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“heads up”你知道是什么意思吗?

来源:可可英语 编辑:Alisa   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Each week we answer questions about American English from readers from outside the United States.


But today we answer a question from the American state of Alabama. Khan writes:


Could you tell me what else I can use instead of "heads up"?

您能告诉我可以用什么替代“heads up”吗?

That term is considered informal; therefore, I would like to know the formal word for "heads up." Thanks. --Khan, Alabama

该词语被认为是非正式的。因此,我想知道表达“heads up”含义的正式说法。谢谢。

Dear Khan,Thank you for writing.


Let us look closely at this expression and other ways to say it.

让我们仔细研究“heads up”这个表达方式以及其他表达此含义的说法。

As you said, the term "heads up" is informal.

正如您所说,词语“heads up”是非正式的。

However, it is so common in American English that we use it in almost every situation.


"Heads up" can be used as a noun.

“heads up”可以用作名词。

It sends a message that says something is going to happen.


Here is an example: She gave him a heads up that the company's president would be visiting the office.


Also, you can ask for a "heads up" by asking someone to report when they are in the process of doing something.


Can you give me a heads up about how much time you will need for that project?


You might also hear someone say, "Thanks for the heads up!" This means, "Thanks for letting me know!"

你可能还会听到有人说:“感谢提醒!” 也就是说,“谢谢通知我!”

It is worth noting that "heads up" is a common expression Americans use with friends, family, coworkers and even in business meetings.

值得注意的是,短语“heads up”是美国人在与朋友、家人、同事交流甚至在商务会议中常用的表达方式。

But there are other ways to express the idea. One word you can use in place of "heads up" is "warn:"

但还有其他表达此含义的方法。你可以使用单词“warn”来代替“heads up”:

She warned him that the company's president would be visiting the office.


Another way to express the idea is with the word "let" when you want to give or get information:

另一种表达“heads up”含义的方式是在你想要提供或获取信息时使用“let”一词:

Please let me know how much time you will need for that project.


Imagine that your company is moving to a new office and your supervisor is sending you an email.


The message could "make you aware" of something or "draw your attention" to something, as we hear in these examples:


I want to make you aware that we are moving our office.


I wanted to draw your attention to the move of our office.


Khan, I hope that helps to answer your question about "heads up."

卡恩,希望这有助于回答你有关“heads up”的问题。

And that's Ask a Teacher for this week.


I'm Jill Robbins.





