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听歌学英语:三零零零年 Year 3000

来源:可可英语 编辑:chuztpah   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Year 3000 - The Vamps

One day when I came home at lunchtime一天,我午饭时间回到家
I heard a funny noise听见了一个奇怪的声音
Went out to the back yard to find out if it was走出去到后院,想看看
One of those rowdy boys是不是那些调皮的小男孩
Stood there with my neighbour called peter 站在那里,看见邻居Peter
And a Flux Capacitor和一台磁量电容机
He told me he built a time machine他告诉我他造了个时间机
Like the one in a film I've seen就像我在电影里看到的一样
Yeah yeah he said是的是的,他说
I've been to the year three thousand我已经去过三零零零年
Not much has changed but they lived under water没什么太大的改变,但他们住在水下
And your great great great grand daughter还有你的曾曾曾孙女
Is pretty fine (is pretty fine)还不错,她还不错
He took me to the future in the flux thing and I saw everything他用那个时光机把我带到了未来,我看到了一切
Boybands and another one and another one and another one男团,一个接一个
Triple breasted women swim around town totally naked随处可见长了三个乳房的女生裸泳
He told me he built a time machine他告诉我他建了个时间机
Like the one in the film i've seen就像我在电影里看到的一样
Yeah yeah he said耶~~他说
I've been to the year three thousand我已经去过三零零零年
Not much has changed but they lived under water没什么太大的改,但他们住在水下
And your great great great grand daughter还有你的曾曾曾孙女
Is pretty fine (is pretty fine)还不错,她还不错
I took a trip to the year 3 thousand我去了三零零零年旅行
This song had gone multi platinum这首歌已经获得了多白金奖
Everybody bought our 7th album每人都买了我们七张专辑
It had outsold michael jackson甚至比迈克尔.杰克逊的唱片卖得还多
I took a trip to the year 3 thousand我去了三零零零年旅行
This song had gone multi platinum这首歌已经获得了多白金奖
Everybody bought our 7th album每人都买了我们七张专辑
He told me he built a time machine他告诉我他建了个时间机
Like the one in a film I've seen就像我在电影里看到的一样
Yeah yeah he said耶~~他说
I've been to the year three thousand我已经去过三零零零年
Not much has changed but they lived under water没什么太大的改变,但他们住在水下
And your great great great grand daughter还有你的曾曾曾孙女
Is pretty fine (she is pretty fine)还不错,她还不错
I've been to the year three thousand我已经去过三零零零年
Not much has changed but they lived under water没什么太大的改变,但他们住在水下
And your great great great grand daughter还有你的曾曾曾孙女
Is pretty fine (is pretty fine)还不错,她还不错
I've been to the year three thousand我已经去过三零零零年
Not much has changed but they lived under water没什么太大的改变,但他们住在水下
And your great great great grand daughter还有你的曾曾曾孙女
Is pretty fine (is pretty fine)还不错,她还不错

歌词: rowdy [ˈraʊdi]
adj. 吵闹的;惹是生非的;捣乱的

a rowdy crowd at the pub酒吧里一群闹哄哄的家伙
He has complained to the police about rowdy neighbours...他向警方投诉邻居们太吵闹。
There were rowdy scenes inside parliament during the debate. 在争论的过程中,国会内部一片混乱。
Rowdy mobs gathered in the leading thoroughfares. 一群暴徒在要道聚众闹事。
Why do you have me pegged as the rowdy one? 你为何将我归类为好勇斗狠的人?(peg v. 归类)
n 凶暴的人;无赖;吵闹的人
rowdies and troublemakers吵闹的人和惹麻烦的人
The owner of the bar kept a baseball bat to deal with rowdies.酒吧老板备了一根棒球棒以对付闹事的人。

hunker [ˈhʌŋkər] vi. 蹲下;下蹲,身体降低弯曲膝盖,在高尔夫中就是重心下压的意思;盘坐;(比喻义)待在一个地方,铆足了劲儿做某事
They are not allowed to hunker down to rest after running 5,000meters. 他们跑完5000米后不准蹲下休息。
He hunkered down beside her.他盘腿坐在她身边。
The students are hunkering down to prepare for the mid-term exams. 学生们都集中精力为期中考试做准备。
The hikers had to hunker down and wait out the storm. 徒步旅行者不得不停下来,等暴雨停了再走。
Both campaigns are hunkering down in swing states to make their last-ditch effort.(距离美国总统大选还有不到两周时间了)两个竞选团队都扎根摇摆州,做自己最后的努力。

deterrent [dɪˈtɜːrənt] n. 威慑因素;遏制力~ (to sb/sth)

a nuclear deterrent.核威慑武器
They seriously believe that capital punishment is a deterrent...他们真的相信死刑具有威慑作用。(seriously adv. 认真地;严重地;严肃地)
Hopefully his punishment will act as a deterrent to others.对他的惩罚但愿能起到杀一儆百的作用。
adj. 威慑的;遏制的
Hopefully, that will have a deterrent effect on drug syndicates in the future.希望这能在将来对贩毒集团起到威慑作用。( syndicate ['sɪndɪkət] n. 辛迪加;企业联合;财团)
Their missiles are viewed as a defensive and deterrent force.他们的导弹被视为一种防卫和威慑力量。



重点单词   查看全部解释    
swing [swiŋ]


n. 摇摆,改变,冲力
v. 摇摆,旋转,动摇

baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

deterrent [di'terənt]


adj. 制止,防止,挽留 n. 挽留的事物,妨碍物

debate [di'beit]


n. 辩论,讨论
vt. 争论,思考





