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来源:可可英语 编辑:Melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Here at the Infographics Show we know a young man called James.

在本期图形信息秀 我们要介绍一个叫詹姆斯的年轻人

There is something we all know about James and that’s the fact he smells bad.


None of us have said anything about it,


because we are all too polite and don’t want to hurt his feelings.

因为我们所有人都太客气了 不想伤害他的感情

James is a sensitive fella.


Occasionally we’ll bump into him at the water fountain


and he’ll start talking about ideas for new shows.


What he doesn’t know is that while he’s doing this we’ll be holding our breath.

但他绝对不知道 我们大家此时都屏住呼吸听他讲话

We just nod and smile, but that gets pretty difficult after around 30 seconds.

我们只会点头微笑 但憋气30秒也太难了

When you finally do start breathing you are immediately engulfed by his toxic stink.

你终于开始呼吸的时候 他的毒气会瞬间吞没你

It seems to seep from his mouth, the pores of his skin, his head, his feet;

他的嘴 皮肤的毛孔 头 脚 似乎都会渗出臭味

he’s like a walking talking decomposition of himself.


How does he not know this?!


Poor James eh, such a lovely guy


who just seems totally unaware that people avoid him because he has a staggering odor problem.


He could slay dragons with that smell.


Do you know, science says the human nose can detect about one trillion scents,

你知道吗 科学认为人类的鼻子能探测到大约一万亿种气味

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but it seems we are not so good at detecting our own foul odor.


James isn’t the only person with this problem,


lots of folks emit odors that can at times act as people repellents,


and sometimes they have no idea why friends keep their distance.


It could be you; you could be another James.

你可能也有这样的问题 你可能就是另一个詹姆斯

With that in mind, let’s tell you how to test your smell

考虑到这一点 让我们来告诉你如何测试你身上的气味

and what you can do about it if you do actually stink.

以及如果你真的很臭的话 你能做些什么

First of all, if the trunk of your body smells it will likely mean your clothes smell.

首先 如果你的身体有味道 那很可能意味着你的衣服有味道。

You might not be able to detect something we call BO, which is short for Bromhidrosis, also known as osmidrosis.


As it is on us, it’s hard to tell how strong it is.

由于味道附着在我们的身体上 我们很难分辨这个味道的强度

A simple way to check your BO level is to take off your clothes.

有一个简单的方法可以检查你的BO水平 就是脱掉你的衣服

Once they are removed you distance yourself from the smell.

脱掉了衣服 气味就会远离你

The general rule is that if you detect a little smell on you, then others will smell it much more.

一般规律是 如果你闻到自己有一点点味道 那别人会闻到更多味道

So, take off your shirt.

所以 脱下衬衫

Perhaps wait until you get out of school or the workplace.


Give that shirt a good going over with your nose, and certainly get to the armpit area.

用鼻子好好闻闻衬衫上的味道 一定要闻闻腋下区域

While people with certain medical conditions or obese people can more easily emit BO, anyone can have this problem.

虽然患有某些疾病的人或肥胖的人更容易有腋臭 但任何人都可能有这个问题。

If you sweat a lot, there is a good chance you’ll get it from time to time.

如果你经常出汗 很有可能会时不时地有味道

Sweat doesn’t really smell in itself by the way,

顺便说一句 汗液本身并没有气味

but bacteria multiplies in that sweat and bacteria is to blame for the stink.

但是细菌在汗液中繁殖 细菌是臭味的罪魁祸首。

So, first thing, don’t just give yourself a quick sniff

所以 第一件事 不要只是快速地闻一闻

you know that fist in the air head under the arm movement

在胳膊下面的位置挥拳 让气味飘出来

– actually investigate your clothes.


It should tell you something.


It can be a pretty easy fix if you do smell in this area.

如果你真的闻到这个地方有味道 那就很容易解决了

If you’re one of those people that sweats so much they leak like a former Facebook employee just stepping onto a bus,

如果你是那种汗流浃背的人 就像一个前Facebook员工刚刚踏上公车一样

you might need to wash more often.


At school or work, just take a bathroom break and do a quick armpit wash.

在学校或工作时 去洗手间休息一下 然后快速洗一下腋窝。

You could use a cloth now and again to keep your armpits dry.


You could also use antibacterial soap seeing as bacteria is to blame.

你也可以使用抗菌肥皂 因为细菌是罪魁祸首

On top of that, bacteria doesn’t like deodorant and antiperspirant cuts down on sweating.

除此之外 细菌不喜欢除臭剂 用止汗剂减少出汗也能解决

Lastly, some strong smelling foods can seep through the pores, such as curry or garlic.

最后 一些食物的强烈气味可以通过毛孔渗出 比如咖喱或大蒜

You might need to change your diet a bit if you’re a perennial stinker.

你可能需要改变你的饮食 如果你是常年有臭味的话

But our friend James is what you might call an all-rounder when it comes to stinking.


He’s got every base covered.


His hair smells like he washes it in cat vomit.


Maybe he does, we’ve never asked.

也许他就是这么洗的 我们从来没问过

There’s a simple way to check if your hair stinks.


Take a shower, except don’t use shampoo on your hair.

洗个澡 但不要在头发上用洗发水

Don’t even wash your body with soap as you don’t want to mask your bad smell.

甚至不要用肥皂洗你的身体 因为你不想掩盖你的臭味

Get out of the shower and run your finger nails down your scalp.

从淋浴间出来 用指甲抓抓头皮

Really get in there, and then give your fingers a good old sniff.

你的指甲里进了头皮之后 好好闻闻你的手指

If there’s any hint of bacteria, yeast, dead skin cells, all the things that are making your head stink,

细菌 酵母 死皮细胞 所有让你的头发臭的东西

you’ll smell it on those fingertips.


To prevent rotten hair you might simply need to wash it more,

为了防止头发发臭 你可能只需要勤洗头

but maybe try changing the brand of your shampoo.


Try a mild one.


If you have dandruff, use an anti-dandruff shampoo.

如果你有头皮屑 使用去屑洗发水

If you sweat a lot, again you’ll just have to wash more.

如果你出了很多汗 你还是得勤洗头

And another thing, stop putting your hands in your hair all the time.

还有一件事 别老是把手放在头发上

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fountain ['fauntin]


n. 喷泉,源泉,储水容器,泉水
v. 使像喷

prevent [pri'vent]


v. 预防,防止

seep [si:p]


v. 渗出,渗漏 n. 渗漏,小泉,水(油)坑

occasionally [ə'keiʒənəli]


adv. 偶尔地

perennial [pə'reniəl]


adj. 四季不断的,继续多年的,永久的 n. 多年生植

sweat [swet]


n. 汗,汗水
v. (使)出汗

rotten ['rɔtn]


adj. 腐烂的,腐朽的

emit [i'mit]


vt. 发出,放射,吐露

mild [maild]


adj. 温和的,柔和的

stinking ['stiŋkiŋ]


adj. 发恶臭的;非常讨厌的;烂醉如泥的 v. 散发出





