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  • [双语资讯] 时事新闻:奥巴马提名华裔州长骆家辉为商务部长人选

      美国总统奥巴马25日在电视直播的白宫新闻发布会上提名前华盛顿州华裔州长骆家辉为商务部长人选。  奥巴马在宣布这一提名时说,在如何振兴美国经济和“美国梦”方面,骆家辉与他理念一致。骆家辉表示,他将全力

    2009-02-27 编辑:admin

  • [双语资讯] 时事新闻:Hopes of Quick Rebound&nb


    2009-02-26 编辑:admin

  • [学习素材] 时事译题:Financial crisis金融危机

    Into the land of the unknown前途未卜Global market turmoil continues after the rejection of the mortgage-rescue plan in America美国救市计划遭拒后全球市场继续混乱ReutersHOW many votes in Congress will

    2008-10-09 编辑:Alice

  • [学习素材] 时事译题:The credit crunch信贷紧缩

    World on the edge命悬一线的世界Whatever happens in Congress, the crisis is now global; that means governments must work together无论美国会意思如何,此次危机已经是演变为全球性的了;这就意味着各国政府必

    2008-10-09 编辑:Alice

  • [学习素材] 时事译题:America’s bail-out plan美国的救援计划

    I want your money 我要用的就是你的钱No government bail-out of the banking system was ever going to be pretty. This one deserves support政府对银行系统的救助永远不可能完美,但当下的这个理应得到支持。SA

    2008-10-08 编辑:Alice

  • [学习素材] 时事译题:Somalia索马里

    Piracy and much worse海盗行为和更恶劣的行径What is to be done about the world’s least-governed state?对于世界上最缺乏管理的国家,我们还能做些什么呢?THE azure waters at the foot of the Red Sea lappi

    2008-10-08 编辑:Alice

  • [学习素材] 时事译题:Frank Mundus弗兰克•蒙杜斯

    Frank Mundus, shark fisherman, died on September 10th, aged 82弗兰克•蒙杜斯,鲨鱼猎手,逝于9月10日,享年82岁HIS boat was called Cricket II, not the Orca. But when you climbed on board, mentally

    2008-10-07 编辑:Alice

  • [学习素材] 时事译题:Depression index萧条指数

    The D-word“萧条”的出现频率Signs of a pending depression? The Economist’s D-word index《经济学人》提出的萧条指数预示着经济萧条即将来临?MANY comparisons may be made between the devastation being wr

    2008-10-07 编辑:Alice

  • [学习素材] 时事译题:The mortgage-rescue plan抵押贷款救援

    A shock from the House来自众议院的惊雷The House of Representatives rejects the $700 billion bail-out plan美国众议院否决了7000亿美元的救援计划IT WOULD have been one of the most unpleasant laws that Co

    2008-10-07 编辑:Alice

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