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Back with Mr. Ted Danson. He's a smart guy. He's a great actor.

欢迎泰德·丹森回来 他很聪明 也是个很棒的演员
We thought we'd put the two together, and we're going to play a game.
我们想把这两者结合起来 来玩个游戏
This is the first time we've ever done this. If it goes well, we'll do it again.
这是我们第一次这么做 如果效果还不错 那以后还会玩
I think it's a good idea. It only works with people named Ted though. It's called Ted Talks.
我觉得这想法挺不错 不过只对名叫泰德的人管用 叫做“泰德访谈”
I'm going to give you a subject and you are going to speak on it for a few seconds, a minute, whatever you want.
我给你一个话题 你围绕它自由发挥说几秒 或者一分钟 随便多久都行
I'm going to guess if you actually, really are telling the truth about this, or you're just acting.


Fair Warning I know a lot about a lot of things, so go ahead. Yeah, I bet you do.

友情提示 我可是博闻强识哦 所以你尽管放马过来 嗯 我想也是
Here's one, and I may know the answer to this, already. Can elephants swim?
第一个 我早就知道答案了 大象会游泳吗?
No, and I know this for a fact, because in a movie called Made in America I had to ride one into a body of water and it sank like a rock.
不会 这是真的 因为在《美国制造》这部电影里 我得骑着一头大象进入深水区 结果它像个石头一样沉底儿了
Most of the time they're big enough that they can, you see them in rivers wading, but they're not swimming.
它们个头很大 多数时候可以 你会看到它们涉水前行 但那不是游泳
I'm going to disagree with you, Ted. What about you guys? I think that elephants can swim. OK.
我不同意 泰德 大家呢?我觉得大象会游泳 好
They can swim. You're wrong. Who the hell is that?
它们会游泳 你错了 那是谁?
All right, it's a fib. I made it up. All right, they can swim. I thought they can swim.
好吧 我调皮了一下 都是编的 好 它们会游泳 我觉得它们会游泳
All right, the mating habits of the American bald eagle? I know this one too. Go ahead.
好 美国秃鹰的交配习惯是什么?这个我也知道 你说吧
All right, what they do is they come together in the air and they hook their talons together.
好 它们会在空中挨在一起 勾着对方的爪子
They do this thing called the death spiral, and they jumble and head towards Earth.
然后会进行死亡旋转 打成一片 直冲着地面下降
While they're jumbling around, they're actually copulating. During the copulation the male bald eagles screams.
它们打成一片的时候 其实是在交配 交配期间 雄秃鹰会尖叫
That's why some of the other bird species think of bald eagles as a little bit of a Sissy, but go ahead.
所以很多其他鸟类会觉得秃鹰是胆小鬼 你猜吧
I don't know about the screaming part, but that is exactly true. That is how they do it.
我不知道它们会尖叫 不过你说的全是实话 它们确实是那么交配的
OK, I made up the screaming part.
好 尖叫那个是我编的
It's true. Yeah, I know. Yes. That was one of the first jokes I did when I was doing stand up is about how birds mate.
是真的 嗯 我知道 嗯 那是我在做stand up时讲的第一个笑话 关于鸟类是如何交配的
I would seriously consider faking it, because they don't stop until they hit the ground.
我真的很想编出来这些 因为它们不撞到地面就不会停下来
I used to say that they should-- Oh, that was great, pull up, pull up. I know that. Yeah, exactly.
我经常说它们应该 哦 很好 应该上升 往上升 我知道 对 就是啊
Take your talon away. All right, the origin of the word avocado? I don't know this.
把你的爪子拿开 好 avocado(鳄梨)这个词的来源?这个我不知道
OK, that's Latin America and Mexico area Nahuatl, I may be pronouncing it incorrectly.
好 那是拉丁美洲和墨西哥地区的纳瓦特人 我可能发音不太准确
Nahuatl tribe, the word for avocado was anuacatl.
在纳瓦特部落里 avocado对应的词是anuacatl
It was an Indian word for testicles, because of the obvious shape, I guess.
它是印度语中睾丸的意思 很明显 应该是因为它的形状吧
Then the Spanish came in and they renamed it aguacate, which means not testicle,
然后西班牙人出现了 他们把它重命名为aguacate(鳄梨) 意思是“不是睾丸”
because they realized that no one would really want to eat an avocado.
Go ahead. Yeah, Yeah, that is all totally false. True! That's true?
猜吧 嗯 嗯 全是你瞎编的 真的!是真的?
Boom! No? The testicle part? Yes! No! I know these things.
Now I need to know the origin of cucumber, because--
现在我得知道黄瓜的来源 因为
I'll have an aguacate cucumber salad, please. You're wonderful.
给我来一份鳄梨黄瓜沙拉 谢谢 你太棒了!
The Good Place airs Thursday at 8:30 on NBC.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
hook [huk]


n. 钩状物,勾拳,钩
v. 钩住,弯成(钩装

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

spiral ['spaiərəl]


n. 旋涡,螺旋形之物
adj. 螺旋形的,盘

mate [meit]


n. 伙伴,配偶,同事
vt. 使 ... 配

smart [smɑ:t]


adj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的

eagle ['i:gl]


n. 鹰
vt. (高尔夫)鹰击

boom [bu:m]


n. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅
vi. 急速增

acting ['æktiŋ]


n. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出

jumble ['dʒʌmbl]


vi. 掺杂,混杂
vt. 使混乱,搞乱

disagree [.disə'gri:]


v. 不一致,有分歧,不适应,不适宜





