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中石油职称英语考试阅读60篇精讲 第42篇:A $210,000 WALLET 价值21万美元的钱包

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1. Buffett _____ his 20-year-old wallet on December 3,1999 and received a high bid of $210,000 which went to a charity, Girls Inc. of Omaha.

A. cautioned B. auctioned C. action D. authorized

2. The wallet survived the dunking in a Minnesota lake after a fishing boat capsized ______ Buffett dogpaddling.

A. left B. leave C. leaving D. leaves

3. It ______ to be First Industrial Realty Trust.

A. was turned out B. was turned in C. turned in D. turned out

4. Susie, who ________ the auction idea, is Buffett's daughter.

A. came out B. came up C. came up with D. took up

5. _________ do well-diggers source the Journal about a stock tip in an old billfold.

A. How much B. How many C. How often D. What often

6. Norma Deeb, executive director of Girls Inc., recalls how she thanked Buffett for ________ for Dr. Angelou.

A. stopped by B. stepped on C. stepping in D. stepped in

答案:1B 2C 3D 4C 5C 6C




