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来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

One thing that I always get asked is how to help nurture young women's voice and their ability to ask and speak up.

我经常被问到的一个问题就是 如何培养年轻女性发声 以及她们询问和发言的能力

And it's something that is so critical for our girls to learn, and it's a skill that will help them in school of course, but any place they head next.

女孩们学会这项技能非常重要 它能在学校或者未来的任何地方帮到她们

And I think it's so important to think about easy ways we can build this into everyday life for parents.

找到简单的方法 让父母们每天都能把这一点践行在日常生活中也非常重要

And so one great idea I have from the girls at my school is how to help them practice speaking up and asking in everyday life.

我从我学校的女孩们那里学到的就是 每天帮助她们练习发声并且询问问题

What does this look like? It looks like the next time you go to order pizza or Chinese food,


or you're out at a restaurant when we finally get to go out or at the amusement park, or in a museum.

或者等我们能自由外出 你们去餐馆或游乐园、博物馆的时候

It's about putting your girl, yes when she's young, when she might be an introvert, when she's gonna be nervous,

要把你的女儿 没错 在她们年幼的时候 她可能比较内向 她可能比较紧张

putting her front and center coaching her, but then having her speak on behalf of the family.

把她推到前面 站在中心位上 让她代表全家人去沟通

It's something that parents often overlook.



It seems silly, it seems unnecessary, it seems like it'll likely take a few minutes longer to get the answer you want.

这个方法看似愚蠢且没有必要 似乎要花更长时间才能得到你想要的答案

But girls remember that moment, and then they practice, and they build the muscle memory they need later on to count on when it becomes more important that they can speak out.

但女孩儿们会记住那个时刻 她们会反复练习 并建立起肌肉记忆 将来她们需要发声的时候会需要这种能力

When it comes to asking, a great idea for parents is to build the practice of asking into everyday life, what does that mean?

说到询问的时候 父母们要在每天的日常生活中练习询问 什么意思呢?

That means the next time your child comes to you and says, I want something, right?

这是说 等下一次你的孩子跑到你面前 跟你说我想要某个东西的时候

The endless asks, no matter what your answer will be, and you might have already decided

无休止的索要 不管你的回答是什么 也许你早已做好决定

have her take a few minutes, send her off for 30 minutes, maybe an hour, buys yourself some time,

让她花上几分钟 给她30分钟 或半小时 给自己争取一点时间

and have her come back after a set period and pitch you.

一段时间后让她回来 并说服你

Make sure she has three reasons explain to her that data often works best, send her off to do some research, and then have her come back and explain three reasons why

要让她说出三条原因 告诉她数据往往比较有说服力 让她去做一些调查 然后让她回来跟你解释为什么

perhaps presenting the downsides too that she wants whatever new toy, new app, new opportunity for a weeknight sleepover, whatever it might be.

也可以说一说劣势 不管她是想要玩具、新的软件 还是工作日晚上在外过夜的机会 任何东西

And again, the answer doesn't matter.

再说一遍 答案并不重要

Maybe you probably know already what you wanted to do, but it's the practice of asking, the practice of showing her how important it is

也许你早已知道自己想怎么做 但这是为了练习询问 告诉她这么做的重要性

and then giving her feedback to say, huh, I liked that, you showed me a bit of research, that you spent time drawing a picture that you explained why it was so important to you.

然后给她回馈 告诉她 嗯 我喜欢 你给我罗列了一些理由 你画了副画 告诉我为什么它对你如此重要

Those moments stick out particularly for young women, and years later they'll look back and thank you for you making sure they're gonna be the best pitching person on their team,

这样的时刻会刻在年幼的女孩的心里 多年以后 她们回头来看 会感谢你让她们成为了团队里最具说服力的人

the best person with a pitch, the best entrepreneur that's out there on the market.

成为了最有说服性的人 或是市场上最优秀的企业家

So something to remember for every parent.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
nurture ['nə:tʃə]


n. 养育,照顾,教育,滋养,营养品

entrepreneur [.ɔntrəprə'nə:]


n. 企业家,主办者,承包商

critical ['kritikəl]


adj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的

unnecessary [ʌn'nesisəri]


adj. 不必要的,多余的

pitch [pitʃ]


n. 沥青,树脂,松脂
n. 程度,投掷,球场

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

amusement [ə'mju:zmənt]


n. 娱乐,消遣

overlook [.əuvə'luk]


vt. 俯瞰,远眺,没注意到,忽视
n. 高出

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机


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