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第二章 在黎明踏浪号上(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


What Eustace thought had best be told in his own words, for when they all got their clothes back, dried, next morning, he at once got out a little black notebook and a pencil and started to keep a diary.

尤斯塔斯心里的想法, 恐怕是换个人都说不好。第二天早上, 在他们都取回自己的干衣服之后, 他马上掏出一本黑色的笔记本和一只铅笔, 开始写日记。

He always had this notebook with him and kept a record of his marks in it, for though he didn't care much about any subject for its own sake, he cared a great deal about marks and would even go to people and say, "I got so much. What did you get ?"

这本日记本是他随身携带的, 里面记着他每次考试的分数, 虽然他对功课本身没有兴趣, 却十分在乎那些分数。他最喜欢做的事情莫过于走到别人面前, 炫耀道:"我得了好多分, 你得了多少呢?"

But as he didn't seem likely to get many marks on the Dawn Treader he now started a diary. This was the first entry.

可是, 在黎明踏浪号上, 他不能炫耀自己得了多少分。现在, 他只能写日记, 写下的第一段文字如下:

"7 August. Have now been twenty-four hours on this ghastly boat if it isn 't a dream.

八月七日。如果不是在做梦的话, 我已经在这条鬼船上待了整整二十四个小时了。

All the time a frightful storm has been raging (it's a good thing I'm not seasick).

外面的惊涛骇浪一直没有停歇( 幸好我现在没有晕船),

Huge waves keep coming in over the front and I have seen the boat nearly go under any number of times.

之前看到巨浪不断打来, 船好多次都几乎沉没了。

All the others pretend to take no notice of this, either from swank or because Harold says one of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to Facts.

其他人却装作什么也没发生, 这不是我在大惊小怪, 正如哈罗德所言, 凡人最懦弱的行为就是对事情的发生装作视而不见。

It's madness to come out into the sea in a rotten little thing like this. Not much bigger than a lifeboat.

坐这样一条比救生艇大不了多少的破船出海, 简直就是疯了。

And, of course, absolutely primitive indoors. No proper saloon, no radio, no bathrooms, no deck-chairs.

船里面实在太简陋了, 没有正式的沙龙, 没有无线电, 没有浴室, 甲板上也没有躺椅。

I was dragged all over it yesterday evening and it would make anyone sick to hear Caspian showing off his funny little toy boat as if it was the Queen Mary.

昨天晚上他们拖着我到处跑, 凯斯宾还在卖弄这条可笑的小破船, 仿佛它像"玛丽王后"号那么尊贵。

I tried to tell him what real ships are like, but he's too dense.

我试图告诉他真正的船是什么模样, 可是他太笨了。

E. and L., of course, didn't back me up. I suppose a kid like L. doesn't realize the danger and E. is buttering up C. as everyone does here. They call him a King.

当然, 爱德蒙和露茜也不会支持我。我说, 像露茜这样的小孩子根本不知道什么是危险。爱德蒙竟然还和这儿的所有人一样拼命地讨好凯斯宾, 叫他凯斯宾陛下。

I said I was a Republican but he had to ask me what that meant!

我说我是共和主义者, 他竟然问我共和是什么意思,

He doesn't seem to know anything at all.


Needless to say I've been put in the worst cabin of the boat, a perfect dungeon, and Lucy has been given a whole room on deck to herself, almost a nice room compared with the rest of this place.

不用说, 他们把我安排在条件最差的舱房里, 这里简直像地牢一样。露茜却被安排在甲板上单独的一个房间里, 那里跟其他地方比起来, 算是一个好房间。

C. says that's because she's a girl. I tried to make him see what Alberta says, that all that sort of thing is really lowering girls but he was too dense.

凯斯宾说因为她是个女孩子。我试图让他明白艾贝塔说的话, 这分明是在贬低女孩子的能力, 可是他听不懂我的意思, 他实在是笨得无可救药。

Still, he might see that I shall be ill if I'm kept in that hole any longer.

他应该明白一点, 如果再让我住在那个像地牢一样的房间, 我会生病的。

E. says we mustn't grumble because C. is sharing it with us himself to make room for L. as if that didn't make it more crowded and far worse.

爱德蒙说我们不应该抱怨, 因为他也把自己舒适的房间让给了露茜, 他选择和我们合住。这样一来, 房间就更挤了。

Nearly forgot to say that there is also a kind of Mouse thing that gives everyone the most frightful cheek.

差点忘了说, 这儿竟然有一种令人讨厌的老鼠, 对每个人都非常无礼。

The others can put up with it if they like but I shall twist his tail pretty soon if he tries it on me. The food is frightful too . "

尽管有的人愿意容忍它, 如果它要欺负我, 我一定会扭断它的尾巴。这里的饭菜也实在难吃。

The trouble between Eustace and Reepicheep arrived even sooner than might have been expected.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
primitive ['primitiv]


adj. 原始的
n. 原始人,文艺复兴前的艺

grumble ['grʌmbl]


v. 发牢骚,抱怨,轰鸣
n. 怨言,牢骚,轰

diary ['daiəri]


n. 日记,日记簿

cowardly ['kauədli]


adj. 懦弱的,卑怯的,胆小的 adv. 懦弱地,卑怯

rotten ['rɔtn]


adj. 腐烂的,腐朽的

entry ['entri]


n. 进入,入口,登记,条目

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

twist [twist]


v. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲
n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的

needless ['ni:dlis]


adj. 不需要的,无用的





