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Hey there! I'm mike rugnetta. This is crash course theater.

嘿 大家好 我是迈克·鲁格内塔 这里是“戏剧速成课堂”
And today, we'll be visiting one of the greatest grudge matches of 19th century drama,
今天 我们将来看一场19世纪戏剧界最怨毒的对决
the bitter scandinavian rivalry between Norway's Henrik Ibsen and Sweden's August Strindberg.
How ugly was this rivalry?
Ibsen bought a portrait of Strindberg, retitled it "The Outbreak of Madness" And hung it above his writing desk.
易卜生甚至买了一幅斯特林堡的画像 给它重新命名为《疯子的爆发》 然后把它挂在写字台的上方
"He is my mortal enemy" Ibsen told a friend.
And shall hang there and watch while I write, I think he looks so delightfully mad.
我写东西的时候它就挂在那里看着 我想他看上去应该是悲喜交加
What did I say about acting like a gentleman.
We'll also be looking at how both Ibsen and Strindberg created shattering realistic and naturalistic dramas.
And then made late career turns towards symbolism, the two of them basically invented modern drama. Lights up.
之后他俩又转向了象征主义 基本可以说是他们创造了现代主义戏剧 打灯!
Meet Henrik Ibsen and his muttonchops.
Ibsen was born in Norway in the port town of Shin. He left school at the age of 15 and apprenticed himself to a pharmacist.
易卜生出生在挪威的港口城市申 15岁时离开学校成为了药剂师的学徒
At 18, he got the pharmacists 28 year old maid pregnant. And she had a son that he never met.
18岁时把药剂师女儿的肚子搞大了 后来生了个儿子 但是易卜生从未见过
He spent the next few years writing verse dramas that no one paid much attention to and helping to head a theatre.
接下来的几年里 他写了一些不起眼的诗体戏剧 还帮忙管理一家剧院
Then he married and left Norway and wrote a pair of hugely influential verse plays "Brand",
后来他结婚了 离开了挪威 写了两部极具影响力的诗体戏剧《布兰德》
which is about a priest so stern and unshakable that he lets everyone die.
And Peer Gynt, a parable about identity derived from folktales.
另外还有《彼尔.英特》 一篇寓言 源自民间故事 讲的是身份认同的话题
It has trolls, runaway brides, the sphinx and a fearsome monster called the boy.
And even though Ibsen thought it was basically unstageable directors like to try.
易卜生认为这部剧是无法搬到舞台上的 但是导演们还是想尝试一下
Now maybe you're thinking...uh...this is the guy who transforms realism the everyone dies in an avalanche party down with the troll king dude?
Yeah. Because after writing "Emperor and Galilean", which Ibsen and only Ibsen considers his best play, something wild happened.
没错 因为在写完《皇帝与加利利人》(易卜生、也只有易卜生 认为这是他自己最好的一部剧)之后 一些疯狂的事情发生了
Ibsen decided that prose is for reality, verse for visions. And he started writing plays about bouche wha people in trouble,
易卜生认为散文适合表达现实 诗歌适合表达想象 他开始写关于“人们陷入困境”的戏剧
which incidentally is also the rejected first title for house hunters international.
顺便说一下 这也是国际猎房人员拒绝的第一个标题


First Ibsen wrote "The Pillars of Society", and then "A Doll's House ", "Ghost" And "An Enemy of the People".

