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新东方GRE核心词汇考法精析 List23:Unit9

来源:可可英语 编辑:alice   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
【考法 1】 n. 瞌睡,嗜睡: the quality or state of desiring or needing sleep
【例】 Somnolence is likely to be the most typical reaction to this novel. 读这部小说最典型的感受就是想睡
【近】 doziness, drowsiness
【反】 insomnia, sleeplessness, wakefulness 失眠
【考法 1】 n. 十四行诗: a 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes
【例】 a sonnet that celebrates love 一首歌颂爱情的十四行诗
【反】 doggerel 幽默不正式的诗,打油诗
【考法 1】 vt. 带来慰藉,安慰: to bring comfort, solace, or reassurance to
【例】 There seemed to be no words sufficient to soothethe widow. 任何话语好像都不足以安慰这个寡妇。
【近】 cheer, comfort, console, solace
【反】 agonize, distress, harrow, torment, torture, trouble 使痛苦,折磨
【考法 2】 vt. 使镇静,使安心: to free from distress or disturbance
【例】 He took her in his arms and soothed her. 他把她抱在怀中以让她镇静下来。
【近】 becalm, compose, lull, lullaby, quiet, quieten, salve, settle, still, tranquilize
【反】 agitate, discompose, disquiet, disturb, perturb, upset, vex 打扰,使不安
【考法 3】 vt. 弱化,缓解: to make more bearable or less severe
【例】 Hot tea with honey will soothe a sore throat. 加了蜂蜜的热茶可以缓解喉咙的酸痛。
【近】 abate, allay, alleviate, assuage, ease, mitigate, mollify, palliate, relieve, soften
【反】 aggravate, exacerbate, intensify 恶化
【考法 1】 n. 安慰物: something yielded to placate or soothe
【例】 to provide with the salary raise as a sop 提高工资作为安慰
【近】 balm, emollient, placebo,salve, unguent
【反】 irritant, stimulant 刺激物
【考法 2】 n. 贿赂,回扣: something given or promised in order to improperly influence a person's conduct or decision
【例】 As a sop to the teachers' union for supporting his reelection campaign, the mayor promised to push for the abolition of the residency requirement. 市长答应推动废除获得绿卡的限制条件,以此作为换取选举中教师联盟支持的条件。
【近】 backhander, boodle, cumshaw, fix
【考法 3】 vt. 浸湿,湿透: to wet thoroughly
【例】 My book fell in the swimming pool and was thoroughly sopped before I could fish it out. 我的书掉进了游泳池,在我把它捞出来之前已经彻底湿透了。
【近】 douse, drench, drown, impregnate, macerate, saturate, soak, sodden, souse, steep
【反】 dehydrate, dry, desiccate 脱水;parch, sear, scorch 烤干,烧焦;wring 拧干
【考法 1】 n. 假推理,诡辩: deceptive or fallacious argumentation
【例】 Political selection is more dependent on sophism and less on economic literacy. 政治选举更多的是依靠诡辩,而非简练的文笔。
【近】 sophistry
【考法 1】 adj. 精明的,老于世故的: having acquired worldly knowledge or refinement; lacking natural simplicity or naiveté
【例】 On the train I met a surprisingly sophisticated and widely traveled child. 在火车上我见到了一个老练得让人惊讶的、见多识广的孩子。
【近】 cosmopolitan, debonair, knowing, smart, suave, urbane, worldly
【反】 guileless, ingenuous, innocent, 天真的
【考法 2】 adj. 复杂的: very complex or complicated
【例】 a very sophisticated machine that is a marvel of modern design 一个十分复杂的机器,是现代设计的最高成就
【近】 baroque, byzantine, complicated, convoluted, elaborate, intricate, involved, knotty, labyrinthine, tangled
【反】 plain, simple 简单的
【派】 sophistication n. 精明;复杂
【考法 1】 n. 安眠药: a drug or other substance that induces sleep
