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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Boom - boom - ba-ba-boom went the horrible drum. Then another sound began to mix with it. "Listen!" said Jewel: and then "Look!" said Farsight. A moment later there was no doubt what it was. With a thunder of hoofs, with tossing heads, widened nostrils, and waving manes, over a score of Talking Horses of Narnia came charging up the hill. The gnawers and nibblers had done their work.可怕的鼓声继续擂下去:嘭一嘭一吧一吧一嘭。接着是另一种声音掺入了鼓声。“听!”珍宝说。“瞧!”老鹰道。片刻之后,这究竟是什么,已经是毫无疑问的了。二十多匹会说人话的马儿,蹄声如雷鸣隆隆,摇晃着脑袋,张大着鼻孔,抖动着鬃毛,正在冲上山来。会啃会啮的小不点儿们已经做了工作,马儿成群结队地来支援了。
Poggin the Dwarf and the children opened their mouths to cheer but that cheer never came. Suddenly the air was full of the sound of twanging bow-strings and hissing arrows. It was the Dwarfs who were shooting and - for a moment Jill could hardly believe her eyes - they were shooting the Horses. Dwarfs are deadly archers. Horse after Horse rolled over. Not one of those noble Beasts ever reached the King.小矮人波金和孩子们张开嘴巴欢呼,但那欢呼可没有喊出声音来。空中突然充满了嘣嘣的弓弦声和嗖嗖的射箭声。正在射箭的小矮人们——吉尔在片刻之间简直没法儿相信自己的眼睛——小矮人正向马儿射箭哩。小矮人都是致人死命的弓箭手。马儿一匹又一匹地滚翻了。这些高贵的马儿没有一匹到达国王身边。
"Little Swine," shrieked Eustace, dancing in his rage. "Dirty, filthy, treacherous little brutes." Even Jewel said, "Shall I run after those Dwarfs, Sire, and spit ten of them on my horn at each plunge?" But Tirian with his face as stern as stone, said, "Stand fast, Jewel. If you must weep, sweetheart (this was to Jill), turn your face aside and see you wet not your bow-string. And peace, Eustace. Do not scold, like a kitchen-girl. No warrior scolds. Courteous words or else hard knocks are his only language."“小猪猡,”尤斯塔斯愤怒得双脚直跳,尖声骂道,“肮脏龌龊的背信弃义的小畜生。”甚至珍宝也说:“可要我追上这些小矮人,用我的独角一戳过去就刺穿十个?”但蒂莲的面色严峻如石头,说道:“站定了,珍宝。宝贝儿(这是对吉尔说的),如果你一定要哭,那就转过脸去,留神别让泪水沾湿了弓弦。尤斯塔斯,你安静点儿,别像厨娘一样骂人。战士可不骂人的。有礼貌的言词或者强有力的打击,是战士惟一的语言。”
But the Dwarfs jeered back at Eustace. "That was a surprise for you, little boy, eh? Thought we were on your side, did you? No fear. We don't want any Talking Horses. We don't want you to win any more than the other gang. You can't take us in. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs."但小矮人们对尤斯塔斯报之以嘲笑:“小家伙,这事叫你吃了一惊,啊?你认为我们是站在你们一边的吧,你可认为?别害怕。我们不要什么说人话的马儿。我不希望你们比另外一帮子赢得更多。你们没法儿叫我们受骗上当。小矮人总是为小矮人而奋斗。”
Rishda Tarkaan was still talking to his men, doubtless making arrangements for the next attack and probably wishing he had sent his whole force into the first. The drum boomed on. Then, to their horror, Tirian and his friends heard, far fainter as if from a long way off, an answering drum. Another body of Calormenes had heard Rishda's signal and were coming to support him. You would not have known from Tirian's face that he had now given up all hope.“泰坎”利什达仍旧在对他的部队讲话,毫无疑问是在为第二次攻击做好安排,很可能指望把他的整个军事力量都投入先头部队。战鼓继续冬冬地响。接着,使他们惊惶的是,蒂莲和他的朋友们听到了一种遥相呼应的轻微鼓声,仿佛是从老远的地方传来的鼓声。另一支卡乐门部队听到了利什达的信号,正在赶来支援他了。蒂莲现在已经放弃了一切希望,但你从他脸上神情可看不出来。
"Listen," he whispered in a matter-of-fact voice, "we must attack now, before yonder miscreants are strengthened by their friends."“听着,”他用镇定的声调低语道,“我们现在必须攻击了,趁那边的凶恶敌人还没有得到友军的增援。”
"Bethink you, Sire," said Poggin, "that here we have the good wooden wall of the stable at our backs. If we advance, shall we not be encircled and get sword-points between our shoulders?"“陛下,请你考虑一下,”波金说道,“我们在这儿背后有马厩坚实的木板墙挡着。我们如果向前挺进,难道我们不会受到包围,难道两肩之间不会挨到刀尖吗?”。
"I would say as you do, Dwarf," said Tirian. "Were it not their very plan to force us into the stable? The further we are from its deadly door, the better."“小矮人,我也会像你这样说话的,”蒂莲说道,“把我们逼进马厩,难道不是他们的阴谋诡计吗?我们离你那致命的门愈远愈好。”
"The King is right," said Farsight. "Away from this accursed stable, and whatever goblin lives inside it, at all costs."“国王说得对,”老鹰说道,“不惜一切代价,离开这可恶的马厩,不管它里边住的是什么妖怪。”
"Yes, do let's," said Eustace. "I'm coming to hate the very sight of it." “是啊,让我们离开这马厩吧,”尤斯塔斯说道,“我变得一看见马厩心头就恨恨的。”

