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CRI News Report:'The Last Escape' Highlights&nb

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'The Last Escape' Highlights the Issue of Euthanasia

Euthanasia, a Greek word meaning "good death", refers to the practice of ending a life in a manner that relieves pain and suffering.

Even though it is intended to relieve intractable suffering, euthanasia is generally considered a criminal homicide.

"The Last Escape", a Canadian film in competition for the Golden Goblet Award at the Shanghai International Film Festival this year, has highlighted the issue of euthanasia.

Liu Yan has the story.

If you think this is from some comedy film, you are completely off the mark. This is from "The Last Escape", one of the favorites to win this year's Golden Goblet Award. In this particular scene, the father and the son are discussing what sort of unhealthy food they should feed the grandfather, so that he can die faster. As horrible as that sounds, they actually have good intentions, because the grandfather is terminally ill, and all that's left is pain, pain, and more pain.

Jacques Godin is the actor who plays the grandfather. He says the movie is trying to raise awareness on the issue of euthanasia.

"Now in America, Canada, Europe, we are talking a lot about helping people to die decently. And it's a big question now. The film is a little about this. It doesn't give an answer, but makes people think about it."

Euthanasia is still illegal in most parts of the world. The Netherlands and Belgium are the only countries where the practice has been legalized. The controversy surrounding euthanasia centers on a two-pronged argument. Depending on which side one takes, euthanasia can be either voluntary "suicides," or involuntary murders. So how does Godin himself view this issue?

"My opinion at the moment is, if I'm sick like this, I would like people to help me. But as I say very often, you don't know exactly what it's going to be when you get there. Sometimes when you get there, you go "No, no, I want to live a little bit more, a little bit more". But at the moment, I'd say, yes. I don't want to be dependent of everybody. I wouldn't like that, to see myself in that state."

Given the controversial nature of euthanasia, there are bound to be many people who argue against Godin. But judging by the reception of the film, one thing is certain: Everybody thinks Godin has delivered a fantastic performance and that he is a strong contender for the title of Best Actor at the festival. In fact, after the movie finished showing, Godin received thunderous applause from the viewers and some predicted him to win.

"That's nice. That's very nice."

Besides the topic of euthanasia, the film is also about the father-son relationship, similar to another Golden Goblet favorite this year, "Ocean Heaven". Godin says it's a shame that the new generation doesn't like listening to their elders nowadays.

"Old people have a lot of things to say to young people. When we are young, we are trying everything. Stupid things sometimes. I've done stupid things. (It's great that) you have got somebody to tell you this way, this way or this way. I mean, you can get into trouble."

It is hoped that the film can help young people realize that. Let's wait and see if "The Last Escape" can indeed win the Golden Goblet award this year.

For CRI, I'm Liu Yan in Shanghai.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
voluntary ['vɔləntəri]


adj. 自愿的,志愿的
n. (教堂礼拜仪式

controversy ['kɔntrəvə:si]


n. (公开的)争论,争议

competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]


n. 比赛,竞争,竞赛

performance [pə'fɔ:məns]


n. 表演,表现; 履行,实行
n. 性能,本

involuntary [in'vɔləntəri]


adj. 非自愿的,无意的,不由自主的

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

intractable [in'træktəbl]


adj. 不听话的,倔强的,棘手的

dependent [di'pendənt]


adj. 依靠的,依赖的,从属的

applause [ə'plɔ:z]


n. 鼓掌,喝彩,赞许
v. 鼓掌

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的



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