【例】 Alcohol is a poor hypnotic because it disturbs sleep patterns, and so can worsen sleep disorders. 酒精是一种欠佳的安眠药,因为它会干扰睡眠的固定模式,从而恶化睡眠紊乱的情况。
【近】 hypnotic
【反】 stimulant 兴奋剂
【考法 2】 adj. 催眠的: causing or tending to cause sleep
【例】 This medication is soporific, so do not drive after taking it. 这种药物是催眠的,服用之后切忌开车。‖the soporific heat of summer 夏日里催人欲睡的阳光
【近】 narcotic, opiate, slumberous, somniferous, somnolent
【反】 arousing, waking, invigorating, stimulating 刺激性的
【考法 3】 adj. 慵懒的,困倦的: of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy
【例】 A big lunch always makes me soporific in the afternoon. 中午一顿大餐总是让我下午感到困倦。
【近】 dozy, drowsy, sleepy
【反】 awake, conscious, wakeful 清醒的;alert 警醒的;sleepless, insomniac 无法入睡的
【考法 1】 adj. 肮脏的,不干净的: not clean
【例】 I will not let my children grow up in such a sordid environment. 我绝不会让我的孩子在这样一个肮脏的环境之中成长。
【近】 besmirched, dirty, dusty, filthy, foul, grubby, muddy, nasty, smudged, soiled, stained, sullied, unclean
【反】 clean, immaculate, spotless, stainless, unsoiled, unstained, unsullied 干净的
【考法 2】 adj. 卑鄙的: marked by baseness or grossness
【近】 Behind his generous donation were sordid motives. 在他慷慨捐资的背后有着卑鄙的动机。
【近】 base, contemptible, despicable, detestable, dishonorable, execrable, ignominious, mean, vile, wretched
【反】 honorable, lofty, noble, straight, upright, venerable, virtuous 高尚的,值得尊敬的
【考法 1】 adj. 牢固的,不可动摇的: marked by the ability to withstand stress without structural damage or distortion
【例】 The bridge is structurally sound. 这座大桥在结构上是稳固的。
【近】 bombproof, fast, firm, stalwart, strong, sturdy
【反】 ramshackle 摇摇欲坠的;rickety, unstable, unsteady 不稳定的
【考法 2】 adj. 健康的,强壮的: free from injury or disease: exhibiting normal health
【例】 The horse is getting old, but still perfectly sound. 虽然在变老,但这匹马依然相当健康。
【近】 bouncing, fit, hale, healthy, hearty, robust, well, well-conditioned, wholesome
【反】 ailing, diseased, ill, sick 生病的;decrepit, enfeebled, feeble, infirm 虚弱的
【考法 3】 adj. (逻辑上)严谨的: based on valid reasoning
【例】 Sound reasoning alone should tell you that the result is invalid. 从纯粹严谨的逻辑演绎出发,这个结论是不正确的。
【近】 analytic, coherent, consequent, rational, reasonable, sensible, valid, well-founded, well-grounded
【反】 illegitimate, illogical, incoherent, inconsequent, invalid, irrational, unreasonable, unsound, weak (逻辑上)站不住脚的
【派】 soundness n. (逻辑上的)无疵
【考法 1】 adj. 稀疏的,稀少的: less plentiful than what is normal, necessary, or desirable
【例】 Many slopes are rock fields with sparse vegetation. 许多山坡都是不长植物的石坡。
【近】 exiguous, meager, niggardly, poor, scant, scanty, scarce, skimpy, slender, slim, sparing, stingy
【反】 abundant, ample, bountiful, copious, generous, liberal, plenteous, plentiful 大量的,丰富的
重点单词   查看全部解释    
relieve [ri'li:v]


v. 减轻,救济,解除

fallacious [fə'leiʃəs]


adj. 使人误解的,谬误的,不合理的

palliate ['pælieit]


vt. 减轻,缓和,辩解

perturb [pə'tə:b]


vt. 使烦恼,使不安

stingy ['stindʒi]


adj. 吝啬的,小气的

assuage [ə'sweidʒ]


vt. 缓和,减轻,镇定

sophistication [sə.fistikeiʃən]


n. 老练,精明,复杂,精密,有教养,诡辩,强词夺理

plentiful ['plentifəl]


adj. 丰富的,多的,充裕的

decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

disturb [dis'tə:b]


v. 扰乱,妨碍,使 ... 不安





