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Nowadays we're pretty much glued to our phones, especially those social media apps, they are always there waiting to devour our attention.

所以今天的Buzzword我们就来说说, Social Media Detox.

说句实话, 咱们现在绝大部分的人都是低头族, 而且很多人在用手机的时候都会用大量的时间去刷各种社交媒体 social media,

that constant pressure to always be online on social media, always post the best pictures, best moments, it can be so overwhelming and also time consuming.

In addition, if you are sensitive and struggle with your self esteem, social media can feel very toxic at times.

这样每天大量的刷社交媒体, 不光会占用你很多时间, 而且如果你是那种比较敏感或者对自己不太自信的人, 社交媒体可能会给你带来极大的焦虑.

Whether it's seeing what feels like a gallery of “perfect” bodies, or seeing people who seem to be constantly succeeding in life, it can be really hard not to feel bad about yourself.

社交媒体上那些随处可见的高颜值、高收入、才华横溢的人生赢家, 很难让咱们这样的普通人不感觉到焦虑重重.

But social media is not real life. As much influence, or seeming influence, it has, it's a curated and selective sample of what's actually going on in the world.

但实际上社交媒体它反映的并不是真实生活, 或者说至少不是普通人真实生活的全貌, 他只不过是精挑细选下来的那些高光时刻.

And many people are beginning to discover this.

There has been a recent trend of people consciously reducing their social media use and they call it Social Media Detox.


Social Media Detox

A social media detox is a conscious elimination of social media use and consumption for a set period of time. 在一定的时间内有意识的去停用社交媒体.

Generally, most social media detoxes are 30 days, so a month, but some people do 7 days or even a year-long social media detox.

Ideally, you're completely eliminating social media use and consumption.

This means deleting and removing all social media apps from your phone, and in some cases where it's possible, temporarily disabling your social media accounts.

它最理想的状态就是完全不使用社交媒体, 把这些社交媒体相关的APP全部删除, 甚至有的人还会在detox这个时间去暂时禁用自己的社交媒体账号.

01 Social media detox vs. break

Now there's a concept similar to Social Media Detox that is Social Media Break, but the detox is a little bit different from a break.

A break from social media is a promise to yourself, so you say to yourself, I'm gonna just stay away from sites like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, so on and so forth.

But a social media detox is a complete disconnect from these social media platforms.

Some people even take drastic measures such as giving away the passwords to their accounts to a trusted friend or completely deleting their accounts.


02 Why take a social media detox?

Now this might sound a bit extreme to some of you who like I am are heavy users of social media.

You might ask why, why do people want to take a social media detox?

First of all, let me ask you a question, do you know how many hours you spend on social media apps every day?

And second, are you noticing your excessive social media use is affecting your self esteem and overall well-being?

其实我们都可以问自己两个问题, 第一个就是我究竟花了多长时间在社交媒体上, 基本所有的手机你进入设定都能够找到具体的统计. It might surprise you.

另外一个在你不断的去刷社交媒体的时候, 你是否感觉自己的self esteem-你的自我价值感和overall well-being和整个人这种身心健康的状态其实都受到了负面的影响.

If you feel like social media has taken over your life, if it preoccupies your mind, or if you find yourself constantly reaching for your phone, checking your social media page,

seeing if other people have posted something or if they have given you likes or comments, these might be signs that it's time for a detox.

Another reason why people would consider a social media detox is that they want to take back control of their own phone and their digital habits.

还有一些人进行社交媒体detox的原因, 是因为不想过度的被算法数据拿捏.

Social media apps and websites are designed to get you addicted through the feedback loops, notifications, likes, and instant gratification it gives you.

Every time you pull down the screen and refresh, hoping for a new notification or Like, you're pulling down that slot machine arm hoping there's something new to stimulate you.

每次我们不断的下滑上滑刷新, 其实就跟在赌场拉下老虎机的拉杆一样, 每一次都想找到更新更刺激的内容.

And when there's a new Like, Favorite, or Comment, you get a little bit of a dopamine hit.

These apps and websites have been optimized for years by behavior scientists and psychologists to keep you engaged with application.

而所有这些你的上瘾行为早就被这些social media apps以及他们背后的科学家、心理学家给整的明明白白的.

They know exactly how to get you addicted and they are intentionally doing so.

This is also why sometimes before you even realize it, you spend hours on social media apps like 抖音.

03 Take back control of your digital habits

When you start a social media detox, initially you may find yourself a little bit under stimulated.

But in the long run, you'll realize you have a lot more free time and hopefully you can find something much more productive.

One other major benefit of a social media detox is that you are going to feel significantly less anxiety, you'll no longer fall prey to the worry of the day that makes the headlines, feeds or Trends on social media;

or feel inferior comparing yourself to these impossibly perfect influencers online. Plenty of studies link social media and depression.


When you go into a social media detox, with enough time, you'll find yourself being more positive about life since social media actually tends to jade us and make us more cynical.

而且在排毒的过程中, 你会觉得自己更多的正能量. 而反之社交媒体刷的越多, 我们越容易玩世不恭或者愤世嫉俗.

We may not be able to get rid of social media entirely from our lives, but a social media detox from time to time is sure going to be beneficial to your general well being.

Now let's move on to the sample sentence.


Example 1:

-A social media detox allows you to break free from online platforms for a period of time, thus lowering your anxiety level.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
inferior [in'fiəriə]


adj. 次等的,较低的,不如的

toxic ['tɔksik]


adj. 有毒的
n. 有毒物质

beneficial [.beni'fiʃəl]


adj. 有益的,有利的

depression [di'preʃən]


n. 沮丧,萧条

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

consciously ['kɔnʃəsli]


adv. 有意识地,自觉地

conscious ['kɔnʃəs]


adj. 神志清醒的,意识到的,自觉的,有意的

gallery ['gæləri]


n. 美术馆,画廊,顶层楼座,狭长的房间

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

engaged [in'geidʒd]


adj. 忙碌的,使用中的,订婚了的





