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you'll be ok if I just head out,and try and meet up with everyone?Wait. Wait. Wait.

那我出去找找大家 你该不会介意吧 别 别 等等

What are you hiding, Rick?

什么事瞒着我 里克

Stefan asked me to keep an eye on you,just in case Katherine showed up while he was at the party.

斯特凡要我看着你 万一他在舞会上碰到凯瑟琳

So, Stefan's at the party too?

这么说 斯特凡也去舞会了

He would never go to the party for himself.He did that stuff for me.

他以前不会自己去参加舞会的 他都是陪我去的

Just let this one go. Ok, Elena?

这次你就别管了 行吗 埃琳娜

We need to let Stefan and Damon know the room's ready.

得告诉斯特凡和达蒙 房间已经布置好了

Do you feel that?What's the matter? You cold?No.

你感觉到了吗 怎么了 你冷吗 不是

Excuse me? Do I know you?Nope. I'm a plus one.I know no one. It's a great party though.

请问 我认识你吗 不认识 我是来凑热闹的 我谁也不认识 不过这舞会很棒

You Ok?Just got a weird vibe.Let's find Damon.

你没事吧 感觉有点奇怪 去找达蒙吧

Dance with me.No.Fine. You tell me who I should kill.

跳支舞吧 免了 行 那你说 我去虐谁呢

Him? She looks delicious.

他 还是她




