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中级美国英语 Lesson 34: 动词不定式[一]

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下面我们作一组练习, 学学怎么用 refuse to 加上另外一个动词来说明拒绝作 什么事. 练习的作法是老师提出一些有关劳资双方讨价还价的问题, 比方老 师问你: "资方拒绝妥协了吗?" Did the management refuse to compromise? 接 着老师说: No, 你就回答说: No, they didn't refuse to compromise. 老师也许 问你:"资方拒绝雇更多人吗?"Did the management refuse to hire more people?

接着老师说: Yes,那么你就回答说: Yes, they refused to hire more people. 在 这组练习里, 你还可以学到其他有用的词汇, 比方 "讨论" discuss, "减轻工作 量" reduce workloads, "加薪" raise salaries 等等. 现在我们开始作练习, 每作 完一句就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: Did the management refuse to discuss with the union?

M: No

F: No, they didn't refuse to discuss.

M: Did the management refuse to compromise?

M: No

F: No, they didn't refuse to compromise.

M: Did the management refuse to reduce the workloads?

M: Yes

F: Yes, they refused to reduce the workloads.

M: Did the management refuse to hire more people?

M: Yes

F: Yes, they refused to hire more people.

M: Did the management refuse to raise the salaries?

M: No

F: No, they didn't refuse to raise the salaries.

下面我们用 managed to 作一些过去时态句子, 说明工会设法作了什么事. 练 习的作法是老师念一个句子, 比方: "工会设法吸收了新会员." The unions managed to recruit new members. 接着老师提出一个词组, 比方 "充实力量" gain strength, "获得效率" gain effectiveness, "争取更好的合同" get a better contract 等等, 学生就把他听到的词组代换到原来的句子里, 在学生作练习的 时候请你也一起作.

M: The unions managed to recruit new members.

M: gain strength

F: The unions managed to gain strength.

M: gain effectiveness

F: The unions managed to gain effectiveness.

M: organize a strike

F: The unions managed to organize a strike.

M: negotiate with the management

F: The unions managed to negotiate with the management.

M: communicate workers' views to the management

F: The unions managed to communicate workers' views to the management.

M: get a good contract

F: The unions managed to get a good contract.

下面我们作一组综合练习, 用不同动词词组学学美国劳资双方怎么解决彼此 之间的歧见.在这组练习里你可以练习几个很有用的动词,比方 "同意" agree, "威胁" threaten, "合作" cooperate 等等. 练习的作法是老师用疑问词提出一个 问题, 接着老师念出一个词组, 请你用老师给你的词组来回答问题. 每作完 一句, 就请你听老师念正确答案.

M: What did workers want to do?

M: get higher wages

F: Workers wanted to get higher wages.

M: What did they begin to do ?

M: organize a union

F: They began to organize a union.

M: What did the union manage to do?

M: bargain with the management

F: The union managed to bargain with the management.

M: What did the union threaten to do?

M: organize a strike

F: The union threatened to organize a strike.

M: What did the management agree to do?

M: cooperate with the union

F: The management agreed to cooperate with the union.

M: What did the management decide to do?

M: raise workers' salaries

F: The management decided to raise the workers' salaries.


今天我们要听一篇介绍美国工会的文章. 这篇文章不但提到工会成立的经过, 也谈到了什么是 "集体谈判" collective bargaining.


Nearly 100 years ago, America's working people began to join together to improve their wages and their working situations. They formed unions. The unions presented a united position among workers in discussions with owners of businesses and factories. This idea became known as collective bargaining.

Unions were started at separate local factories. Slowly unions in several factories started to join together. As they gained size, the unions were able to gain strength and effectiveness. By the 1950's unions were successfully representing their members in most American industries.

Unions began as organizations for factory workers. Later skilled workers such as electricians and plumbers organized into unions. Recently professional people have also begun to form unions. Many teachers and nurses, for example, belong to unions. Today the largest unions have several million members.

The unions not only represent the workers in discussions with business management.

They also train workers for jobs, give members money if they lose their jobs, and pay workers pensions when they retire. In many situations, a person is not allowed to take a job unless he belongs to the union.

Unions have become established institutions of American industry. Unions and management have learned to work for the benefit of both workers and owners.



M: Why do American workers join unions?


M: What do unions do nowadays?


M: Are there professional unions in the United States?


Nearly 100 years ago, America's working people began to join together to improve their wages and their working situations. They formed unions. The unions presented a united position among workers in discussions with owners of businesses and factories. This idea became known as collective bargaining.

Unions were started at separate local factories. Slowly unions in several factories started to join together. As they gained size, the unions were able to gain strength and effectiveness. By the 1950's unions were successfully representing their members in most American industries.

Unions began as organizations for factory workers. Later skilled workers such as electricians and plumbers organized into unions. Recently professional people have also begun to form unions. Many teachers and nurses, for example, belong to unions. Today the largest unions have several million members.

The unions not only represent the workers in discussions with business management.

They also train workers for jobs, give members money if they lose their jobs, and pay workers pensions when they retire. In many situations, a person is not allowed to take a job unless he belongs to the union.

Unions have become established institutions of American industry. Unions and management have learned to work for the benefit of both workers and owners.

现在请你回答你刚才听过的三个问题. 每回答一个问题,老师就会念出正确答 案让你作个比较, 看你是不是答对了. 只要意思答对了就行, 不一定要每个字 跟老师的说法一样. 现在我们开始.


M: Why do American workers join unions?

F: They join unions to improve their wages and working situations.


M: What do unions do nowadays?

F: They represent the workers, train them for jobs, give unemployed members money and pay retirement pensions.


M: Are there professional unions in the United States?

F: Yes, there are.

关键字: 原著




