
时间:2006-1-3 16:18:16  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

  The United States census bureau has predicted that ethnic minority communities will make up more than half of America's national population by 2050.

The bureau also reported that Texas has become the fourth US state in which minority groups, taken together, account for a majority of the population. This was mainly driven by a rising number of Hispanics.

The Lone Star state joins California, New Mexico and Hawaii, which also have minorities of non-Hispanic whites.

Maryland, Mississippi, Georgia, New York and Arizona - each with minority populations of about 40% - are next in line, according to the study of state and county population estimates by race and Hispanic origin.

According to 2004 estimates, Texas had a minority population of 11.3 million, comprising 50.2% of its total population of 22.5 million people. Immigration accounted for half of the increase while the other half was a result of the excess of births over deaths among the Hispanic population. Hispanic women are having children at a rate of three for every woman, compared with 1.9 among non-Hispanic white women.

"In some sense, Texas is a preview of what the nation will become in the long run," Steven Murdock, the Texas state demographer, told the New York Times.

There are 293.66 million people currently living in the US, 95.81 million of whom - or 32.6% - are non-whites or Hispanic.

Public policy analysts said the country as a whole needed to bring minority education and professional achievement to the levels of non-Hispanic whites to prevent both from becoming poorer and less competitive.

William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution in Washington, said lawmakers need to begin immigration reform, while striving to raise education and salary levels for minorities.




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