易卜生创作了《社会的支柱》 然后是《玩偶之家》、《群鬼》和《人民的敌人》
"People demand reality", Ibsen wrote. "No more, no less." And Ibsen gave it to them.
“人们需要现实” 易卜生写道 “要恰到好处” 之后易卜生就把恰到好处的现实给了他们
It's hard to describe how important and shocking these plays were to 19th century theatre.
They seemed to shake the very foundations of civil society in Europe.
One of the things that made them so radical is that they don't look radical.
If you squint, they look like Scribu's well-made plays with end of act cliffhangers, plenty of plot twists, and a recognizable narrative arc.
如果你眯着眼睛看 你会发现这些剧和Scribu那些精致的剧很像 有很多扣人心弦的情节转折 还有清晰可辨的叙事弧
But Ibsen made important changes. He got rid of the really artificial stuff like
但是易卜生做出了重要的改变 他抛弃了那些真正人为的东西
the soliloquies and streamlined the exposition shifting the themes towards heredity and environment.
比如自言自语 简化了叙述 将主题转向了遗传和环境
Scribu sacrificed characterization to the demands of plot.
But Ebson held character complicated multi-layered character paramount.
"Before I write down one word, I have to have the character in my mind through and through.
“在我写下一个字之前 我必须彻底记住这个人物
I must penetrate into the last wrinkle of his soul." He wrote.
But here's the real scandal. Scribu's plays end with discoveries that reaffirm comfortable ideas about marriage and children.
不过这才是真正的丑闻 Scribu的戏剧以发现“重申关于婚姻和孩子的愉快想法”而结束
Bouche wah "People out of trouble". Ibsen's plays and by revealing the bourgeois family as a sham.
即“人们走出困境” 易卜生的戏剧则揭示资产阶级家庭的虚伪
These plays don't complacently transmit received ideas. They argue that the ideas themselves are the problem.
这些戏剧并没有自以为是地传播接收到的观念 他们认为问题出在思想本身
Unlike some realistic and naturalistic writers, Ibsen never enjoyed degradation for its own sake.
与一些现实主义和自然主义作家不同 易卜生从不为堕落而堕落
He wrote, a little prudishly: Zola descends into the sewer to bathe in it, I to cleanse it.
他略带一本正经地写道:左拉下到下水道里洗澡 而我来为他清洗干净
But plenty of his critics felt that his plays weren't clean enough.
There's a famous review of "Ghosts" That compared to the play to "An open drain",
A loathsome sore unbanded a dirty act done publicly; a lazar house with all its doors and windows open.
Go on. Tell us what you really think.
继续 跟我们说说你真实的想法
For a closer look, let's explore one of Ibsens only slightly less controversial plays.
为了更深入的了解 我们来探究一部易卜生争议较小的戏剧
His 1879 work "A doll's house". The ending was such a shock that Ibsen wrote an alternate ending for german audiences.
即他1879年的作品《玩偶之家》 结局太过震撼 以致于易卜生特意为德国观众们写了另外一个结局
Help us out the bubble.
Nora Helmer is a nice middle-class wife preparing a nice middle-class christmas for Torvald, her bank manager husband and their three children.
娜拉·海默是一个善良的中产阶级人妻 她在为托瓦尔 即她的银行经理丈夫 以及他们的三个孩子准备一个美好的中产阶级圣诞节
Norah receives a visit from her school friend Christine who hopes that Torvald will give her a job at his bank.
娜拉的同学克里斯汀来拜访她 她希望托瓦尔能给她安排一份银行的工作
As they chat, Norah reveals that years ago she borrowed money for a trip to improve Torvalds health, forging her dad's signature on the bank loan.
在他们聊天时 娜拉透露 几年前为了能让托瓦尔的身体有所改善 她在银行贷款去旅行 贷款时伪造了自己父亲的签名
Torvald says that, yes, he can give Christine a job.
托瓦尔说:可以 我可以给克里斯汀一份工作
Because he's about to fire creepy Crocs Dodd.
But after Torvald leaves, Crocs Dodd sneaks in and tells Norah he now knows about her loan secret.
但是托瓦尔离开后 柯洛克斯泰溜过来告诉娜拉他知道了娜拉贷款的秘密
And if he's fired, he'll expose her as a forger.
如果他被解雇了 他就会揭发娜拉是伪造者
Nora's friend Dr. Rank also pays a visit.
Torvald refuses to rehire Crocs Todd. So Crocs Todd shoves a letter detailing Nora's crimes into Torvald's mailbox.
托瓦尔拒绝重新雇佣卡柯洛克斯泰 于是柯洛克斯泰就把写着娜拉犯罪记录的信塞进了托瓦尔的信箱
Dr. Rank returns and tells Nora that he's dying of a venereal disease contracted by his father heredity and environment and that he loves her.
兰克医生回来了 告诉娜拉他死于遗传父亲和环境感染的性病 他爱她
He says this using an elaborate metaphor involving asparagus and Nora's all, "Hahahaha, asparagus, gotta go."
他用了一个精心设想的关于芦笋的比喻来说的这句话 然后娜拉说:哈哈哈哈哈哈 芦笋 走起
Nora confesses to Christine and Christine's all, "Crocs Dodd, I used to date that dude. Let me see what I can do."
之后娜拉向克里斯汀坦白 克里斯汀说:柯洛克斯泰 我以前和那个家伙约过会 我来想想能不能帮到你”
And then Torvald is all, "Hey, why don't you practice your sexy dance that you're going to do at tomorrow's costume party,
之后托瓦尔说:嘿 你为什么不练习明天的化妆舞会上你要跳的那支性感的舞蹈呢?
Because it's important that we establish how I see you as a sexual object rather than a human being."
因为重要的一点是:我把你看作一个性感的尤物 而不是一个人
But Nora dances badly on purpose so that Torvald will have to spend the evening coaching her and won't have time to check the mail.
但是娜拉故意不好好跳 所以托瓦尔不得不花整个晚上的时间训练她而没有时间查看信箱
Then she thinks about killing herself. Thanks thought-bubble.
后来她想要自杀 谢谢思想泡泡

重点单词   查看全部解释    
avalanche ['ævəlɑ:ntʃ]


n. 雪崩

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

elaborate [i'læbəreit]


adj. 精细的,详尽的,精心的
v. 详细地

reaffirm ['ri:ə'fə:m]


vt. 重申,再肯定

pharmacist ['fɑ:məsist]


n. 药剂师,药商

influential [.influ'enʃəl]


adj. 有权势的,有影响的
n. 有影响力的

cleanse [klenz]


vt. 使 ... 清洁,净化,使 ... 纯洁

peer [piə]


n. 同等的人,同辈,贵族
vi. 凝视,窥视

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案





