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河北加拿大版初中英语--Lesson 48 What Do You Know?

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Lesson 48:
What Do You Know?Have You Seen These Words?
by the side of
Do you walk on a road?No!
That's where the cars go.You walk by the side of the road.
enjoy yourself
You are going on an exciting trip!I hope you enjoy yourself!
Today,I fish in a lake.
Yesterday,I fished in a lake and I got wet!
Now I have fished,and look!I have a fish!
have a good time I like holidays.I always have a good time.
hurry,hurry up
We are in a hurry.Let's hurry!
We don't want to be late!Hurry up!It's time to go!
I leave for school every morning at eight fifteen.
Yesterday,I left for school at eightthirty.I was late!
This morning,I have left at eight o'clock,so I will be early.
I don't want to miss the bus.
Yesterday,I missed the bus.I walked home.
Now I have missed the bus again!I'm going to be tired!
on time
The train leaves at six o'clock.
It's six o'clock now and we are at the station.
We are on time for the train.
pillow stay
I like to stay in hotels.
Last year,I went on a trip and stayed in a hotel.
I have stayed in a tent,too!Camping is fun!
travel Sometimes,I travel to my grandfather's house by train.
Last year,I travelled there by car.
I have travelled to his house by plane,too.
He lives far away!
Time For A Quiz
This is going to be fun.
I love doing quizes.Are your ears readyListen carefully.
1.I'm going on a trip.My father is going to drive me to the

I'm ready to go.It's getting late.What do I say to my father?
Please put up your hand for the right answer.Let's stay home.
I think it's time for us to leave now.Time for class.
Let's go!Now,we are in the car.
My plane leaves in twenty minutes.But my father is going so

What can I say to him?Look at the sentences below.
Let's say the right answers together.Please hurry!
Hurry up!Dad.We're going to be late!
We're in a hurry,Dad Please drive faster!
Please slow down!
3.Oh,good!Here's the airport.Am I lateAm I early?No.What am I?
When you hear the right answer,please repeat it loudly.I am

I am in a hurry.I am on time.
4.Now,we are at the the airport.It's time for me to go.
What can I say to my father?Please stand for the right answers.
Please sit for the wrong answers.Goodbye!I'll miss you!Bye-bye!
Hello,nice to see you! Bye,Dad!
5.What can my father say to me?I'm going to say four answers.
One of them is wrong
When you hear the wrong answer.Please say no.Have a nice time!
Have a good time! Please hurry up! Have a nice trip!
6.Two days later,I return home.My mother asks me a question.
Here is my answer.Yes,thanks.I did.
I had a great trip.What did she ask me?
Please stand when you hear the right answer.Where did you stay?
What did you eat on the airplane?Did you enjoy yourself?
7.Here's the hard question,think.I'm walking by the side of the

What else can I say?
When you hear the right answer,please stand by the side of your

I'm walking on the road.
I'm walking above the road.I'm walking beside the road.
I'm walking under the road.
8.Listen.What am I talking about?When you know the answer say

it loudly.
It means luggage or baggage.
You take it on trips
You put clothes in it.You carry it.
It starts with the letterS.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
tent [tent]


n. 帐篷
v. 住帐篷,宿营

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

luggage ['lʌgidʒ]


n. 行李





