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来源:可可英语 编辑:Vicki   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Hey, it's Spade, man. Welcome to Jimmy Kimmel Live.

嘿 我是斯佩德 欢迎来到“吉米鸡毛秀”

I'm your guest host David Spade or as people on the street call me from behind "Edie Falco".

我是你们的嘉宾主持人大卫·斯佩德 或者某些人私下里都叫我“伊迪·凡尔克”

Sometimes they call it from the front too.


I'm filling in for jimmy who is taking the summer off to talk to a customer service representative at comcast.

吉米在放暑假 我要替他去和康卡斯特(公司)的客户服务代表谈谈

Guy's been on hold since March. Two for two.

那家伙从三月份就一直在等着 二对二

By the way, before we go any further, just so you know Matt Damon is not waiting around to be on jimmy's show every night, never was.

在我们继续之前顺便说一下 马特·达蒙并没有每天晚上都等着上吉米的节目 从来没有

He's not getting bumped because they ran out of time.

他是不会被开除的 因为他们没有时间了

He and Jimmy are good friends. There was no feud whatsoever. It's all made up.

他和吉米是好朋友 他们之间并没有什么矛盾 都是瞎扯淡

Great, what else can I burn to the ground on this show?

好的 我还会在这个节目上被烧成灰烬吗

Oh, Guillermo. He's not even mexican. He's Polish. His name is Igor Kowalski.

哦 吉列尔莫 他其实不是墨西哥人 他是波兰人 他叫伊戈尔·科瓦尔斯基

It's a web of lies, Guillermo. How you doing, man?

真是满嘴跑火车 吉列尔莫 你最近好吗 哥们儿

I'm doing good.


How do I know that's not a lie?


Anyway, I will probably come back to you maybe after the show's over.


All right. at the start of the pandemic, I was hosting my own show on comedy central now.

好吧 疫情刚爆发的时候我正在喜剧中心主持自己的节目

I'm guest hosting Jimmy's Vlog in an empty pottery barn where they shoot young and the restless. Things are clicking.

现在我却在一个他们射杀了年轻人和不安之人的空荡荡的陶瓷谷仓里当吉米Vlog的嘉宾主持人 真相逐渐浮出水面

By the way, if you had told me 10 years ago that today I'd be hosting a late night talk show in a house for no one,

顺便说一下 如果你十年前告诉我今天我要在一个没人住的房子里主持一档深夜脱口秀

I would have said, yeah, but i'll still have cool hair right? That's all I care about.

我会说:嗯 那能别给我换发型吗?我只在意这个

You know there's a lot of bad haircuts out there right now, a lot of tick tock haircuts.

你知道现在有很多糟糕的发型 很多抖音式发型

So all we've had to do for the past five months is take edibles and cut our own hair.

所以在过去的五个月里 我们所要做的就是吃东西和自己剪头发

I've realized I've had some real doozies over the years.



I basically look like I've been cutting my own hair during the pandemic since I was 12.


I used to go to a place to go to get my haircut called "We Make It Look Self-cut".


All right. Here's a good one. It's a hairdo that screams. Do you know who my father is?

好的 这里有一张好的 这是一种会大喊的发型 它在问:你知道我老爸是谁吗

Because you're gonna be hearing from our lawyer.


These are jokes off the picture. Everybody gets that, right? Okay.

都是关于这张照片的笑话哈 大都都盖特到了 哈?好的

Next here I am finding out I just got accepted into a restricted golf club.

接下来这张 我知道自己被一个小高尔夫俱乐部录取的时候的样子

If you want that haircut, you just tell your barber you want to look like a guy

如果你想要这样的发型 你只需要告诉你的理发师你想要看起来像一个

who accidentally killed an escort in a lifetime tv movie or was it an accident? We'll be back.

在电影中意外杀死男伴的人 或者不是意外?那么我们回头再见

And here's a classic. Wait, actually this one's just a photo of Meg Ryan.

这张比较经典 等下 这张其实是梅格·瑞恩的一张照片

Is that sleepless in seattle? That shouldn't be in there. Put the ones in me.

这是《西雅图夜未眠》吗?不该有这张啊 放我头上

All right. This one's good. I look like the twin brother Keith Urban doesn't like or talk about.

好的 这张好 我看起来就像是凯斯·厄本不喜欢、不谈论的孪生兄弟

Shows up at gigs with a plus one, hey, I'm with Keith. It's all good man. I'm a little effed up though. where's the green room?

带着一个同伴出现在演奏会:嘿 我和基思在一起 他们都是好人 不过我有点生气 绿房间在哪里

Just look at that picture and think there's a guy who would ask to go dutch on an abortion.

看看这张照片 想象有个家伙要求在堕胎上AA制

whoa, read the cards first, Spade.

哇~ 先看牌 斯佩德

What's next? All right. I'm not proud of this one.

下一张是啥 好的 这张我挺自豪的

But at some point in our lives we all go through a soft kid rock phase.

但在我们生命中的某个时刻 我们都经历过软摇滚阶段

And finally a classic divorced dad who just bought a speedboat.

最后是一个典型的离婚老爸 他刚买了一艘快艇

Look at me. Hey, that's not me drunk leaving a bar in a paparazzi shot. Okay.

看看这张的我 这个不是我喝醉了离开酒吧时被狗仔队拍到的样子 好吧

You know, switching gears…it's hard to be a comedian right now. And i'll show you. here's a couple jokes.

你知道 要转移话题了 现在做喜剧演员很难 我会给你们展示有多难 我有几个笑话

There's a lot going on in the world. it's a setup.

这个世界每天都会发生很多你无法想象的事情 先说下背景~

CARDIB released wop merchandise including raincoats and umbrellas.

CARDIB发布了wop系列产品 包括雨衣和雨伞

she says she wants to protect people from all those H2OS out there. Element joke. Check the chart.

她说她想保护人们远离外面那些一加氢OS 元素笑话 赶紧去看看元素表

Brothels in Berlin have just reopened and there's no sex allowed.

柏林的妓院刚刚重新开放 不过性行为是不允许的

it's the first time the fish nets are being used to actually catch fish. Little Carson, a couple people in the back. Literally a couple, maybe one.

这是渔网第一次被用来捕鱼 小卡森 你们后面那几个 其实是一对 也可能是一个

Scientists have found live coronavirus up to 16 feet away from a patient.


They say corona lingers so long it's still making jokes about tiger king. I like that one.

他们说新冠徘徊了这么久还在拿老虎王开玩笑 我喜欢这个

some AMC theaters are offering movie tickets for as little as 15 cents.


That way moviegoers can save their money for caskets because they're gonna die.

这样影迷们就可以省下钱买棺材了 因为看完电影命也没了

重点单词   查看全部解释    
restricted [ris'triktid]


vt. 限制,约束 adj. 受限制的,有限的,保密的

representative [repri'zentətiv]


adj. 代表性的,代议制的,典型的
n. 代

polish ['pɔliʃ]


n. 光泽,上光剂,优雅,精良
v. 擦亮,磨

comedy ['kɔmidi]


n. 喜剧,滑稽,幽默事件

classic ['klæsik]


n. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家

pottery ['pɔtəri]


n. 陶器

feud [fju:d]


n. 长期不和,争执 n. 封地 v. 长期斗争,结世仇

urban ['ə:bən]


adj. 城市的,都市的

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

merchandise ['mə:tʃəndaiz]


n. 商品,货物
v. 经营,推销,销售,经商





