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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

tWitch, now your breath has been caught, I want to show you-- this is what he did this week.

推奇 既然你喘过气来了 我想给你看 这是他这周做的事

Can I share? Yes. Well, I'm going to do it anyway.

我能跟大家分享吗?可以 你答不答应我都要放

We set up hidden cameras at a local grocery store,


and we sent tWitch out there to see if he could get random strangers to help him.

然后让推奇去那里 看有没有陌生人愿意帮助他

So if they offered to help him, he had a little reward for them.

如果有人主动帮助 就会得到一份奖励

It's a new segment we're calling Karma's a tWitch.



Excuse me. Sorry. Could you help me out, please?

不好意思 打扰一下 你能不能帮帮我

I kind of-- I grabbed a little bit too much. I'm sorry. OK.

我东西拿太多了 不好意思 好

Oh, sorry. You know what?

哦 抱歉 跟您说一下

Would you mind grabbing my keys out of my jacket pocket-- this jacket pocket right here.

您能不能从我的夹克兜里拿一下钥匙 夹克上的这个兜

Thank you. Oh, I see. Thank you so much.

谢谢 哦 我知道了 非常感谢

Maybe it would be better if you'd take two trips. I know. I thought I grabbed-- I grabbed too much.

也许你应该跑两趟 是啊 我以为我拿 我拿太多了

Oh my. Oh no. Oh my god. Oh. Oh. Oh god.

哦天 哦 不是吧 我的天 哦 哦 哦 天哪

I know. I tried to do too much. Oh. It's OK. Yeah.

是啊 我太逞强了 哦 没关系 嗯

Oh. Oh my-- oh god. Does that one have a hole in it?

哦 天 天哪 那个袋子是不是漏了?

I think it does. It must have a hole in it.

应该是 肯定破了个洞

Do you need help? Thank you.


I saw when you lost all those-- Thank you.

我看到你这些东西全掉了 谢谢

I'm so sorry that happened to you. Thank you.

很抱歉你遇到这种事儿 谢谢

No, thank you. It's OK. I just-- I tell you who's going to be upset is my wife.

没事 谢谢 没关系 我只是 跟你们说 我老婆肯定会很生气

Oh. Tell your wife two lovely women helped you. I will do that.

哦 告诉你老婆 两位很善良的女士帮了你 会的

Thank you very much. Thank you. Oh, there you go.

谢谢你们 谢谢 哦 这就行了

You know what? Before you go, I just want to let y'all know that you're on a hidden camera right now.

等一下 在你们走之前 我想说现在有隐形摄像机在拍你们呢

For your acts of kindness, I would like to offer y'all a $1,000 prize.

为了感谢你们的善良 我想送你们1000美元作为奖品

No. This is actually for both of y'all.

不是吧 这是给你们俩的

And here's the camera right here. Oh my god.

相机在那儿 哦天

Oh, thank you. Thank you, absolutely.

哦 谢谢 谢谢你们

Thank you so much. See, I thought you were tWitch from Ellen's show.

非常感谢 我以为你是艾伦秀上的推奇

I've heard that. I've heard that before.

有人这么说过 总有人这么说

You look like that guy. I look like tWitch from The Ellen Show.

你跟他长得很像 我像艾伦秀上的推奇

You look like that guy from The Ellen Show.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
segment ['segmənt]


n. 部份,瓣,弓形
vt. 分割

kindness ['kaindnis]


n. 仁慈,好意

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地


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