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中石油职称英语考试阅读60篇精讲 第45篇:Happiness Index 幸福指数

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1. …, whose study __________the National Bureau of Economic Research in Cambridge, Mass.

A. have just been published byB. has just been published by

C. has just published byD. has just been published

2. With that data, they found which factors are associated __________greater happiness.

A. withB. inC. toD. of

3. Extra money does buy some happiness. But it is not as much as many would __________.

A. surroundB. surpriseC. succeedD. suspect

4. A 16-year-old __________has a lower level of well-being in adulthood.

A. whose parents divorcedB. who parents divorced

C. whose parent divorcedD. whose parents divorce

5. Blanchflower suspects the decline in the happiness level of Americans from the early 1970s to the late 1990s, __________rising incomes, may __________the rise in divorce.

A. despite; be attributed of

B. despite; be attributed to

C. despite; is attributed to (may+原形,因此C错)

D. despite; be attracted to

6. Women's sense of well-being,__________.

A. though higher than that of men, but has fallen "noticeably"

B. through higher than that of men, has fallen "noticeably"

C. though higher than that of men, has fallen "noticeably"

7. Perhaps people __________their circumstances, relinquish some unfulfilled aspirations by the middle of their lives, and enjoy life more.

A. adapt to B. adopt in C. adapt inD. adopt into

温馨提示:the +adj. 特指某类人the poor 穷人。本课中有those surveyed 被调查对象、the educated 受教育多的人,those less educated受教育少的人,因此再看到这样的组合就不难理解了。




