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A bomb in Lahore
The hard choice for Pakistan
The country is threatened not just by terrorism, but by widespread religious extremism
THE suicide-bombing of a busy park in Lahore on Easter Sunday, which killed more than 70 people, most of them women and children, was not only more lethal than the terrorist attack in Brussels a few days earlier. It also represented a different order of threat to the country in which it happened. Pakistan is engaged in a belated struggle against religious extremism that will determine what sort of country it becomes.


1 lahore 拉合尔
2 lethal致命的;可致死的 deadly, fatal
3 belated迟来的;晚出现的
4 engaged (in/on sth) (formal) busy doing sth 忙于;从事于
5 Easter复活节


Easter Sunday: the day (in March or April) on which the festival of Easter is celebrated That threat is plain in the bomber’s choice of location and timing. Lahore is the capital of Punjab, the provincial power base of the prime minister, Nawaz Sharif. Although most of the victims in Gulshan-e-Iqbal park were Muslim, one aim was to kill Christians. The attack happened to come just a few weeks after the execution of Mumtaz Qadri, a police bodyguard who in 2011 murdered Salman Taseer, the governor of Punjab, for his criticism of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws. Over 100,000 people attended Qadri’s funeral in Rawalpindi on March 1st. On the same day that the Lahore bomber struck, riot police in the capital, Islamabad, were trying to control a 10,000-strong demonstration against Qadri’s execution.

1 plaineasy to see or understand 清楚的;明显的;浅白的
2 provincial省的;一级行政区的
3 execution处决
4 blasphemy亵渎上帝,亵渎神明(的言行)
5 rawalpindi拉瓦尔品第(巴基斯坦东北部城市);
6 riot暴乱;骚乱 riot police 防暴警察 7 islamabad 伊斯兰堡(巴基斯坦首都) 8 happen to 恰恰,令人惊讶的。 注释: Nawaz Sharif 纳瓦兹·谢里夫 (Nawaz Sherriff)
1949年12月25日生于巴基斯坦旁遮普省省会拉合尔市; 早年就读于拉合尔公立学校; 毕业于拉合尔政府学院; 并在旁遮普大学法学院获得法学学士学位。是20世纪90年代巴基斯坦平民政治的重要人物之一。他是“巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟”的领袖,于1990至1993及1997至1999年两度担任总理。他在第二任期中被穆沙拉夫领导的政变推翻,流亡沙特。2013年5月,纳瓦兹·谢里夫第三次执掌总理大权。


The bombing in Lahore was carried out by Jammat-ul-Ahrar, which splintered from the Pakistani Taliban. The religious hatred it represents has been assiduously cultivated in Pakistan for many years. Saudi money for the building of madrassas (religious seminaries) began to flood into Pakistan during the 1980s with the encouragement of the president at that time, General Zia ul Haq, who saw the country’s Islamisation as his main mission. There are now some 24,000 madrassas in Pakistan, attended by at least 2m boys. Nearly all adhere to the highly conservative Deobandi sect, whose beliefs are similar to Saudi Wahhabism. Tahir Ashrafi, head of the Pakistan Ulema Council, an umbrella group, reckons that 60% of the pupils at madrassas were “not involved in any training or terrorist activities”. He declines to expand on what the other 40% might be up to.

1 splinter分裂;分离出来 (of a group of people 团体)
2 Pakistani Taliban 巴基斯坦塔利班
3 assiduous兢兢业业的;勤勤恳恳的
4 cultivate种植;栽培;培育
5 madrassas 伊斯兰学校
6 seminary神学院;修院
7 Zia ul Haq 齐亚哈克
8 Islamisation 伊斯兰化
9 adhere~ (to sth) (formal) to stick firmly to sth 黏附;附着
10 Deobandi 德奥班德
11 sect派别;宗派
12 wahhabism n. (伊斯兰教)瓦哈比教派的教义和习俗;
13 ulema 乌理玛(ulema)(Ulema)即穆斯林国家有名望的神学家和教法学家的统称。相当于犹太人的祭司,基督教的神父。
14 umbrella综合体;总体;整体 an umbrella organization/group/fund 综合机构 / 团体 / 基金
15 reckon估算;估计;计算
16 decline(formal) to refuse politely to accept or to do sth 谢绝;婉言拒绝 ① to develop an attitude, a way of talking or behaving, etc. 逐渐形成(某种态度、谈话或举止方式等) She cultivated an air of sophistication. 她养成了一派精明练达的气度 sophistication|səˌfɪstɪˈkeɪʃn| 世故;复杂巧妙;高水平 ② to try to get sb's friendship or support 建立(友谊);结交(朋友);获得(支持)He purposely tried to cultivate good relations with the press. 他特意设法与新闻界搞好关系。 ③ to prepare and use land for growing plants or crops 耕;耕作 The land around here has never been cultivated. 这一带的土地从未开垦过。 注释 德奥班德:
20%的巴基斯坦逊尼派穆斯林会认为他们是德奥班德派,巴基斯坦 65%的神学院由他们运作,1980年-2000年沙特自助了大量资金运作巴基斯坦的德奥班德运动。


At least some members of Pakistan’s intelligence service and other parts of the “deep state” still regard certain violent and intolerant jihadist groups as useful weapons against India and Afghanistan. But the distinction they attempt to draw between outfits such as the Haqqani network in North Waziristan and the mainly Kashmir-based Lashkar-e-Taiba, which carry out their atrocities abroad, and those, such as the Pakistani Taliban, which concentrate on the homeland, fatally undermines Pakistan’s fight against terrorism.

1 Pakistan’s intelligence
2 deep state
3 jihadist group
3 distinction
4 outfit
5 Haqqani network
6 Waziristan
7 Lashkar-e-Taiba
8 atrocity
9 fatal
10 undermine

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重点单词   查看全部解释    
concentrate ['kɔnsntreit]


v. 集中,专心,浓缩
n. 浓缩物

sophistication [sə.fistikeiʃən]


n. 老练,精明,复杂,精密,有教养,诡辩,强词夺理

undermine [.ʌndə'main]


vt. 暗中损害,逐渐削弱,在(某物)下挖洞或挖通道,从

violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的

demonstration [.demən'streiʃən]


n. 示范,实证,表达,集会

plain [plein]


n. 平原,草原
adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简

assiduous [ə'sidjuəs]


adj. 勤勉的,刻苦的

intelligence [in'telidʒəns]


n. 理解力,智力
n. 情报,情报工作,情报

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

cultivate ['kʌltiveit]


vt. 培养,耕作,栽培,结交(朋友), 促进增长,教养


关键字: 新闻 巴基斯坦 暴恐




