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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

I am also a professional celebrity scarer. I think that's mainly what I'm known for is scaring celebrities.

我还是个专门恐吓明星的人 我想我可能就是因为这个出名的——恐吓明星

I've done some good ones. I've done some really good ones. Sarah Paulson--got her real good.

有几回恐吓很到位 真的很到位 莎拉·保罗森 真把她吓惨了

Ty Burrell-- got him. So that's my producer Corey jumping out of the box. His real job is to book our guests on the show.

泰·布里尔 也把他吓狠了 从盒子里跳出来的是我的制作人科里 他正经的工作内容是预订到场的嘉宾


But he also does scares because he's the only producer who's small enough to fit inside of this box.

不过他也会吓吓人 因为他是制作人中唯一一个迷你到能藏在盒子里的人

Cory has never failed until last week. He was supposed to jump out and scare Garth Brooks.

科里从来没失手过 直到上周 他应该跳出来吓加斯·布鲁克斯的

And then this was what happened. It's so fun, though, is it? I mean-- Oh, it's a blast. Don't you think just-- yeah-- Rawr!

然后就发生了这一幕 很好玩对吧 哦 超赞的 你不觉得 嗯

Nothing-- put it back. Act-- is it-- act like-- act like it never happened. that's good.

没有 放回去 假装 假装什么都没发生过 挺好的

That was good. Oh. First of all-- That was good. That was the worst scare we have ever--ever done.

很好啊 首先 这是我们吓人吓的最糟糕的一次

OK, so many things went wrong. First of all, Garth was not scared.

好 有很多问题 第一 加斯一点都不怕

That's-- that's the whole point of it. Look at it. He's smiling.

最重要的目的没达到 看 他还在笑呢

Just a smile on his face. Then Corey couldn't get his legs out of the box.

看那脸上的笑容 第二 科里还把自己卡到盒子里了

Because he was wearing tight jeans that day. So his foot got stuck in the box.

他那天穿着紧身牛仔裤 脚卡到盒子里了

Sometimes it takes a moment like this to realize how hard it is to do what Corey does.


And that is why I would like to honor him today with The Ellen Show Employee of the Month.


This is the certificate. All right.

这是证书 好

That's-- all right. Keep up the good work. I'd like you to stay hydrated. So--

好 继续好好工作 来给你补点水

Oh, that made me pleased. Oh. I just found Don Julio.

哦 我好开心啊 哦 我发现了一瓶唐胡里奥(龙舌兰酒)

重点单词   查看全部解释    
employee [.emplɔi'i:]


n. 雇员

celebrity [si'lebriti]


n. 名人,名誉,社会名流

professional [prə'feʃənl]


adj. 职业的,专业的,专门的
n. 专业人





