

您的位置: 首页 > 标签  包含有标签 希腊 的文章共有:62
  • [经济] VOA视频:随着经济不景气希腊出现赈济处

    As Greece approaches five years of recession, the number of its citizens unable to provide food for themselves is increasing. Soup kitchens in Athens used to be the preserve of undocumented immigran

    2012-06-25 编辑:Daisy

  • [每日一句口语] 每日一句初级口语第182期: 希腊恐退欧元区

    今天我们要学的每日一句的内容是:Greeks pulled their cash out of the banks and stocked up with food ahead of a cliffhanger election on Sunday that many citizens fear will result in the country being f

    2012-06-21 编辑:joanna

  • [经济] VOA视频:希腊请求欧盟的援助

    Greece Seeking New Terms for EU BailoutRival Greek party leaders are still locked in talks to form a new coalition government—one able to address the country's crippling debt. Despite gainin

    2012-06-20 编辑:Daisy

  • [时事新闻] 希腊或退出欧元区 民众忙取现囤货

    Greeks pulled their cash out of the banks and stocked up with food ahead of a cliffhanger election on Sunday that many citizens fear will result in the country being forced out of the euro.因为担心本

    2012-06-16 编辑:justxrh

  • [跟可可学口语] 跟可可学最新口语热词:Grexit 希腊退出欧元区

    评级机构标准普尔4日发布报告称,在希腊议会6月17日进行重新选举后,希腊在接下来几个月内退出欧元区的可能性至少为三分之一。请看中国日报网报道:After Greece's national elections on May 6 left the c

    2012-06-06 编辑:echo

  • [经济] VOA视频:希腊退出欧元区可能会影响全球经济

    Greece Eurozone Exit Would Be Felt WorldwideGreeks head to the polls again later this month to cast votes for a new government that could ultimately decide whether Greece remains in the eurozone. The

    2012-06-01 编辑:Daisy

  • [经济] VOA视频:希腊右派分子抵制移民

    Greece's far-right, Golden Dawn, party is entering the Greek parliament for the first time, demanding that all immigrants be "sent home" and wanting land mines planted along the Tur

    2012-05-10 编辑:Daisy

  • [六级词汇备考辅导] 2012年英语六级词汇大全:希腊神话人物类

    希腊神话人物名称大全● 早期的神祗赫卡忒(Hecate):夜之女神,也是幽灵和魔法的女神;最早出现的神,世界的缔造者之一,创造了地狱。代表了世界的黑暗面。该亚(Gaea):大地女神,紧随夜之女神出现的神,世界的缔造

    2012-04-01 编辑:Daisy

  • [希腊神话] 希腊神话:爱神丘比特的故事


    2012-01-31 编辑:jasmine

  • [希腊神话] 希腊神话:赫克犹巴

    He cuba's life was one of grief and sorrow.She saw withher own eyes her eldest born Hector killed and insulted by Achilles.She saw her son Polites slain in front of her by Pyrrhus.And she saw her

    2008-10-25 编辑:maggie

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