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中级美国英语 Lesson 25: 简短反问句

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第二十五课 简短反问句

在这一课里, 我们学习用简短的反问句,比方用在陈述句后面的 "是吗?" Is it?, "不是吗?" Isn't it? 等等.

现在我们来听这一课的对话. 这段对话的内容是说鲍勃和珍妮暑假过后回到 学校, 在校园里谈到假期里作了什么事, 明年暑假预备作什么等等. 请你注意 听两位英文老师的发音和语调.

F: Hello, Bob. How was your summer? You studied Chinese this summer, didn't you?

M: Yes, Jenny. I finished my summer school class.

F: Well, how was the course? Chinese is pretty difficult, isn't it?

M: It seemed that way at first. But after a while it became easier.

F: I'll bet you were the best in the class, weren't you?

M: Well, I did get an A. But how about you? You were going to travel, weren't you?

F: Not this summer. I worked to save money. I'm going to Europe next summer.

M: I'm going to China. I guess we'll have lots to talk about next year, won't we?

现在我们听老师用慢速度把对话再念一遍, 请你注意听.

F: Hello, Bob. How was your summer? You studied Chinese this summer, didn't you?

M: Yes, Jenny. I finished my summer school class.

F: Well, how was the course? Chinese is pretty difficult, isn't it?

M: It seemed that way at first. But after a while it became easier.

F: I'll bet you were the best in the class, weren't you?

M: Well, I did get an A. But how about you? You were going to travel, weren't you?

F: Not this summer. I worked to save money. I'm going to Europe next summer.

M: I'm going to China. I guess we'll have lots to talk about next year, won't we?


F: You studied Chinese this summer, didn't you?

F: Chinese is pretty difficult, isn't it?

F: You were the best in the class, weren't you?

M: You were going to travel, weren't you?

M: We'll have lots to talk about next year,won't we?


听了上面的句子, 你对简短反问句的用法或许已经有些概念. 简单地说这种反 问句有三个规则, 第一点就是当前面的陈述句是肯定的时候, 反问句就是否定 的; 而前面的陈述句是否定的时候, 反问句就是肯定的; 第二点就是这种简短 反问句是用两个字构成的, 第一个字一定是在前面陈述句里出现的动词或是 助动词; 第二个字一定是代名词而且指的就是陈述句里的主语; 第三点就是 反问句和前面陈述句的时态必须一致.

好了, 现在我们按照规则作练习, 第一组练习是用 is 或是 are 作否定的简短反 问句, 请你注意在否定反问句里动词或是助动词一定要跟 not 连起来说, 比方 is not 说成 isn't, were not 说成 weren't 等等. 现在请你注意听男老师念一些跟 刚才那段对话有关系的句子, 然后跟着女老师把句子重复一遍.

M: Bob is a university student, isn't he?

F: Bob is a university student, isn't he?

M: Jenny is in the same university, isn't she?

F: Jenny is in the same university, isn't she?

M: They are talking on the campus, aren't they?

F: They are talking on the campus, aren't they?

M: The campus is big, isn't it?

F: The campus is big, isn't it?

M: They are talking about traveling, aren't they?

F: They are talking about traveling, aren't they?

下面我们用代换方式练习用 will not 也就是 won't 作简短反问句, 练习的内容 是说到鲍勃要到中国去旅行的事情, 比方他要坐飞机去, 要带旅游指南去等 等. 老师念一个句子, 接着老师念一个词组, 学生就把词组代换到原来的句子 里. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Bob will fly to China, won't he?

M: take a guide book with him

F: Bob will take a guide book with him, won't he?

M: take a Chinese dictionary with him

F: Bob will take a Chinese dictionary with him,won't he?

下面老师换了一个句子, 练习用 should not 也就是 shouldn't 作反问句, 说明鲍 勃去中国应该有护照和旅游签证等等. 请你跟刚才一样作练习.

M: Bob should have a passport, shouldn't he?

M: have a tourist visa

F: Bob should have a tourist visa, shouldn't he?

M: take enough money with him

F: Bob should take enough money with him, shouldn't he?

下面老师又换了一个句子, 练习用 cannot 也就是 can't 作反问句说明鲍勃到中 国去能作什么. 请你跟刚才一样作练习.

M: Bob can go sightseeing, can't he?

M: take pictures

F: Bob can take pictures, can't he?

M: chat with Chinese

F: Bob can chat with Chinese, can't he?

下面我们练习在现在完成式句子后面用 hasn't 或是 haven't 加上主语代名词 作否定反问句. 练习里的句子有些谈到珍妮决定到欧洲的事情,有的谈到珍妮 和鲍勃在大学里的生活. 练习的作法是由老师念一个陈述句,学生就把句子重 复一遍, 并且在句尾加上适当的反问句. 在学生作练习的时候请你也一起作.

M: Jenny has decided to go to Europe.

F: Jenny has decided to go to Europe, hasn't she?

M: Jenny has saved some money for the trip.

F: Jenny has saved some money for the trip, hasn't she?

M: Jenny and Bob have taken many interesting courses.

F: Jenny and Bob have taken many interesting courses, haven't they?

M: Jenny and Bob have learned a lot.

F: Jenny and Bob have learned a lot, haven't they?

一般现在式句子的否定句是在动词前面加上 don't 或是 doesn't. 所以一般现 在式句子的否定反问句就是在句尾用 don't 或是 doesn't 加上主语代名词. 现 在我们来作代换练习,学学这种说法.请你在学生作代换练习的时候也一起作.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

negative ['negətiv]


adj. 否定的,负的,消极的
n. 底片,负

statement ['steitmənt]


n. 声明,陈述

listener ['lisənə]


n. 听者,听众

register ['redʒistə]


v. 记录,登记,注册,挂号
n. 暂存器,记


关键字: 语法 名侦探柯南




