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  • [心灵鸡汤] 情感美文:Because of His Love因爱之名

    爱,一直有着广博的涵义。谁在最黑暗的日子里,无私地关怀你、帮助你,而他(她)竟然和你毫无血缘之亲?请不必惊讶,不必疑惑,只管用心去感受,因为这一切或许只以爱的名义…… Job was not a brilliant man. He

    2008-01-28 编辑:admin

  • [心灵鸡汤] 情感美文:用爱和浪漫迎接死神

    A girl and a boy were on a motorcycle, speeding through the night.  they loved each other a lot.  Girl: "Slow down a little. I'm scared."  Boy: "No, it's so fun."  Girl..

    2008-01-28 编辑:admin

  • [心灵鸡汤] 情感美文:爱的港湾--总有一天我会嫁给你

    In Love's Arms  “I’m going to marry you one day.” Beth said to her long time crush Jake. She wore her favorite blue teddy bear shirt. Her four-year-old blue eyes shined in the sun.  “No you’

    2008-01-28 编辑:admin

  • [心灵鸡汤] 情感美文:Mother & Child妈妈与孩子

    Mother & Child It was Christmas 1961. I was teaching in a small town in Ohio where my twenty-seven third graders eagerly anticipated the GREat day of gifts giving.妈妈与孩子 那是1961年的圣诞节。我在俄

    2008-01-28 编辑:admin

  • [心灵鸡汤] 情感美文:两只猪猪的刻骨爱情

    Wen and Zhe are pigs. they have known each other and been in love since they were little.纹和哲是两只猪,从小青梅竹马。they love each other so much, as if there were no others in the world.他们互相偎

    2008-01-28 编辑:admin

  • [心灵鸡汤] 情感美文:A Coke and a Smile可乐

    A Coke and a Smile I know now that the man who sat with me on the old wooden stairs that hot summer night over thirty-five years ago was not a tall man. But to a five-year-old, he was a giant. We sat

    2008-01-28 编辑:admin

  • [心灵鸡汤] 爱我,真心地爱我 Love, love me do

    Scanning the brains of people in love is also helping to refine science's grasp of love's various forms. Helen Fisher, a researcher at Rutgers University, and the author of a new book on ..

    2008-01-28 编辑:admin

  • [心灵鸡汤] 一杯牛奶的温暖

      一天,一个贫穷的小男孩为了攒够学费正挨家挨户地推销商品。饥寒交迫的他摸遍全身,却只有一角钱。于是他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃。  However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the doo

    2008-01-28 编辑:admin

  • [心灵鸡汤] 我们结婚吧(影视对白)

    Ross: No! No! I’m not! It’s-it’s-it’s perfect! I mean it’s better than you just-just moving here, ‘cause it’s us together forever, and that’s-that’s what I want. Emily: We’ve only known eac

    2008-01-28 编辑:admin

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