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中级美国英语 Lesson 4: 助动词 can, may, will

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will 这个字还可以用来表示一个人的志愿. 下面这组练习内容都是问你肯不肯 做什么事. 每个句子我们还是念两遍, 请你听一遍, 重复一遍.

M: Will you sing a song for us?

F: Will you sing a song for us?

M: Will you go to the bank with me?

F: Will you go to the bank with me?

M: Will you take me to the airport?

F: Will you take me to the airport?

M: Will you buy two loaves of bread?

F: Will you buy two loaves of bread?

下面一组练习是把 will 跟它的否定式 will not 也就是 won't 作个比较. 还是请你 听一遍, 跟着重复一遍.

M: Peter won't go to the supermarket but Mary will.

F: Peter won't go to the supermarket but Mary will.

M: Peter won't cook for you but Mary will.

F: Peter won't cook for you but Mary will.

M: Mary won't go swimming with you but Peter will.

F: Mary won't go swimming with you but Peter will.

M: Mary won't have a cup of coffee but Peter will.

F: Mary won't have a cup of coffee but Peter will.


现在我们来作听力测验. 首先还是请你听一段文章, 内容是说一般美国中学生, 比方彼得, 在学校里面能够参加什么样的体育活动,将来可能有什么样的成就.

我们是先用正常速度念一遍, 请你注意地听.

American high school students, like Peter, may play on school sports teams. Most high schools have football, baseball, basketball and track teams. Some schools might also have swimming teams, gymnastics teams and tennis teams. Good players can join university teams when they graduate from high schools. The very best will become popular sports stars. The best football, basketball and tennis players can become professional.

That means they will have a career in sports and will get money when they play. The best track and gymnastics students may go to the Olympic Games on the U.S. Olympic team.

刚才那段文章你听懂了没有? 要是没全部懂, 等一会儿还有机会听. 现在我先请 英文老师把今天测验的三个问题念给你听.


M: What sports teams do most American high schools have?


M: What kind of players will become popular sports stars?


M: What does "professional players" mean?

好, 现在我们再把刚才那段文章用慢速度念一遍, 请你注意听:

American high school students, like Peter, may play on school sports teams. Most high schools have football, baseball, basketball and track teams. Some schools might also have swimming teams, gymnastics teams and tennis teams. Good players can join university teams when they graduate from high schools. The very best will become popular sports stars. The best football, basketball and tennis players can become professional. That means they will have a career in sports and will get money when they play. The best track and gymnastics students may go to the Olympic Games on the U.S. Olympic team.

现在要请你回答今天测验的三个问题. 在你回答之后, 还是请你听正确的答案, 看你答对了没有.


M: What sports teams do most American high schools have?

F: They have football,baseball,basketball and track teams.


M: What kind of players will become popular sports stars?

F: The very best players will become popular sports stars.


M: What does "professional players" mean?

F: It means to have a career in sports and to get money to play.

关键字: 语法




