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诺贝尔文学经典:《宠儿》第3章Part 19

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
"I wait; then I got on the bridge. I stay there in the dark, in the daytime, in the dark, in the daytime. It was a long time."“我等啊等,然后就上了桥。我在那里待了一晚上,一白天,一晚上,一白天。好长时间。”
"All this time you were on a bridge?"“这么长时间你一直在桥上?”
"No. After. When I got out."“不是。那是后来。我出来以后的事。”
"What did you come back for?"“你回来干啥?”
Beloved smiled. "To see her face."宠儿莞尔一笑。“看她的脸。”
"Ma'am's? Sethe?"“太太的?塞丝?”
"Yes, Sethe."“对,塞丝。”
Denver felt a little hurt, slighted that she was not the main reason for Beloved's return. "Don't youremember we played together by the stream?"丹芙觉得有点受伤害、受轻视,因为她不是宠儿回来的主要原因。“你不记得我们一起在小溪边玩了?”
"I was on the bridge," said Beloved. "You see me on the bridge?"“我在桥上,”宠儿说,“你看见我在桥上了?”
"No, by the stream. The waterback in the woods."“不,在小溪边上。后边树林里的小溪。”
"Oh, I was in the water. I saw her diamonds down there. I could touch them."“哦,我在水里。我就是在下面看见了她的钻石。我都能摸着它们。”
"What stopped you?"“那你怎么没摸?”
"She left me behind. By myself," said Beloved. She lifted her eyes to meet Denver's and frowned,perhaps. Perhaps not. The tiny scratches on her forehead may have made it seem so.“她把我丢在后面了。就剩下我一个人。”宠儿说道。她抬眼去看丹芙的眼睛,也许皱了皱眉头。也许没皱。可能是她前额上细细的抓痕让情形看来如此。
Denver swallowed. "Don't," she said. "Don't. You won't leave us, will you?"丹芙咽了口唾沫。“别,”她说,“别。你不会离开我们,是吗?”
"No. Never. This is where I am."“不会。永远不会。这就是我待的地方。”

"I wait; then I got on the bridge. I stay there in the dark, in the daytime, in the dark, in the daytime. It was a long time."
"All this time you were on a bridge?"
"No. After. When I got out."
"What did you come back for?"
Beloved smiled. "To see her face."
"Ma'am's? Sethe?"
"Yes, Sethe."
Denver felt a little hurt, slighted that she was not the main reason for Beloved's return. "Don't youremember we played together by the stream?"
"I was on the bridge," said Beloved. "You see me on the bridge?"
"No, by the stream. The waterback in the woods."
"Oh, I was in the water. I saw her diamonds down there. I could touch them."
"What stopped you?"
"She left me behind. By myself," said Beloved. She lifted her eyes to meet Denver's and frowned,perhaps. Perhaps not. The tiny scratches on her forehead may have made it seem so.
Denver swallowed. "Don't," she said. "Don't. You won't leave us, will you?"
"No. Never. This is where I am."


文章关键字: 宠儿 莫里森 托妮 小说 双语





