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来源:yeeyan 编辑:beck   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

Leo Woman Taurus Man Compatibility 狮子座女和金牛座男的相融性
The Leo woman may get annoyed by her Taurus partner who may seem slow and stubborn in more than one occasion. She needs to keep her bossy nature in check as the Taurus man hates being told or dictated. The Taurus man, on the other hand, should accept his Leo woman's outgoing and fun loving nature and let her have her way at times. The Leo woman may require a lot of patience to deal with the Taurus man but she will be rewarded with a successful and divinely romantic and trustworthy partner.

Leo Man Taurus Woman Compatibility 狮子座男与金牛座女的相融性
This match has a better chance of succeeding than the relationship that is other way round. Both the Leo man and the Taurus woman are very loyal and devoted to each other. However, the Leo man should remember to keep his dominating nature in check and let his Taurus woman have her way sometimes. The Taurus woman, in turn, must accept that her partner's charming and pompous and not get annoyed by it. Beneath his bossy nature, the Taurus woman will find a warm hearted and loving partner in her Leo man who will never hesitate to shower her with gifts, love and affection.





