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美总统候选人第三场辩论展开唇枪舌剑 主题是外交政策

来源:可可英语 编辑:Mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Look, this, in my view, is the highest responsibility of the president of the United States, which is to maintain the safety of the American people. And I will not cut our military budget by a trillion dollars, which is the combination of the budget cuts that the president has as well as the sequestration cuts. That, in my view, is—is—is making our future less certain and less secure. I won't do it.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Bob, I just need to comment on this. First of all, the sequester is not something that I proposed. It's something that Congress has proposed. It will not happen. The budget that we're talking about is not reducing our military spending. It's maintaining it.

But I think Governor Romney maybe hasn't spent enough time looking at how our military works. You—you mentioned the Navy, for example, and that we have fewer ships than we did in 1916. Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets—(laughter)—because the nature of our military's changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines.

And so the question is not a game of Battleship where we're counting ships. It's—it's what are our capabilities.

And so when I sit down with the secretary of the Navy and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, we determine how are we going to be best able to meet all of our defense needs in a way that also keeps faith with our troops, that also makes sure that our veterans have the kind of support that they need when they come home. And that is not reflected in the kind of budget that you're putting forward, because it just don't work.

MR. SCHIEFFER: All right.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: And you know, we've visited the website quite a bit. And it still doesn't work.

MR. SCHIEFFER: A lot to cover. I'd like—(murmurs)—I'd like to move to the next segment: red lines, Israel and Iran. Would either of you—and you'll have two minutes, and President Obama, you have the first go at this one. Would either of you be willing to declare that an attack on Israel is an attack on the United States, which of course is the same promise that we give to our close allies like Japan? And if you made such a declaration, would not that deter Iran? It's certainly deterred the Soviet Union for a long, long time when we made that—when we made that promise to our allies.

Mr. President

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, first of all, Israel is a true friend. It is our greatest ally in the region. And if Israel is attacked, America will stand with Israel. I've made that clear throughout my presidency. And—

MR. SCHIEFFER: So you're saying we've already made that declaration?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: I will stand with Israel if they are attacked. And this is the reason why, working with Israel, we have created the strongest military and intelligence cooperation between our two countries in history. In fact, this week we'll be carrying out the largest military exercise with Israel in history, this very week.

But to the issue of Iran, as long as I'm president of the United States, Iran will not get a nuclear weapon.

I've made that clear when I came into office. We then organized the strongest coalition and the strongest sanctions against Iran in history, and it is crippling their economy. Their currency has dropped 80 percent. Their oil production has plunged to the lowest level since they were fighting a war with Iraq 20 years ago. So their economy is in a shambles.

And the reason we did this is because a nuclear Iran is a threat to our national security and it's threat to Israel's national security. We cannot afford to have a nuclear arms race in the most volatile region of the world. Iran's a state sponsor of terrorism, and for them to be able to provide nuclear technology to nonstate actors—that's unacceptable. And they have said that they want to see Israel wiped off the map.

So the work that we've done with respect to sanctions now offers Iran a choice. They can take the diplomatic route and end their nuclear program or they will have to face a united world and a United States president, me, who said we're not going to take any options off the table.

The disagreement I have with Governor Romney is that during the course of this campaign he's often talked as if we should take premature military action. I think that would be a mistake because when I've sent young men and women into harm's way, I always understand that that is the last rest, not the first resort.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
consequence ['kɔnsikwəns]


n. 结果,后果

blame [bleim]


n. 过失,责备
vt. 把 ... 归咎于,

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机

excess [ik'ses, 'ekses]


n. 过量,超过,过剩
adj. 过量的,额外

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

judgment ['dʒʌdʒmənt]


n. 裁判,宣告,该判决书

straightforward [streit'fɔ:wəd]


adj. 笔直的,率直的

apology [ə'pɔlədʒi]


n. 道歉;勉强的替代物

posture ['pɔstʃə]


n. 姿势,态度,情形
vt. 作 ... 姿





