛下面的黑圆圈厚重不堪
Tell the truth I've been trying to hide说出我一直隐藏的事实
I've been waiting for you way too long我等你等了好久好久
Won't you come and take me home你会来带我回家吗?
Oh I哦 我
Oh I'm praying this aingt all a dream哦,我祈祷这一切不会只是一场梦
Can you you wake me up before you leave你能在离开前唤醒我吗
I've been up all night no sleep我彻夜未眠
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己总是在做梦
All night,no sleep彻夜未眠
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己总是在做梦
Wide awake, that's okay as long as I'm with you保持完全清醒都可以,只要和你在一起
I'll be up all night, no sleep我会彻夜无眠
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己总是在做梦
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己总是在做梦
Cause I feel like I'm always dreaming因为感觉自己总是在做梦
measly[ˈmi:zli] adj.很小的;很少的;不足的
I get a measly £4 an hour. 我每小时只拿少得可怜的4英镑。
The average British bathroom measures a measly 3.5 square metres.英国人的卫生间平均只有区区3.5平方米。
I can't afford to buy a car on my measly salary. 我靠微薄的工资买不起汽车。
What a measly birthday present! 多么小气的生日礼物哇!
Their wages have been cut in half to a measly $410 a month.他们的工资已经被削减一半,每月只有少得可怜的410美元。

beside the point adv.在点的旁边(而不是在点上);不是重点;偏离要点;无关紧要;偏题;跑偏
Brian didn't like it, but that was beside the point. 布赖恩不喜欢它,但那并不重要。
His remarks about gardening were beside the point他对园艺的一席话简直是文不对题。
Always remember: the journey is all. The destination is beside the point. 始终谨记: 旅程才是一切,目的地无关紧要。
Usually what she says is beside the point. 她说的话通常是不着边际的。

out in the cold 被忽视;受冷落(cold. n. 寒冷;感冒);吃闭门羹
Sam was out in the cold in the conversation. 在谈话中没人理会山姆。
I felt a bit out in the cold at Adam's party last night. 我感觉昨晚在亚当的派对上遭受了冷落。
She was so talkative that she was often left out in the cold.她话太多,常常搞得没有人愿搭理她。
Everyone made plans for the National Day but he found himself out in the cold.每个人都计划国庆节怎么过,只有他一个人孤零零的。



重点单词   查看全部解释    
control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

talkative ['tɔ:kətiv]


adj. 喜欢说话的,健谈的,多嘴的

destination [.desti'neiʃən]


n. 目的地,终点,景点

tend [tend]


v. 趋向,易于,照料,护理





