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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

So it is tax day, everybody. And just so you know, a donation to the Ellen DeGeneres Wildlife Fund is tax-deductible.

各位 今天是纳税日 你们知道 给艾伦·德杰尼勒斯野生动物基金会捐的款都是免税的



See, it's right there on the-- it's important. Check it out.

看 就在这里 很重要 大家看看

Anyway, I'm going to give someone in my audience a big cash return right now.

总之 我现在要给我观众里某个人一大笔现金回报

It's time to play Make It Rain! All right, Jashira Fernandez and Katie Perry, come on down!

该玩钱如雨下了!好 Jashira Fernandez和Katie Perry 到台上来


Hi. Hi! Hi. Hi! Hi. Hi. Hi.

嗨 嗨 嗨 嗨 嗨 嗨 嗨

Come on over here, closer. Oh my god. Hi! Hi. Who are you?

快过来 近点 天啊 嗨 嗨 你是哪位?

Hi. I'm Jashira Fernandez. Hi, Jashira. Hi. Hi.

嗨 我是Jashira Fernandez 你好 Jashira 嗨 嗨

I'm Katie Perry. Hi, Katie. Where do you live? What do you do?

我是Katie Perry 嗨 Katie 你来自哪里?做什么的?

I live in Orlando, Florida, and I'm a kindergarten teacher. Aw.

我来自弗罗里达奥兰多 是一名幼儿园教师 哦

Are they good? Do you like-- Hi.

孩子们乖嘛?你喜欢 嗨

I live in San Diego and I'm a sales manager. Sales manager.

我来自圣地亚哥 我是销售经理 销售经理

All right. All right. Hey, what's going to happen is, under those umbrellas-- one of those umbrellas has $5,000 cash.

好 好 嘿 是这样 这些伞下 其中一把下面是5000美元现金

And under all the others, a lot of water. A lot, a lot of water.

其他伞下面都是水 很多很多水

So possibly, you'll get wet and win. Or maybe you'll just get wet.

所以 你们可能全身湿透最后获奖 也有可能只会全身湿透

Or maybe you'll just win. Who knows. OK.

也或许你直接就赢了 谁知道呢 好

All right, you're going to stand over there, and I'll ask you a question.

好 你们要去站在那边 我来问你们问题

If you know the answer, grab the water bottle.

如果你们知道答案 就去抢那个瓶子

First person to grab the water bottle and has a correct answer gets a chance.


And the more chances, the more possibilities. All right, head on over there.

机会越多 赢的可能就越大 好 去吧

OK. OK. Is that watch waterproof? Yeah. Yeah. It's the new-- yeah.

好 好 那个手表防水吗?嗯 嗯 是新的 好

It's the new-- She's good. No need to show off. We know what it is. Sorry.

是新的 她很好 别炫耀了 我们都知道那是啥 抱歉

All right, ready? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Hands behind your backs, ladies.

好 准备好了吗?啊哈 嗯哼 手放在背后 女士们

All right, hopefully these showers bring the dollars.

好 但愿阵雨能给你们带来美刀

But what are April showers supposed to bring in May? Oh!


May flowers. Yes. All right.

五月的花 对 好

Pick one and stand directly under it and pull whichever one you think the money's under. All right?

选一把伞 站在正下方 拉一个你觉得有钱的地方 好

Ah. Oh! Oh my god.

啊 哦 天啊

All right. I'm scared. It wasn't under that one.

好 我好怕 这个没有

All right, hands behind your back. The royal baby is due any minute.

好 手放背后 皇家宝宝随时可能出现

What does Minute Maid make? Juice. That's right.

美汁源是做什么的?果汁 对了

You're already wet. It doesn't really matter.

你已经湿了 无所谓的

Oh my gosh! Are your shoes waterproof? Yes. Yes. OK.

哦天 你鞋子防水吗 对 防 好

Lucky for you. Nicki Minaj is known for her big, round eyes. Hands behind your back.

真幸运 妮琪·米娜最出名的就是那双又大又圆的眼睛 手放背后

Sorry. What do you call a bag or purse that you wear around your waist?

不好意思 戴在腰上的包或者钱包叫什么?

A fanny pack? That's right. Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh god. Oh god.

腰包吗?答对了 天啊 天 天 哦 天

OK. OK. All right. OK. OK. OK. Here we go.

好 好 好 好 好 好 来吧

Hands behind your back. Coachella was last weekend.

手放背后 上周末是科切拉的表演

Who sang about her umbrella -ella, -ella? Rhianna. Yes.

谁唱了自己的雨伞 伞 伞?蕾哈娜 对

She goes right over to it. She's wet now. She doesn't care. She doesn't.

她径直过去了 她已经湿透了 她不在乎 不在乎

Wow. You've won $5,000. And you're not going home empty-handed.

哇 你赢得了5000美元 你也不会空手而归的

You're getting a 55-inch TCL Roku TV. We'll be right back.

你获得了55英寸的TCL罗库电视 稍后回来

重点单词   查看全部解释    
donation [dəu'neiʃən]


n. 捐赠物,捐款,捐赠

waist [weist]


n. 腰,腰部

waterproof ['wɔ:təpru:f]


adj. 防水的,耐水的
n. 防水材料

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案





