

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 健康生活 的文章共有:134
  • [健康生活] 健康生活:"大笑瑜伽"风行越南

    For the past two years, members of the Laughter Yoga club have been gathering each morning at a public park in Hanoi to practise laughing in the belief that this will help them to be happier, fight

    2011-09-28 编辑:Richard

  • [健康生活] 大千世界:你可能不知道的20种水果(上)

    I was playing a game the other day, in which you have to come up with fruit that starts with every letter of the alphabet. Apple, banana, cherry…. and that is about where I hit a blank. My epic fai

    2011-09-27 编辑:Richard

  • [健康生活] 健康生活:躁狂症人群饮食的六大注意事项

    阅读正文We've all heard about "mood foods" that can promote wellness for people with bipolar and depression–fish oil for brain health, oatmeal for stable blood sugar, chocolate for, well,..

    2011-09-26 编辑:Richard

  • [健康生活] 一个让你把土豆加入菜单的新理由

    阅读正文 Study finds potatoes reduce blood pressure without weight gain. 研究发现土豆有降低血压的功效,而且不会对你的体重构成压力。 Potatoes get a bad rap. Between potatoes' high carbohydrate count

    2011-09-20 编辑:Richard

  • [健康生活] 心灵瑜伽:教你随时随地练冥想

    By now, almost everyone is aware of the powerful benefits of meditation. When we become conscious of our breathing and direct our awareness inward, our body relaxes, our blood pressure and heart rat

    2011-09-15 编辑:Richard

  • [健康生活] 健康生活:用正确的坐姿避免后背疼痛

    Why is good posture important? 为什么姿势正确很重要? When it comes to posture, your mother did know best. Her frequent reminders to stand up straight and stop slouching were good advice. 一提起身体姿

    2011-09-15 编辑:Richard

  • [健康生活] 睡眠小贴士:7步让你睡得更好的方法

    Feeling crabby lately? Or simply worn out? Perhaps the solution is better sleep. 最近感觉易怒吗?或者仅仅是太疲惫?可能解决方法是需要更好的睡眠。 Think about all the factors that can interfere with

    2011-09-08 编辑:Richard

  • [健康生活] 在旅行中如何保持健康的生活习惯?

    Get Proper Nutrition 获取合适的营养 While it's much easier to follow a healthy balanced diet with home cooking, it's often very challenging if you have to eat out for all of you daily meals during

    2011-09-07 编辑:Richard

  • [健康生活] 保持皓齿如玉的六个生活小贴士

    Your 32 teeth not only help you to talk and chew, they can make or break your appearance. Read on to find out what you can do to keep your pearly whites sparkling. 你的32颗牙齿不但帮助你讲话和嚼东西

    2011-09-05 编辑:Richard

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