Boom - boom - ba-ba-boom went the horrible drum. Then another sound began to mix with it. "Listen!" said Jewel: and then "Look!" said Farsight. A moment later there was no doubt what it was. With a thunder of hoofs, with tossing heads, widened nostrils, and waving manes, over a score of Talking Horses of Narnia came charging up the hill. The gnawers and nibblers had done their work.

Poggin the Dwarf and the children opened their mouths to cheer but that cheer never came. Suddenly the air was full of the sound of twanging bow-strings and hissing arrows. It was the Dwarfs who were shooting and - for a moment Jill could hardly believe her eyes - they were shooting the Horses. Dwarfs are deadly archers. Horse after Horse rolled over. Not one of those noble Beasts ever reached the King.

"Little Swine," shrieked Eustace, dancing in his rage. "Dirty, filthy, treacherous little brutes." Even Jewel said, "Shall I run after those Dwarfs, Sire, and spit ten of them on my horn at each plunge?" But Tirian with his face as stern as stone, said, "Stand fast, Jewel. If you must weep, sweetheart (this was to Jill), turn your face aside and see you wet not your bow-string. And peace, Eustace. Do not scold, like a kitchen-girl. No warrior scolds. Courteous words or else hard knocks are his only language."

But the Dwarfs jeered back at Eustace. "That was a surprise for you, little boy, eh? Thought we were on your side, did you? No fear. We don't want any Talking Horses. We don't want you to win any more than the other gang. You can't take us in. The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs."

Rishda Tarkaan was still talking to his men, doubtless making arrangements for the next attack and probably wishing he had sent his whole force into the first. The drum boomed on. Then, to their horror, Tirian and his friends heard, far fainter as if from a long way off, an answering drum. Another body of Calormenes had heard Rishda's signal and were coming to support him. You would not have known from Tirian's face that he had now given up all hope.

"Listen," he whispered in a matter-of-fact voice, "we must attack now, before yonder miscreants are strengthened by their friends."

"Bethink you, Sire," said Poggin, "that here we have the good wooden wall of the stable at our backs. If we advance, shall we not be encircled and get sword-points between our shoulders?"

"I would say as you do, Dwarf," said Tirian. "Were it not their very plan to force us into the stable? The further we are from its deadly door, the better."

"The King is right," said Farsight. "Away from this accursed stable, and whatever goblin lives inside it, at all costs."

"Yes, do let's," said Eustace. "I'm coming to hate the very sight of it."











重点单词   查看全部解释    
boom [bu:m]


n. 繁荣,低沉声,帆杠,水栅
vi. 急速增

warrior ['wɔ:riə]


n. 勇士,战士,武士

treacherous ['tretʃərəs]


adj. 背信弃义的,叛逆的,不可靠的,危险的

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

rage [reidʒ]


n. 狂怒,大怒,狂暴,肆虐,风行
v. 大怒

horn [hɔ:n]


n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉

swine [swain]


n. 猪

score [skɔ:]


n. 得分,刻痕,二十,乐谱
vt. 记分,刻

plunge [plʌndʒ]


v. 使投入,跳入,栽进
n. 跳入,投入

drum [drʌm]


n. 鼓,鼓声,鼓状物
vi. 击鼓,连续敲击





