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中级美国英语 Lesson 20: That,which 和 who 定语从句

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第二十课 That,which 和 who 定语从句

在这一课里, 我们要学习以 that, t-h-a-t, that, which, w-h-i-c-h, which 和 who, w-h-o, who 开头的短句. 这种短句在整个句子里有修饰的功用.

首先我们还是听一段对话, 内容是说彼得和玛丽快要毕业了, 两个人见面谈 起毕业典礼的事情. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Next week we graduate from high school. I can hardly wait.

M: But first there are two more examinations which I have to pass.

F: And there are three more papers that I have to write.

M: Did you get your cap and robe for the graduation ceremony?

F: Yes, but the robe which they gave me is too long. The person who gave it to me told me to take it back.

M: The one that they gave me is too short. Maybe we should trade.

在刚才那段对话里有些句子包含了用 that, which 和 who 开头的短句, 现在我 请英文老师再把这些句子念一遍给你听.

M: There are two more examinations which I have to pass.

F: There are three more papers that I have to write.

F: The robe which they gave me is too long.

F: The person who gave it to me told me to take it back.

M: The one that they gave me is too short.


听了刚才那段对话, 你可能已经注意到用一个短句来修饰一个词的时候, 它的 位置是在那个词的后面,比方: "穿着长礼服戴着方帽子的学生," 英文应该这样

说:The students that wear long robes and caps with square tops.

现在我们来练习这类句子, 每个句子都跟彼得和玛丽快要毕业有关系. 现在请 你注意听男老师念句子. 然后跟着女老师把句子重复一遍.

M: There are two more examinations that Peter has to pass.

F: There are two more examinations that Peter has to pass.

M: There are three more papers that Mary has to write.

F: There are three more papers that Mary has to write.

M: Most students that graduate this year will attend the graduation ceremony.

F: Most students that graduate this year will attend the graduation ceremony.

M: The students that wear long robes and caps with square tops are graduating.

F: The students that wear long robes and caps with square tops are graduating.


刚才那些句子里用来修饰的短句都是用that 开头的, that 可以用来指人或是东 西. 但是在专门指东西或事情的时候可以用 which, w-h-i-c-h, which 代替. The robe that they gave Mary is too long. 这句话也可以这样说: The robe which they gave Mary is too long.

下面我们作一组练习, 学学这种句子, 练习的作法是由老师用 "什么" what 提 出一个问句, 比方 "什么是文凭?" What is a diploma? 然后老师念一个用 which 开头的短句修饰的词, 比方 "高中毕业生得到的文件" The paper which a high school graduate receives, 所以刚才那个问题的答案就是: "文凭是高中毕业生 得到的文件." A diploma is the paper which a high school graduate receives. 在这 组练习里, 你可以学习到怎么用英文来解释什么是 "学位" degree, d-e-g-r-e-e, degree, 什么是 "毕业舞会" prom, p-r-o-m, prom 等等. 现在请你注意听老师问问 题, 并且在学生回答问题的时候也一起回答.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

ceremony ['seriməni]


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节,礼仪

memorable ['memərəbl]


adj. 值得纪念的,难忘的

congratulate [kən'grætju.leit]


vt. 祝贺


关键字: 名侦探柯南




