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第十四章 世界尽头的开端(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


We and our royal brother and sister and their kinsman and Sir Reepicheep, the good knight, and the Lord Drinian have an errand to the world's edge.

我们和我们的王兄王姐, 还有他们的亲属, 以及好骑士雷佩契普爵士以及德里宁公爵都有到世界边缘的使命。

It is our pleasure to choose from among such of you as are willing those whom we deem worthy of so high an enterprise.


We have not said that any can come for the asking.


That is why we shall now command the Lord Drinian and Master Rhince to consider carefully what men among you are the hardest in battle, the most skilled seamen, the purest in blood, the most loyal to our person, and the cleanest of life and manners;and to give their names to us in a schedule."

所以我们现在指派德里宁船长和赖因斯大副慎重挑选, 你们当中哪些人在战斗中最顽强, 哪些人是最富有经验的海员, 哪些人血统最纯正, 哪些人对我们最忠诚, 哪些人的身世和作风最清白, 然后列个名单给我们。"

He paused and went on in a quicker voice, "Aslan's mane !"he exclaimed.

他停顿了一下, 又用比较快的语调说: "阿斯兰在上!"他扯着嗓子说,

"Do you think that the privilege of seeing the last things is to be bought for a song?


Why, every man that comes with us shall bequeath the title of Dawn Treader to all his descendants, and when we land at Cair Paravel on the homeward voyage he shall have either gold or land enough to make him rich all his life.

当然, 每一个跟随我们的人都将把黎明踏浪者的称号传给子孙后代, 一旦我们返航踏上凯尔帕拉维尔, 他将分得黄金或土地, 足够使他此生享尽荣华富贵。

Now-scatter over the island, all of you. In half an hour's time I shall receive the names that Lord Drinian brings me. "

现在解散, 半小时后, 德里宁公爵会把名单交到我手上。"

There was rather a sheepish silence and then the crew made their bows and moved away, one in this direction and one in that, but mostly in little knots or bunches, talking.

大家听了都默不作声, 水手们鞠了躬然后走开了。有的朝这儿, 有的往那儿, 多半人是三三两两的议论着。

"And now for the Lord Rhoop, "said Caspian.


But turning to the head of the table he saw that Rhoop was already there.

他刚转向餐桌首席位置的时候, 罗普已经坐在那里了。

He had arrived, silent and unnoticed, while the discussion was going on, and was seated beside the Lord Argoz.

原来大家在讨论时, 他已不声不响地来到这里, 坐在阿尔戈兹公爵身边。

The daughter of Ramandu stood beside him as if she had just helped him into his chair; Ramandu stood behind him and laid both his hands on Rhoop's grey head.

拉曼杜的女儿站在他旁边, 好像刚才是她扶他坐下的。拉曼杜站在他背后, 双手搁在他的白头发上。

Even in daylight a faint silver light came from the hands of the star. There was a smile on Rhoop's haggard face.

在白天, 这个曾是星辰老者的双手依旧会发出朦胧的银光。罗普憔悴的脸上突然露出了一丝笑容。

He held out one of his hands to Lucy and the other to Caspian.

他对着露茜伸出一只手, 对凯斯宾伸出另一只手。

For a moment it looked as if he were going to say something.


Then his smile brightened as if he were feeling some delicious sensation, a long sigh of contentment came from his lips, his head fell forward, and he slept.

他笑得更开怀了,仿佛他可以体会到一种美妙的感觉, 唇边发出一声心满意足的长叹, 然后脑袋往前一跌, 睡着了。

"Poor Rhoop, "said Lucy. "I am glad. He must have had terrible times. "

"可怜的罗普啊, "露茜说, "现在我真替他高兴, 他一定经历过很多可怕的事情。"

"Don't let's even think of it, "said Eustace.


Meanwhile Caspian's speech, helped perhaps by some magic of the island, was having just the effect he intended.

凯斯宾之前那番话, 好像刚好起到作用, 或者也可能是岛上有魔法在暗地帮助他吧。

A good many who had been anxious enough to get out of the voyage felt quite differently about being left out of it.

不少刚才还迫不及待地想要放弃这次远航的人, 现在却愿意追随他去了。

And of course whenever any one sailor announced that he had made up his mind to ask for permission to sail, the ones who hadn't said this felt that they were getting fewer and more uncomfortable.

