

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 一起 的文章共有:131
  • [白领的一天] 白领的一天 场景85:一起吃午饭 Doing lunch

    Narrator: 上周 Anna 得到了 Tip Top 贸易公司的销售专员职位。这还得归功于 Anna 面对紧急情况头脑清楚,反应快,处理问题得当。今天是她上班的第一天。How are you feeling now, Anna?Anna: Excited, but a bit w

    2012-07-24 编辑:Jasmine

  • [走遍美国新世纪版] 走遍美国Lesson03-2 一起钓鱼

    This is really neat!太好了When do we eat?我们什麽时候吃First, we have to catch some fish.首先 我们得钓几条鱼。In order to catch fish, you have to do this.要钓鱼你就得这样Here we go.现在可以开始了。Th

    2012-07-16 编辑:echo

  • [OMG美语] OMG美语讲堂第158期:我们一起去看演唱会吧

    Concerts are awesome because you get to sit in the sun with your friends, eat some some French fries, watch an amazing band! 演唱会之所以特别好,因为你可以与朋友坐在阳光下, 吃点炸薯条,看精彩的乐队演

    2012-07-13 编辑:echo

  • [囧记单词] 囧记单词:huddle 聚集在一起

    “马麻~~ 我们要洗澡嘛~~给不给洗嘛?”洗洗洗!!!随便洗!!!!huddle vi.聚集在一起,挤作一团;把身子蜷成一团,蜷缩;vt.使聚集在一起;n.挤在一起的人,一堆杂乱的东西Don't let your cats huddle in th

    2012-04-25 编辑:Daisy

  • [经典诗歌] 现代诗歌:《在一起》Cling Tight

    《在一起》文:雨玲译:赵彦春你是清风,我是明月无论春夏秋冬形影相随在一起我是梅花,你是瑞雪无论霜寒冰冷天涯海角在一起Cling TightBy Angela RenTr. Zhao YanchunYou are the breeze, and I am the moonBe it

    2012-02-10 编辑:jasmine

  • [专四词汇考点及真题] 一起过专四 词汇70练:第38期

    阿1.His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any__1__of it at all.?A. explanation B. meaning C. sense D. interpretation2. You should have your eyes tested every year in case the__2__of yo

    2012-01-19 编辑:Jasmine

  • [E聊吧] E聊吧第58期:《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》票房创新高

    网罗天下新鲜、好玩、有趣、时尚的英语表达,尽在可可英语独家专栏节目"E聊吧"。本期节目的topic:《那些年,我们一起追过的女孩》英文名为:You Are the Apple of My Eye"You Are the Apple of My Eye"became Hong K

    2012-01-13 编辑:Ukki

  • [新片佳片推荐] 缤纷圣诞节, 约你一起看精彩电影


    2011-12-21 编辑:beck

  • [专四词汇考点及真题] 一起过专四 词汇70练:第13期

    1. The car was in good working__ when I bought it in a few months ago.A order B form C state D circumstance2. In order to repair barns, build fences, grow crops, and care for animals a farmer must in

    2011-12-12 编辑:Jasmine

  • [专四词汇考点及真题] 一起过专四 词汇70练:第7期

    1.The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and __ him of speed.A charged B accused C blamed D warned2.The public opinion was that the time was not__ for the election of such a radical can

    2011-12-02 编辑:Jasmine

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