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Day218 中美科技大对决(1)

来源:可可英语 编辑:ethan   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Chinese tech v American tech
Which of the world’s two superpowers has the most powerful technology industry?

AMERICANS, and friends of America, often reassure themselves about its relative decline in the following way. Even if the roads, airports and schools continue to slide, it will retain its lead in the most sophisticated fields for decades. They include defence, elite universities, and, in the business world, technology. Uncle Sam may have ceded the top spot to China in exports in 2007, and manufacturing in 2011, and be on track to lose its lead in absolute GDP by about 2030. But Silicon Valley, the argument goes, is still where the best ideas, smartest money and hungriest entrepreneurs combine with a bang nowhere else can match.

Or is it? American attitudes towards Chinese tech have passed through several stages of denial in the past 20 years. First it was an irrelevance, then Chinese firms were sometimes seen as copycats or as industrial spies, and more recently China has been viewed as a tech Galapagos, where unique species grow that would never make it beyond its shores. Now a fourth stage has begun, marked by fear that China is reaching parity. American tech’s age of “imperial arrogance” is ending, says one Silicon Valley figure.


AMERICANS, and friends of America, often reassure themselves about its relative decline in the following way. Even if the roads, airports and schools continue to slide, it will retain its lead in the most sophisticated fields for decades. They include defence, elite universities, and, in the business world, technology. Uncle Sam may have ceded the top spot to China in exports in 2007, and manufacturing in 2011, and be on track to lose its lead in absolute GDP by about 2030. But Silicon Valley, the argument goes, is still where the best ideas, smartest money and hungriest entrepreneurs combine with a bang nowhere else can match.

reassure v.使安心
- ensure v.确保(某事)
- assure v.(向某人)确保
relative adj.比较而言的
decline n./v.衰退下降
slide v.下滑
retain v.保持
sophisticated adj.资深有经验的
decade n.十年
defence n.防御
elite adj./n.精英
Uncle Sam 山姆大叔
cede v.割舍,放弃
spot n.地点位置
manufacturing n.制造业
be on track to 准备/计划/期待要做某事
- Everyone is on track to meet the sales quotas.
entrepreneur n.创业者
bang n.猛击

Or is it? American attitudes towards Chinese tech have passed through several stages of denial in the past 20 years. First it was an irrelevance, then Chinese firms were sometimes seen as copycats or as industrial spies, and more recently China has been viewed as a tech Galapagos, where unique species grow that would never make it beyond its shores. Now a fourth stage has begun, marked by fear that China is reaching parity. American tech’s age of “imperial arrogance” is ending, says one Silicon Valley figure.

denial n.否认
irrelevance n.不相关
copycat n.盗版
spy n.间谍
beyond its shores 在国外
parity n.平等
- Women have fought for parity with men in the workplace.
imperial adj.帝国的
arrogance n.傲慢
figure n.人物

【推荐句式表达】 on track to…
2. the argument goes

重点单词   查看全部解释    
sophisticated [sə'fistikeitid]


adj. 诡辩的,久经世故的,精密的,老练的,尖端的

imperial [im'piəriəl]


adj. 帝国(王)的,至尊的,特大的

elite [ei'li:t]


n. 精华,精锐,中坚份子

retain [ri'tein]


vt. 保持,保留; 记住

reassure [ri:ə'ʃuə]


v. 使 ... 安心,再保证,重拾(信心等)

unique [ju:'ni:k]


adj. 独一无二的,独特的,稀罕的

track [træk]


n. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲
v. 跟踪

species ['spi:ʃiz]


n. (单复同)物种,种类

entrepreneur [.ɔntrəprə'nə:]


n. 企业家,主办者,承包商

decline [di'klain]


n. 衰微,跌落; 晚年
v. 降低,婉谢