每当有一个水手说他打定主意一定出海的时候, 那些还没说出口的水手就感到他们的队友越来越少, 心里也越来越不好受。

So that before the half-hour was nearly over several people were positively"sucking up"to Drinian and Rhince(at least that was what they called it at my school)to get a good report.

所以还没到半小时, 就有几个人积极地向德里宁和赖因斯大献殷勤( 至少在我的学校里, 大家是这么说的), 以便获得一个好评。

And soon there were only three left who didn't want to go, and those three were trying very hard to persuade others to stay with them.

不一会, 就只剩下三个人还在想尽一切办法说服别人跟他们一起留下。

And very shortly after that there was only one left.

又过了一会, 只剩下一个人。

And in they end he began to be afraid of being left behind all on his own and changed his mind.

最后, 那个人觉得留下他, 他会感到害怕, 也改变了主意。

At the end of the half-hour they all came trooping back to Aslan's Table and stood at one end while Drinian and Rhince went and sat down with Caspian and made their report; and Caspian accepted all the man but that one who'd had changed his mind at the last moment.

半小时后, 所有人回到阿斯兰餐桌前, 德里宁和赖因斯跟凯斯宾坐在一起, 向凯斯宾汇报。凯斯宾接受了所有人, 只有那个在最后时刻改变主意的人没被接受。

His name was Pittencream and he stayed on the Island of the Star all the time the others were away looking for the World's End, and he very much wished he had gone with them.

他叫皮顿克林, 大家都出发寻找世界尽头的时候, 他只好一直待在星辰岛上, 其实这时他心里巴不得跟他们一起去。

He wasn't the sort of man who could enjoy talking to Ramandu and Ramandu's daughter(nor they to him), and it rained a good deal, and though there was a wonderful feast on the Table every night, he didn't very much enjoy it.

他不喜欢跟拉曼杜父女说话, 他们也不待见他。后来, 岛上下了好几场雨, 虽然餐桌上夜夜都有美味佳肴, 可是他不是很喜欢吃。

He said it gave him the creeps sitting there alone(and in the rain as likely as not)with those four Lords asleep at the end of the Table.

他就孤独地坐在那儿, 还有四位公爵风雨无阻地在餐桌的另一端陪伴着他, 让他不寒而栗。

And when the others returned he felt so out of things that he deserted on the voyage home at the Lone Islands, and went and lived in Calormen, where he told wonderful stories about his adventures at the End of the World, until at last he came to believe them himself.

当其他人回来时, 他觉得自己被孤立了, 返航途中他在孤独群岛下了船, 留在卡乐门国。他在那里讲自己在世界尽头的种种奇遇, 最后连自己都信以为真了。

So you may say, in a sense, that he lived happily ever after. But he could never bear mice.

所以在某种意义上说, 他从此过得倒也愉快。不过他一见了老鼠, 就受不了。

That night they all ate and drank together at the great table between the pillars where the feast was magically renewed: and next morning the Dawn Treader set sail once more just when the great birds had come and gone again.

那晚所有人都在那张大餐桌上用餐, 桌上的盛宴已用魔法换上新鲜的了。第二天早上, 踏浪号就在大鸟飞来又飞去那会儿再次扬帆起航。

"Lady, "said Caspian, "I hope to speak with you again when I have broken the enchantments."

"小姐, "凯斯宾说, "等我成功地破解魔法后, 希望能和你谈谈。"

And Ramandu's daughter looked at him and smiled.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
sailor ['seilə]


n. 海员,水手,扁平的硬边草帽

persuade [pə'sweid]


vt. 说服,劝说

sensation [sen'seiʃən]


n. 感觉,感知力,激动,轰动

enterprise ['entəpraiz]


n. 企业,事业,谋划,进取心

deserted [di'zə:tid]


adj. 废弃的,荒芜的,被遗弃的 动词desert的过

bequeath [bi'kwi:ð]


vt. 遗赠,遗留

intended [in'tendid]


adj. 故意的,有意的;打算中的 n. 已订婚者 v.

willing ['wiliŋ]


adj. 愿意的,心甘情愿的

permission [pə'miʃən]


n. 同意,许可,允许

privilege ['privilidʒ]


n. 特权,特别恩典,基本人权,荣幸





