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  • [双语达人] 10招让你看起来更自信

    不在乎别人的看法Some people don't feel great about the way they look, so they just hide themselves and feel awful, while some people are really confident and are all about having fun. Well, read on

    2009-12-11 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 十招做个有质感的女人

    爱自己The power of attraction is a very useful thing. There is a common misconception that physical appearance completely determines attractiveness, but this is simply not true. If you want people to

    2009-12-10 编辑:vicki

  • [双语达人] 10个培养创新能力的生活习惯

    集中思想1.Think for a half hour a day exclusively on one subject. You can start off by thinking about a single subject for five minutes a day, then increase the period daily until you reach a half ho

    2009-12-10 编辑:vicki

  • [双语达人] 美国各式女生Party

    骑马Horseback RidingHorses are sleek, sexy and elegant. So why not go horseback riding to celebrate the feminine side of you? Make a day's trip to a close by ranch with all your girlfriends to ce..

    2009-12-09 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 花心男出轨前的4大特征

    是个惯坏的孩子When you're dating a guy, you can forgive him for some indiscretions, but it's nearly impossible to turn the other cheek if he strays. Well, Cosmo did some investigating to ascertain

    2009-12-08 编辑:vicki

  • [他她话题] 女生比男生更爱哭 一年可达64次

    An image of a crying woman with her friend. Women cry more often than men, for longer - and in a more dramatic fashion, a German study has found. 德国一项研究发现,女性比男性更爱哭,哭的时间更长,而且

    2009-12-08 编辑:vicki

  • [双语达人] 翘首幸福:80后最in的10个人生法则

    平常心Most people learn over time, but often learning comes too late to be fully useful. There are certainly many things that I know now that would have been extremely useful to me earlier in my life

    2009-12-08 编辑:vicki

  • [双语达人] 四步确定你的目标和制定达到目标的计划

    全面了解你的计划Are you the sort of person who gets really fired up and excited by new ideas, who dives straight in … and who then loses enthusiasm and ends up with dozens of half-finished projects

    2009-12-08 编辑:vicki

  • [双语达人] 大学最恐怖的十个专业

    矿业加工工程1.矿业加工工程 1. Mining and Processing Engineering采矿工程2.采矿工程 2. Mining Engineering造纸3.造纸 3. Papermaking皮革4.皮革 4. Leather化学工程与工艺5.化学工程与工艺5. Chemical Engineer

    2009-12-07 编辑:vicki

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