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来源:本站原创 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

It's hard enough learning how to be a good boyfriend, but when you're a teen it's even more difficult because your hormones are raging and you don't have much practice.


1. Girls do not like guys who constantly lie to impress them. Tell the truth and you'll never have to worry about getting caught in a lie.
2. Be protective, but not to the point of being overprotective.
3. Make an effort to get along with her friends. Do not make it seem like your flirting with them. Your girlfriend could easily be hurt by this.
4. Respect that some of her friends are guys. If she says they're only friends, believe her unless you have a real reason not to.
5. Make sure you treat her well in front of your friends. Don't ignore her. Respect the fact that girls need to hang out with their girl-friends. Don't be jealous.
6. Answer her phone calls...and don't complain that she woke you up.
7. Compliment her often so that she knows that you're still interested in her. It will make her feel secure.
8. Tell her she looks beautiful when she's made an effort. Tell her she's beautiful when she hasn't.
9. Make sure she's always smiling. Make her happy when she's sad...but let her be sad if she needs to be.
10. Don't try to make her jealous, or suggest that she is jealous. It will get you dumped.
11. Don't be overly competitive with her. Girls like to think they're right.
12. Buy her flowers. But respect the fact that she won't carry them around all day. Not just any flowers. Make an effort to know her favorites.
13. Be romantic, but not cliche.
14. Don't get into fights. Girls won't see you as a protector, they will see you as an aggressor.
15. Don't tell her you think other girls are hot, even if she brings it up.
16. Let her play with your hair - even if she's messing it up.
17. Don't be jealous about her exes. She's with you, not with them. Never talk about how great your ex was. Unless you're saying that she's even better. and even then, you're on thin ice.
18. Don't embarrass her. EVER.
19. Don't pressure her.

1. Don't tease her about her outfits - she's probably self-conscious enough already.
2. Never call her fat - even if she's obese. Tell her you love her woman curves.
3. Don't tell her to get off your lap. Let your leg fall asleep. You can ask her to move her weight to the other leg.
4. Listen to her music even if it's rubbish and you can't stand it.
5. Listen to her even if the topic is boring.
6. Think before you say anything and don't do anything you'll regret.
7. Don't let your friends pick on her. Stick up for her, even if they are only kidding!
8. "No" always means no. even when you think it doesn't.
9. Don't ask for money from her or let her pay for lunch. Remember to be a gentleman.
10. Try to do something you both love to do, so that relationships don't seem a drag to you.
11. Tell her you've been thinking about her all day.
12. Kiss her on the forehead and on top of her head, especially when she is feeling down, and always say a simple 'I love you'. It will make her happy.


* Don't EVER tell her that you love her unless you mean it all the way with all your heart.
* Be yourself, she will find out who you really are at some point anyway
* Treat her the same way you would want to be treated
* Protect her
* Tell her that you will never "let her go"
* When she's mad, stay calm
* If she bumps into your hand a lot, hold her hand
* Some girls like to be called beautiful and some like to be called hot, know which one your girl likes. If you don't, gorgeous is an okay choice in most situations.
* When she is sad, go out of your way to cheer her up
* Give her your jacket if she's cold, or even better, hold her close so she doesn't feel bad for taking yours.
* Call her sweet names when you see she's feeling down.
* Make sure you always ALWAYS make time for her.
* Let her know she comes first.
* Make up silly jokes with her. Be totally honest.
* Tell her embarrassing things that have happened to you. Open up. If it's love she won't dump you for it.
* Be true to her, and if an ex is brought up, tell her you don't want anything to do with your ex, and that she's the only girl for you.
* If someone whistles at her, or gives her the eye, don't say "I'm going to go beat them up." Simply say, "Hey, I don't blame 'em." And let it go. Just don't let things get out of hand.
* During a first date they might want a first kiss. but don't make it big or anything. That might be her first kiss and she wont know how that well.
* If she is a bad kisser, don't let her know. Don't get mad or show any disappointment even if you have some, realize that might have been her first try.
* Let her pig out. If she's hungry, buy her food.
* If she accidentally passes gas, burps, etc. Just kinda laugh and say it's alright and give her a hug.
* Tell her your parents like her. It's always nice to know the parents like the other.
* Always make sure she's happy. If something seems wrong, hug her, hold her close, and don't let her go until she tells you. Not in the mean kind of way, though.
* Let her know she's right when she is.
* Try looking at other wikihow about guys and see what women like in men.


* Don't be afraid to kiss her under any circumstances
* But be very careful of parents and siblings like older brothers or overly protective fathers or mothers.
* Don't lie, EVER
* Don't be annoying
* NEVER EVER act like a stalker
* Never act like you're whipped, she might take advantage of that fact
* Never have bad breath, always keep mints or gum with you and brush your teeth two times a day.
* Don't look at her funny if her face is breaking out. Tell her that it doesn't matter, and you love her beyond physical appearance.
* Be Confident. Girls find confidence attractive
* Some girls aren't ready for relationships and may say they are. So if you are doing these steps and they do not appreciate it or are not emotionally close to you, talk to them!
* And seriously guys, be yourself. Girls hate liars, and especially cheaters.
* Some girls don't go for all of these tips. Get to know your girl before you start following as many of these rules as possible. Sometimes it's just obnoxious.
* DON'T say you love her before you've been together for more than a month and a half or so, even if it's true and you think she loves you. If she says it first, go ahead, though.
* NEVER EVER drown her while kissing. If you must use tongue, use the tip ONLY! Any more and it just gets gross.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
complain [kəm'plein]


vi. 抱怨,悲叹,控诉

romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人

pressure ['preʃə]


n. 压力,压强,压迫
v. 施压

tease [ti:z]


n. 揶揄者,戏弄
v. 欺负,嘲弄

cliche ['kli:ʃei]


n. 陈腔滥调

attractive [ə'træktiv]


adj. 有吸引力的,引起注意的

blame [bleim]


n. 过失,责备
vt. 把 ... 归咎于,

rubbish ['rʌbiʃ]


n. 垃圾,废物,废话
v. 贬损

brush [brʌʃ]


n. 刷子,画笔
n. 灌木丛

annoying [ə'nɔiiŋ]


adj. 恼人的,讨厌的






