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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The nephew, the one who had nursed her while his brother held her down, didn't know he wasshaking. His uncle had warned him against that kind of confusion, but the warning didn't seem tobe taking. What she go and do that for? On account of a beating? Hell, he'd been beat a milliontimes and he was white. Once it hurt so bad and made him so mad he'd smashed the well bucket.Another time he took it out on Samson — a few tossed rocks was all. But no beating ever madehim... I mean no way he could have... What she go and do that for? And that is what he asked thesheriff, who was standing there, amazed like the rest of them, but not shaking. He was swallowinghard, over and over again. "What she want to go and do that for?"The sheriff turned, then said to the other three, "You all better go on. Look like your business isover. Mine's started now."现在这个侄子,他兄弟按住她时吃她的奶的那个,不由自主地战栗着。他叔叔警告过他,要提防那种慌乱,可是看来这个警告没被采纳。她干吗逃走,还这样做?为了一回打?妈的,他挨过一百万次打,他还是个白人呢。有一回打得特别疼,气得他摔坏了水桶。另一回他把气撒到了参孙身上——也不过扔了几颗石子。可是挨打从来没让他……我是说他不可能会……她干吗逃走,还这样做?他就这样问了警官这个问题,警官正站在那里像其他人一样惊诧不已,但没有战栗。他使劲咽着唾沫,一口接一口地。"她干吗想逃走,还这样做?"警官转过身,然后对其他三个人说道:"你们趁早都走吧。看来没你们什么事了。该我了。"
Schoolteacher beat his hat against his thigh and spit before leaving thewoodshed. Nephew and the catcher backed out with him. They didn't look at the woman in thepepper plants with the flower in her hat. And they didn't look at the seven or so faces that hadedged closer in spite of the catcher's rifle warning. Enough nigger eyes for now. Little nigger-boyeyes open in sawdust; little nigger-girl eyes staring between the wet fingers that held her face soher head wouldn't fall off; little nigger-baby eyes crinkling up to cry in the arms of the old niggerwhose own eyes were nothing but slivers looking down at his feet. But the worst ones were thoseof the nigger woman who looked like she didn't have any. Since the whites in them haddisappeared and since they were as black as her skin, she looked blind."学校老师"用帽子使劲抽打自己的大腿,离开木棚屋之前又啐了一口。侄子和猎奴者跟他一起退了出来。他们没去看胡椒地里那个帽子上戴花的女人。他们也没去看猎奴者的枪没能拦住的七张凑过来的脸。够了,黑鬼的眼睛。黑鬼小男孩的眼睛在锯末里张着;黑鬼小姑娘的眼睛在血淋淋的手指缝里瞪着,那只手扶住她的脑袋,好让它掉不下来;黑鬼小婴儿皱起眼睛在老黑鬼的怀里哭闹,老黑鬼的眼睛只不过是两道裂缝,正盯着自己的脚面。然而最可怕的是那个女黑鬼的,看上去就像她没有眼睛似的。眼白消失了,于是她的眼睛有如她皮肤一般黑,她像个瞎子。
They unhitched from schoolteacher's horse the borrowed mule that was to carry the fugitivewoman back to where she belonged, and tied it to the fence. Then, with the sun straight up overtheir heads, they trotted off, leaving the sheriff behind among the damnedest bunch of coons they'dever seen. All testimony to the results of a little so-called freedom imposed on people who neededevery care and guidance in the world to keep them from the cannibal life they preferred.他们从"学校老师"的马身上解下那匹借来的、本来要运女逃犯回去的骡子,拴在栅栏上。然后,他们顶着烈日骑马走了,把警官留在身后这伙罪该万死的黑熊中间。他们全部目睹了以一点所谓自由来欺骗这帮人的恶果,这些家伙需要世上一切的监督和指导,才能避免他们自己更喜欢的同类相残的生活。

The nephew, the one who had nursed her while his brother held her down, didn't know he wasshaking. His uncle had warned him against that kind of confusion, but the warning didn't seem tobe taking. What she go and do that for? On account of a beating? Hell, he'd been beat a milliontimes and he was white. Once it hurt so bad and made him so mad he'd smashed the well bucket.Another time he took it out on Samson — a few tossed rocks was all. But no beating ever madehim... I mean no way he could have... What she go and do that for? And that is what he asked thesheriff, who was standing there, amazed like the rest of them, but not shaking. He was swallowinghard, over and over again. "What she want to go and do that for?"The sheriff turned, then said to the other three, "You all better go on. Look like your business isover. Mine's started now."
Schoolteacher beat his hat against his thigh and spit before leaving thewoodshed. Nephew and the catcher backed out with him. They didn't look at the woman in thepepper plants with the flower in her hat. And they didn't look at the seven or so faces that hadedged closer in spite of the catcher's rifle warning. Enough nigger eyes for now. Little nigger-boyeyes open in sawdust; little nigger-girl eyes staring between the wet fingers that held her face soher head wouldn't fall off; little nigger-baby eyes crinkling up to cry in the arms of the old niggerwhose own eyes were nothing but slivers looking down at his feet. But the worst ones were thoseof the nigger woman who looked like she didn't have any. Since the whites in them haddisappeared and since they were as black as her skin, she looked blind.
They unhitched from schoolteacher's horse the borrowed mule that was to carry the fugitivewoman back to where she belonged, and tied it to the fence. Then, with the sun straight up overtheir heads, they trotted off, leaving the sheriff behind among the damnedest bunch of coons they'dever seen. All testimony to the results of a little so-called freedom imposed on people who neededevery care and guidance in the world to keep them from the cannibal life they preferred.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
guidance ['gaidəns]


n. 引导,指导

confusion [kən'fju:ʒən]


n. 混乱,混淆,不确定状态

spite [spait]


n. 恶意,怨恨
vt. 刁难,伤害

sheriff ['ʃerif]


n. 郡治安官,郡长

sawdust ['sɔ:dʌst]


n. 锯屑

testimony ['testiməni]


n. 证明,证据

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

rifle ['raifl]


n. 步枪
v. 洗劫,抢劫

fence [fens]


n. 栅栏,围墙,击剑术
n. 买卖赃物的人<

bucket ['bʌkit]


n. 水桶
vt. 装在桶里





