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中级美国英语 Lesson 21: Where 和 when 引导的定语从句

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第二十一课 Where 和 when 引导的定语从句

在这一课里, 我们学习用 where, w-h-e-r-e, where, whom, w-h-o-m, whom 和 when, w-h-e-n, when 作短句. 这些短句在句子里分别说明地点, 人物和时间.

现在我们来听彼得和玛丽两人之间的一段对话. 这段对话包含了我刚才提到 的三种短句的用法. 请你注意听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Are you going anywhere on vacation this summer?

M: Yes, we're going back to a national park in California where we went camping last summer.

F: How nice! We're going to California too.

M: Are you going to the resort where you used to go on vacation?

F: Yes, and we're going to visit people whom we met there before.

M: When are you coming back?

F: I don't know the exact date; but I'll call you on the day when I get home.


F: Are you going anywhere on vacation this summer?

M: Yes, we're going back to a national park in California where we went camping last summer.

F: How nice! We're going to California too.

M: Are you going to the resort where you used to go on vacation?

F: Yes, and we're going to visit people whom we met there before.

M: When are you coming back?

F: I don't know the exact date; but I'll call you on the day when I get home.


M: We're going back to a national park in California where we went camping last summer.

M: Are you going to the resort where you used to go on vacation?

F: We're going to visit people whom we met there before.

F: I'll call you on the day when I get home.


听了上面的句子你可能已经注意到说明地点, 人物和时间的短句都出现在它 们所修饰的词后面. 比方有一句话: " 彼得要到一个风景区去 ", 这句话英文可 以这样说: Peter is going to a scenic area. 可是这究竟是一个什么样的风景区 呢? 为了加以说明, 我们可以用一个以 where, w-h-e-r-e, where 开头的短句加 以修饰, 比方: "他可以搭帐篷的风景区" a scenic area where he can set up his tent 所以整句话就是: Peter is going to a scenic area where he can set up his tent.

现在我们来作一组代换练习. 老师先说: a national park where he can relax, "一 个他可以去调剂身心的国家公园 ", 接着老师说: "找到许多植物" find many plants, 学生就把老师提出的字或词代换到短句里念出来,答案就是:a national park where he can find many plants. 现在我们开始作练习. 学生作的时候请你 也一起作.

M: a national park where he can relax

M: go camping

F: a national park where he can go camping

M: set up his tent

F: a national park where he can set up his tent

M: go fishing

F: a national park where he can go fishing

M: go hiking

F: a national park where he can go hiking

M: go swimming

F: a national park where he can go swimming

M: find many plants

重点单词   查看全部解释    
tent [tent]


n. 帐篷
v. 住帐篷,宿营

resort [ri'zɔ:t]


n. (度假)胜地,手段,凭借
vi. 诉诸,


关键字: 名侦探柯南




