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Over the past few years, most people I’ve spoken to have become (or already were) environmentally conscious to some degree. What often begins simply as saving money - such as reducing the amount of electricity you use - turns out to have quite a positive impact. If, however, you want to do even more; there are several things you can do. Here are just 7 lifestyle changes which will help the environment.

1. Use the car less. This is perhaps the simplest change in this list - reduce the time you spend behind the wheel. In addition to the environmental benefits of doing this, you’ll probably find that you become slightly fitter; and have more money in your pocket at the end of the week. In short, there’s no downside. How do you do this? Here are a few suggestions :

* for short journeys, walk
* if possible, work from home (at least some of the time)
* create a car pool with workmates
* make use of public transport occasionally
* bike to work

2. Reduce your intake of red meat. Common sources of red meat such as cows and bulls produce an enormous quantity of climate-changing gases such as methane. Now, I’m certainly not suggesting that you should become vegetarian - I enjoy a good steak as much as any other omnivore - simply that a slight reduction can have a dramatic effect. As a bonus, there are a number of well-documented health benefits of a diet containing only a small amount of red meat.

3. Become a ‘green consumer‘. When shopping for any sort of product - anything from groceries to a new television - take a moment to weigh up the options. If there are alternatives, consider which product has the lowest impact on the environment. Things to look out for :

* does the item come in easily-recyclable packaging?
* have the goods been recently produced? Locally?
* is the item energy or water efficient?

By favoring the products which answer ‘yes‘ to these questions, producers and manufacturers will gradually take up ‘green‘ practices in order to remain competitive.

4. Become ‘carbon neutral‘ using offsets as necessary. This is something that nearly everyone can take advantage of. Become as close to ‘carbon neutral‘ as possible; purchasing carbon offsets as necessary. In effect, you’ll be investing in a number of sustainable energy and water schemes. NB : if you’re looking for a slightly more direct investment approach, read on.
wind farm
Photo by Jasmic

5. Invest in companies researching and producing renewable energy. Want to make some serious money, and help the environment at the same time? Invest in companies which are researching, producing and selling energy-efficient and water-efficient goods. Think wind farms, solar panels and electric cars. This is one area in which financial reward and environmental impact can have an enormous overlap.

6. Share your ‘green’ ideas with others. Over the past century or so, global communications has grown in many, many ways. This has made it possible to share ideas and discoveries at an incredible rate. Here are just a few of the ways in which you can share your thoughts with others :

* create a blog which documents the energy-conserving changes you make in your own home
* establish a not-for-profit group which teaches others how to live sustainably
* create a recycling collective with your neighbors, where each person is responsible for the collection and recycling of a particular material or product

NB : naturally there are a great many others. If you’ve developed or are aware of a scheme which is working well, be sure to leave a comment below. I’d love to hear about it.

7. Become politically active. If you’ve ever heard someone say ‘the government should do this‘ then this one’s for you. By becoming involved in politics - at any level with which you feel comfortable - you are able to help guide people to an incredible goal. Rather than sitting back and waiting for someone else to take action, make your own voice heard.
Final thoughts on lifestyle changes which will help the environment

Want more? Well, there’s one change you can make which will incorporate many of the items noted above - support those who are already making a difference. When your neighbor approaches you to discuss their own ideas for a recycling collective, or a workmate suggests a car pool; dive in. It really will make an impact.

在过去的几年里,大部分和我说过话的人都在一定程度上变成(或者本来就是)有环境意识的。通常我们会从简单的开始,比如省钱,比如减少你使用的电量 -就会变成有比较积极的影响。然而,如果你想做的更多,那就还有一些你可以做的事情。以下的7种生活方式的改变将有助于改善环境。

1. 少用车。这也许是这份单子上最简单的改变 - 减少你花在轮子后面的时间。这样做除了对环境有利外,



2. 少吃红色肉类。通常的红肉源比如奶牛和公牛会排出大量改变气候的气体,比如甲烷。现在,我绝对不是建议你变成素食者 - 我同任何不偏食的人一样喜欢吃好的牛排 - 只是稍微的减少一点食用量,就会带来巨大的效果。并且还有额外的好处,少吃红肉对健康的好处已经得到充分证实。

3. 成为一个"绿色的消费者"。买任何一类产品的时候 - 从日用百货到新式电视机 - 花一些时间来权衡你的选择。如果有其他的选择,请考虑那些对环境有最低影响的产品。值得留意的东西:



4. 成为尽可能使用‘自然碳(碳中和)’产品。这是几乎所有人都能利用的东西。尽可能变得靠近‘自然碳(碳中和)’:必须买碳产品。事实上,你将会投资很大数量的可持续发展的能源和水模式。注:如果你想找更直接一点点投资途径,请读下文。


5. 投资研究和生产可持续使用的能源的公司。想在赚钱的同时改善环境吗?投资那些正在研究,生产,销售节省能源,省水的货物的公司。考虑下风力农业,太阳能面板和电子汽车。这是一个经济回报和环境影响相交的领域。

6. 与他人分享你的“绿色”想法。在过去的几个世纪里,全球化交流新增了许多途径。这使人们能以不可思议的速度分享想法与发现。下面仅是一部分你可以同他人分享想法的方式。



7. 潜意识里变地积极。如果你曾经听到有人说“政府需要做这个”那么这个人就是对你有用。以任何你觉得合适的程度参与到政策中,就能够帮助引导人们达成一个不可思议的目标。与其坐在后面等待别人采取行动,不如让别人看到你的行动。


想要更多?好,这里有个和以上提到的都不一样的改变 - 支持那些已经有变化的人们。当你的邻居呼吁你来讨论他们自己有关回收的主意,或者一个同事建议搭车;加入他们。这些真的会有效果。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
bonus ['bəunəs]


n. 奖金,红利

environment [in'vaiərənmənt]


n. 环境,外界

slightly ['slaitli]


adv. 些微地,苗条地

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

efficient [i'fiʃənt]


adj. 效率高的,胜任的

reduction [ri'dʌkʃən]


n. 减少,缩小,(化学)还原反应,(数学)约分

approach [ə'prəutʃ]


n. 接近; 途径,方法
v. 靠近,接近,动

collection [kə'lekʃən]


n. 收集,收取,聚集,收藏品,募捐

slight [slait]


adj. 轻微的,微小的,纤细的,脆弱的

neutral ['nju:trəl]


adj. 中立的,中性的
n. 中立者,空挡的


关键字: 学习 动漫 笔记 真情




