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英语六级翻译训练每日一题附答案和讲解 第266期:乐善好施的美德

来源:可可英语 编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Doing good is also known as “doing good deeds” in China. Being glad to do good deeds is closely associated with excellent qualities such as tolerance, justice and kindness, etc., and it is a traditional Chinese virtue. Chinese people have always considered it a happy deed to help others, and offer to help those in trouble with full-hearted enthusiasm. This kind of help is very selfless no matter the relationship between the helped and the helper is intimate or not, and it requires nothing from others. People consider helping others as a noble obligation, and in the process of doing this they improve and perfect their own soul and morals. This good virtue has taken root in the hearts of the Chinese people nowadays. It has become commonplace in China that if one person or one place is in trouble, people from all quarters will offer to help.




