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来源:可可英语 编辑:vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


1. She never laughed, ?____? lose her temper.?
A. nor she ever did
B. or she ever did?
C. or did she ever
D. nor did she ever?

2. ?____? with the developed areas, people’s living standard of this province is not high at all.?
A. Compare
B. While comparing?
C. When compared
D. Comparing?

3. It is no use ?____? me not to worry about his injury.?
A. you tell
B. your telling?
C. for you to have told
D. having told
4. If the earth suddenly ?____? spinning, we would allfly off it.?
A. had stopped
B. stopped?
C. has stopped
D. would stop?

5. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication ?______? the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered.?
A. in that
B. in which ?
C. in order that
D. in the way?

6. After taking office, China’s Prime Minister, Zhu Rongji, tried his best to promote the new ?____? policies.?
A. economic
B. economical
C. economy
D. economics?

7. Look at these clouds. ?____?.?
A. It will rain
B. It’s going to rain ?
C. It will be raining
D. It is to rain?

8. ?____? the 1500’s ?____? the first Europeans explored the coast of California.?
A. It was not until/then
B. It is not until/when?
C. It is until/that
D. It was not until/that?

9. ?____? the letter, I ran out of the room to the post office.?
A. Finishing?
B. No sooner that I had finished up?
C. As soon as I finished writing ?
D. Since I finished up to write?

10. If the law and order ?____?, neither the citizen nor his property is safe.?
A. are not preserved
B. have not been preserved?
C. were notpreserved
D. is not preserved?

11. Before moving to another city, Amy ?____? of the house and the furniture.?
A. disposed
B. discarded
C. discharged
D. distributed?

12. Amy Taylor was ?____? both as a drama critic and as a poet.?
A. subtle
B. progressive
C. eminent
D. plausible?

13. He was very much interested in the work of charities, and made a regular ?____? to them.?
B. fellowship ?
C. hospitality
D. contribution?

14. The temperature ?____? greatly; the days were very hot, the nights very cold.?
A. changed
B. altered
C. varied
D. reflected?

15. The washing machine would not work because of a(n) ?____?in the switch.?
A. mistake
B. trouble
C. error
D. defect?

16. Recently there has been a great ?____? for small cars that consume little gas.?
A. request
B. want
C. demand
D. claim?

17. Mark ?____? his breath in wonder when he saw the Christmas tree in the sitting room.?
A. held
B. grasped
C. kept
D. blew?

18. Our school singing group is going to give a(n) ?____?performance next month. Don’t miss it.?
A. alive
B. living
C. life
D. live?

19. The old buildings blend with the new ones in perfect ?____?so a walk along Nanking Road is an enjoyable discovery.
A. control
B. order
C. harmony
D. action?

20. It is not profitable to provide bus service in districts where the population is widely ?____?.?
A. divided
B. separated
C. spaced
D. scattered?

21. It was necessary to ?____? the factory building as the company was doing more and more business.?
A. extend
B. increase
C. lengthen
D. grow?

22. He studied hard in his youth, which ?____? his great success in later life.?
A. answered for
B. consisted of ?
C. doubled up
D. contributed to?

23. If I look the other way, I can see the mouth of the river, wild and ?____?, and the sea beyond.?
A. grand
B. inspired
C. fierce
D. splendid?

24. The relationship between dream life and waking life has been studied ?____?.?
A. originally
B. intensively
C. extremely
D. properly?

25. ?____? the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with severe shortage of food, clothing, fuel, and almost everything.?
A. as to
B. as usual
C. as regards
D. as well as

重点单词   查看全部解释    
baseball ['beis.bɔ:l]


n. 棒球

progressive [prə'gresiv]


adj. 前进的,渐进的
n. 进步人士

outstanding [aut'stændiŋ]


adj. 突出的,显著的,未支付的

economical [.i:kə'nɔmikəl]


adj. 节俭的,经济的,合算的

critic ['kritik]


n. 批评家,评论家

request [ri'kwest]


n. 要求,请求
vt. 请求,要求

defeat [di'fi:t]


n. 败北,挫败
vt. 战胜,击败

election [i'lekʃən]


n. 选举

temperature ['tempritʃə(r)]


n. 温度,气温,体温,发烧

reflect [ri'flekt]


v. 反映,反射,归咎





