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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

If you want to be an astronaut there are three main things that are important: number one is simple, just physical.

如果你想成为一名宇航员 有三样东西很重要:第一很简单 就是身体

How healthy is your body?


If you’re going to get on a spaceship and leave earth then it’s really difficult to go see a doctor or to get to a hospital, and so we need people to be healthy.

如果你乘坐飞船离开地球 那就很难去看医生或去医院 所以我们需要很健康的人

Part of that is just a roll of the dice; what sort of make up is your body?


Are you a person with a problem you were born with?


If so then maybe you’re not going to be an astronaut.

如果是这样 那你可能就无法成为宇航员了

Maybe you’re not going to be in the NBA, maybe you’re not going to be whatever, you are who you are.

或许你无法成为NBA的一员 或许你没法做任何事 但这就是你


But given that you have a certain body you can do a few things obviously: think about what you eat.

但既然你有一具躯体 很明显 有几件事是可以做的:想想你吃的食物

You get a choice every time you put something in your mouth, so eat food that’s good for you.

每次吃东西的时候你都有选择余地 要吃那些对身体好的食物

And then exercise a little bit. Take the stairs.

然后就是锻炼 爬楼梯

Don’t drag your bag carry your bag. Walk. Climb. Go for a run.

不要拿东西都拖着 要走路 爬山 跑跑步

Do something everyday a little bit physical.

每天都出出力 做点事情

It doesn’t take much, but if you’re careful about what you eat and you do a couple physical things everyday, then you’re taking care of your body.

这不用花费太多精力 但是如果你注意自己的饮食 每天做点锻炼 那你就能照顾好自己的身体

That’s step one. Number two is: flying spaceships is complicated, it’s technical, and so if NASA is saying

这是第一步 第二步是:驾驶飞船很复杂 这是门技术活儿 NASA也说

“who are we going to pick to be an astronauts” you want to pick someone who has proven their ability to learn complicated things.

“我们要选谁成为宇航员” 你肯定想选那些已经证明自己有学习复杂事物的能力的人

You don’t want to pick someone “what you don’t know how to learn this?”

你不会选那些“什么 你不知道怎么学这个?”

But if you pick someone that has a doctorate in astrophysics and also repairs their 1955 Thunderbird in their own garage, this is a person that knows how to do technical things.

但如果你选那个有天体物理学博士学位 而且在自己的车库中修好了1955年雷鸟汽车的人 他是个知道怎么干技术活儿的人

They can learn complex theory and they can get in there with their hands and do stuff.

他们能学会复杂的理论 并且能亲自动手做些事

So the second part is plan to always be a student learning complicated things.


Try and gain qualifications that show that you can learn complicated stuff, so plan on an advanced technical university degree.

去考一些能证明你学习复杂事物的能力的证书 所以计划考个高级技术学校学位

It’s just like your ticket of entry.


The third though, we don’t just want to hire healthy students, the third is can you make good decisions and stick with them, especially when there’s very high consequence?

第三 我们不光要雇佣健康的学生 第三就是你能否做出良好决策并坚持不变 尤其是在有严重后果的时候?

If something really serious is happening, are you the person that can make the right call, make the right decision?

如果出现了某种很严重的情况 你是那个能做出正确决定的人吗?

And that’s a skill. Learning to make decisions is a skill.

这是一项技能 学习决策是项技能

You can get better at it, or you can always go, “that’s above my pay grade” or “nah I don’t need to decide that”.

你可以做的越来越好 也可以总是说“这超出了我的能力范围”或“不 我不需要决定这件事”

You can do that, but then you are not learning how to actually make a decision and stick with your own convictions.

你可以这样 但同时你也无法学会怎么做决定并坚持自己的信念

So you can start small; just decide “next month on the first of the month I am going to do something different with my life.”

你可以先从小事做起;决定“下个月 第一个月的时候我要做些不一样的事情 ”

“I’m going to wear black every day for the whole month.”


“I’m going to do 100 push-ups every day for the whole month.”


“I’m going to read 20 pages of Shakespeare every month.”


“I’m going to learn five words of Japanese every day this month.”


Make a decision; stick with it.

做个决定 坚持下去

By the end of the month you will have changed you are.

到月底时候 你就改变了自己

And if you choose not to, you will have also changed who you are, but in some random direction.

如果你不这么做 你也会改变自己 只不过是很随意的改变

So learning how to make decisions and stick with them as the stakes get higher and higher is also something we’re really looking for in astronaut selection.


So those are the three main things: take care of your body, get advanced complex technical training (preferably to at least a masters degree at the university level),

这就是三件很重要的事:照顾好身体 获得高级复杂技术训练(最好是至少获得大学水平的硕士学位)

and make decisions and stick with them, show that you’re a person that can make the right call when the chips are down,

以及决策并坚持不变 表明你是那个在关键时刻能做出正确决定的人

and then hopefully NASA will give you a call.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

complex ['kɔmpleks]


adj. 复杂的,复合的,合成的
n. 复合体

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随

advanced [əd'vɑ:nst]


adj. 高级的,先进的

certain ['sə:tn]


adj. 确定的,必然的,特定的

consequence ['kɔnsikwəns]


n. 结果,后果

entry ['entri]


n. 进入,入口,登记,条目

technical ['teknikəl]


adj. 技术的,工艺的





