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I'm sure many of you have read articles about how kids are allowed to roam free, do whatever they want in the west, and they really aren't put under that much pressure as the kids in China.

相信很多人都读过那种 “西方快乐教育”的文章, 并且十分羡慕。但今天的Buzzword里, 想和你分享一个在近些年来英语国家也逐渐开始认同的一个教育理念,叫做Grit教育 , 我看过有把它翻译成 “坚毅教育”或者 “坚韧教育”。

Have you ever wondered what makes someone a good student, a good athlete, or a good leader? Why do some people accomplish their goals while others fail. What makes the difference?


Usually we answer these questions by talking about the talent of top performers. We say they are very gifted, they are very talented, but we all know there's more to the story than that.


Now some research seem to argue that what makes a bigger impact than talent or intelligence is mental toughness.

Mental toughness or grit as they call. It plays a more important role than anything else for achieving your goals in health, business, and life in general.

于是很多最近的研究就得出这样的一个结论,就说grit或者叫mental toughness,你个人精神的坚韧、坚毅程度才是最终决定你是否能成功的要素。

01 So what is grit?

Grit is the perseverance and passion to achieve long term goals.

简单来说grit就是达成长远目标long term goals的这种perseverance坚持不懈and passion和热情.

Angela Duckworth, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania did this popular Ted talk.

She suggests that grit is a strong predictor of success and ability to reach one's goals.

说到grit怎么火起来,就不得不提到 Angela Duckworth, 她是做了一个挺有名的Ted演讲,有兴趣的你也可以去看一下,专门讲grit.


Her research on grit has shown that, for example, West Point cadets who scored highest on the Grit Test were 60% more likely to succeed than their peers.

西点军校里那些 Grit Test里面得分高的学生,在以后的生活训练学习里比其他人的成功概率要高出了60%.

Ivy League undergraduate students who had more grit also had higher GPAs than their peers .

在Ivy League就是美国这些顶级藤校的大学生里面,如果更有grit的这些人,他们的整个绩点也会明显的高于他们的同学。

When comparing two people who are the same age but have different levels of education, grit (and not intelligence) more accurately predicts which one will be better educated.

Now this is very interesting because earlier studies of achievement often emphasize the notion that high achieving people typically possess traits above and beyond that of normal ability.


But people like Duckworth, they emphasize that grit is a better predictor of achievement than intellectual talent because grit provides the stamina required to stay the course amid challenges and setbacks.


Stay the course.

02 Some of the characteristics

relating to grit


Number one is Courage.

While courage is hard to measure, it is directly proportional to your level of grit. More specifically, your ability to manage fear of failure is imperative and a predictor of success.

跟grit相关的人格特质的其中之一是courage勇气, 这个勇气主要是去manage fear of failure敢于应对失败的勇气。

Gritty people are not afraid to fail, but they rather embrace it as part of process because they understand their valuable lessons in failure, in defeat.

一个有grit的人是不害怕失败的, 因为他们可以从失败中汲取力量和经验。

This is also why that many experts are saying that we shouldn't coddle kids too much.

When we raise kids, we should allow them to fail. And this is how they become grittier.


The second trait is Long-term goals and endurance, the ability to follow through.

In his 2007 best selling book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell mentioned this 10,000-hour theory.


even if you are very talented, if you want to become successful in anything, you need at least 20 hours a week over 10 years which is the equivalent of 10,000 hours to excel.

提出grit的这位Angela Duckworth, 她也提出过一个差不多的时长。

But then again, one of the distinctions between someone who succeeds and someone who's just spending a lot of time doing something is practice must have purpose.

那1万个小时究竟是浪费还是最后能让你成功, 它中间的区别就是这1万个小时的练习究竟有没有一个 long term purpose, long term goal, 一个长远的规划和目的;



And then we come to Resilience.

Resilience这个词被翻译成 “韧性”或者 “复原力”,because on your long journey to greatness to success, you're going to fail, you're going to run into all sorts of problems and setbacks.

What gives you the strength to get up and fight again? this is where you need resilience.

Resilience is a dynamic combination of optimism, creativity, and confidence.


Gritty people believe everything will be all right in the end. If it is not all right, it is not the end.



04 卓越 vs 完美

And the last one is the idea of Excellence vs. Perfection 卓越 vs 完美.

In general, gritty people don't seek perfection, but instead strive for excellence.


Because perfection is unforgiving and inflexible. It actually becomes a hindrance on your way to success.


Excellence is an attitude, not an endgame. It is far more forgiving, allowing and embracing failure and vulnerability on the ongoing quest for improvement.

而追求卓越而非完美,让你可以接受偶尔的失败, 可以接受中间的不确定和脆弱性,才能够让你不断的爬起来,继续往下走。

Like excellence, grit is an attitude about seeking, striving, finding, and never yielding.


Now let's move on to the sample sentence.


Sample Sentence:

-In her bestseller, she documented how grit predicts long-term success in nearly every realm of life

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dynamic [dai'næmik]


adj. 动态的,动力的,有活力的
n. 动力

talented ['tæləntid]


adj. 有才能的,有天赋的

emphasize ['emfəsaiz]


vt. 强调,着重

perfection [pə'fekʃən]


n. 完美,完善

quest [kwest]


n. 探索,寻求
v. 寻找,搜索

imperative [im'perətiv]


n. 命令,诫命,需要,祈使语气
adj. 命

striving ['straiviŋ]


n. 努力;斗争 v. 力争;奋斗;努力(strive的

excel [ik'sel]


vt. 超过,优于
vi. 胜出

measure ['meʒə]


n. 措施,办法,量度,尺寸
v. 测量,量

passion ['pæʃən]


n. 激情,酷爱





