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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"What's the terrible hurry?" said Bree. "We've crossed the desert, haven't we?"“干吗这么可怕地急急忙忙呢?”布里说,”我们穿过了沙漠,不是吗?”
"But we're not in Archenland yet," said Aravis. "And we've got to get there before Rabadash."“可我们还没有进入阿钦兰,”阿拉维斯说,”我们得在拉巴达什之前赶到那儿。”
"Oh, we must be miles ahead of him," said Bree. "Haven't we been coming a shorter way? Didn't that Raven friend of yours say this was a short cut, Shasta?"“噢,我们一定在他前面好几英里了,”布里说,”我们不是走了二条比较近的路吗?沙斯塔,你那渡鸦朋友不是说过这是条捷径吗?”
"He didn't say anything about shorter," answered Shasta. "He only said better, because you got to a river this way. If the oasis is due North of Tashbaan, then I'm afraid this may be longer."“它并没说比较近,”沙斯塔答道,”它只是说比较好,因为在这条路上你碰得到一条河流。如果绿洲是在塔什班城的正北方,那么我想那条路就可能要长些。”
"Well I can't go on without a snack," said Bree. "Take my bridle off, Shasta."“我不吃一顿,没法儿赶路,”布里说,”沙斯塔,替我解下鞍子。”
"P-please," said Hwin, very shyly, "I feel just like Bree that I can't go on. But when Horses have humans (with spurs and things) on their backs, aren't they often made to go on when they're feeling like this? and then they find they can. I m-mean - oughtn't we to be able to do even more, now that we're free. It's all for Narnia."“对不起,”赫温十分腼腆地说道,”我的感觉跟布里一样,没法儿赶路了。但有人骑在马背上(还配上了马刺之类的东西),马儿不是在感到饥饿时也往往被驱策着赶路吗?那时,马儿发觉它们能赶路。我的意思是说——现在我们既然自由了,那就应该能赶更多的路。这全是为了纳尼亚啊。”
"I think, Ma'am," said Bree very crushingly, "that I know a little more about campaigns and forced marches and what a horse can stand than you do."“我想,女士,”布里以压倒对方的口气说道,”关于战争、急行军、马儿的承受力等等,我懂得要比你多一点儿。”
To this Hwin made no answer, being, like most highly bred mares, a very nervous and gentle person who was easily put down. In reality she was quite right, and if Bree had had a Tarkaan on his back at that moment to make him go on, he would have found that he was good for several hours' hard going. But one of the worst results of being a slave and being forced to do things is that when there is no one to force you any more you find you have almost lost the power of forcing yourself.赫温对此未作答复,像出身高贵的马儿一样,秉性胆怯温和,是容易被吃瘪的。事实上,它的意见是十分正确的,如果此时此刻有个泰坎骑在布里的背上,布里是能拼命跑上好几个钟头的。但做着奴隶而又被迫干活的最坏结果是:没有人强迫你干活时,你发觉自己几乎已经丧失了强迫自己干活的力量。
So they had to wait while Bree had a snack and a drink, and of course Hwin and the children had a snack and a drink too. It must have been nearly eleven o'clock in the morning before they finally got going again. And even then Bree took things much more gently than yesterday. It was really Hwin, though she was the weaker and more tired of the two, who set the pace.所以,他们不得不等待布里吃东西唱水;当然,赫温和孩子们也跟着吃一点喝一点。他们最后重新赶路时,必定是上午靠近十一点钟光景了。而且即使到了这个时辰,布里干起活来也比昨天更加斯文了。虽然赫温是两匹马儿中比样弱小和更加疲乏的,真正领先的倒是赫温。
The valley itself, with its brown, cool river, and grass and moss and wild flowers and rhododendrons, was such a pleasant place that it made you want to ride slowly.山谷本身以及山谷里棕色的清凉河流,青草、苍苔、野花和杜鹊花,是那么赏心悦目,使你很想放慢驰骋哟步

"What's the terrible hurry?" said Bree. "We've crossed the desert, haven't we?"

"But we're not in Archenland yet," said Aravis. "And we've got to get there before Rabadash."

"Oh, we must be miles ahead of him," said Bree. "Haven't we been coming a shorter way? Didn't that Raven friend of yours say this was a short cut, Shasta?"

"He didn't say anything about shorter," answered Shasta. "He only said better, because you got to a river this way. If the oasis is due North of Tashbaan, then I'm afraid this may be longer."

"Well I can't go on without a snack," said Bree. "Take my bridle off, Shasta."

"P-please," said Hwin, very shyly, "I feel just like Bree that I can't go on. But when Horses have humans (with spurs and things) on their backs, aren't they often made to go on when they're feeling like this? and then they find they can. I m-mean - oughtn't we to be able to do even more, now that we're free. It's all for Narnia."

"I think, Ma'am," said Bree very crushingly, "that I know a little more about campaigns and forced marches and what a horse can stand than you do."

To this Hwin made no answer, being, like most highly bred mares, a very nervous and gentle person who was easily put down. In reality she was quite right, and if Bree had had a Tarkaan on his back at that moment to make him go on, he would have found that he was good for several hours' hard going. But one of the worst results of being a slave and being forced to do things is that when there is no one to force you any more you find you have almost lost the power of forcing yourself.

So they had to wait while Bree had a snack and a drink, and of course Hwin and the children had a snack and a drink too. It must have been nearly eleven o'clock in the morning before they finally got going again. And even then Bree took things much more gently than yesterday. It was really Hwin, though she was the weaker and more tired of the two, who set the pace.

The valley itself, with its brown, cool river, and grass and moss and wild flowers and rhododendrons, was such a pleasant place that it made you want to ride slowly.











重点单词   查看全部解释    
oasis [əu'eisis]


n. 绿洲,避风港,宜人之地

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

gentle ['dʒentl]


adj. 温和的,轻柔的,文雅的,温顺的,出身名门的





