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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第23章Part 9

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
'Is that your penitence?' cried Susan, with stinging sharpness.“您就是这样悔过自新的吗?”苏珊用尖刻挖苦的口吻喊道。
'Why how can I go and fetch him when I don't know where to go?' whimpered the baited Rob. 'How can you be so unreasonable?'“我不知道他到那里去了,我怎么能去把他请回来呢?”被追逼着的罗布啜泣着,说道,“您怎么能这样不讲道理?”
'Did Mr Gills say when he should be home?' asked Florence.“吉尔斯先生有没有说过他什么时候回来?”弗洛伦斯问道。
'Yes, Miss,' replied Rob, with another application of his knuckles to his hair. 'He said he should be home early in the afternoon; in about a couple of hours from now, Miss.'“说过,”罗布又把指节举向头发,回答道,“他说下午很早就回来,大约再过两个小时就回来了,小姐。”
'Is he very anxious about his nephew?' inquired Susan.“他是不是为他的外甥很焦急?”苏珊问道。
'Yes, Miss,' returned Rob, preferring to address himself to Florence and slighting Nipper; 'I should say he was, very much so. He ain't indoors, Miss, not a quarter of an hour together. He can't settle in one place five minutes. He goes about, like a - just like a stray,' said Rob, stooping to get a glimpse of the pigeons through the window, and checking himself, with his fingers half-way to his mouth, on the verge of another whistle.“是的,小姐,”罗布回答道,他宁肯对着弗洛伦斯说话,而不把尼珀放在眼里,“我可以说他焦急得不得了。小姐,他在家里待不住一刻钟。他不能在一个地方坐上五分钟。他走来走去,就像——就真像是只迷路的鸟儿一样。”罗布说道,一边弯下身子,通过窗子看了一眼鸽子,把手指伸向嘴边,就在要吹出另一个口哨的当口,及时地控制住自己。
'Do you know a friend of Mr Gills, called Captain Cuttle?' inquired Florence, after a moment's reflection.'Him with a hook, Miss?' rejoined Rob, with an illustrative twist of his left hand. Yes, Miss. He was here the day before yesterday.'“您知不知道吉尔斯先生有一位朋友叫卡特尔船长的?” 弗洛伦斯沉思了一下之后问道。“他是不是有个钩子的,小姐?”罗布把左手弯曲了一下来解释他的意思,“是的,前天他还在这里。”
'Has he not been here since?' asked Susan.“他后来就没有来过了吗?”苏珊问道。
'No, Miss,' returned Rob, still addressing his reply to Florence.“没有,小姐,”罗布仍对着弗洛伦斯,回答道。
'Perhaps Walter's Uncle has gone there, Susan,' observed Florence, turning to her.“也许沃尔特的舅舅上他那里去了吧,苏珊。”弗洛伦斯转向苏珊说道。
'To Captain Cuttle's, Miss?' interposed Rob; 'no, he's not gone there, Miss. Because he left particular word that if Captain Cuttle called, I should tell him how surprised he was, not to have seen him yesterday, and should make him stop till he came back'“上卡特尔船长那里去了吗,小姐?”罗布插嘴道,“不会,他不会上那里去,小姐。因为他走的时候不特别嘱咐我,如果卡特尔船长来了,那么我必须告诉他,他昨天没有看见他是多么吃惊,还吩咐我把他留住,直到他回来。”
'Do you know where Captain Cuttle lives?' asked Florence.“你知道卡特尔船长住在哪里吗?”弗洛伦斯问道。

'Is that your penitence?' cried Susan, with stinging sharpness.
'Why how can I go and fetch him when I don't know where to go?' whimpered the baited Rob. 'How can you be so unreasonable?'
'Did Mr Gills say when he should be home?' asked Florence.
'Yes, Miss,' replied Rob, with another application of his knuckles to his hair. 'He said he should be home early in the afternoon; in about a couple of hours from now, Miss.'
'Is he very anxious about his nephew?' inquired Susan.
'Yes, Miss,' returned Rob, preferring to address himself to Florence and slighting Nipper; 'I should say he was, very much so. He ain't indoors, Miss, not a quarter of an hour together. He can't settle in one place five minutes. He goes about, like a - just like a stray,' said Rob, stooping to get a glimpse of the pigeons through the window, and checking himself, with his fingers half-way to his mouth, on the verge of another whistle.
'Do you know a friend of Mr Gills, called Captain Cuttle?' inquired Florence, after a moment's reflection.'Him with a hook, Miss?' rejoined Rob, with an illustrative twist of his left hand. Yes, Miss. He was here the day before yesterday.'
'Has he not been here since?' asked Susan.
'No, Miss,' returned Rob, still addressing his reply to Florence.
'Perhaps Walter's Uncle has gone there, Susan,' observed Florence, turning to her.
'To Captain Cuttle's, Miss?' interposed Rob; 'no, he's not gone there, Miss. Because he left particular word that if Captain Cuttle called, I should tell him how surprised he was, not to have seen him yesterday, and should make him stop till he came back'
'Do you know where Captain Cuttle lives?' asked Florence.

“您知不知道吉尔斯先生有一位朋友叫卡特尔船长的?” 弗洛伦斯沉思了一下之后问道。“他是不是有个钩子的,小姐?”罗布把左手弯曲了一下来解释他的意思,“是的,前天他还在这里。”
重点单词   查看全部解释    
settle ['setl]


v. 安顿,解决,定居
n. 有背的长凳

hook [huk]


n. 钩状物,勾拳,钩
v. 钩住,弯成(钩装

whistle ['wisl]


n. 口哨,汽笛,厂笛,啸啸声,用于召唤或发布命令的哨声

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

twist [twist]


v. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲
n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,

reflection [ri'flekʃən]


n. 反映,映像,折射,沉思,影响

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧

unreasonable [ʌn'ri:znəbl]


adj. 不合理的,过度的,不切实际的

illustrative ['iləstreitiv]


adj. 说明的,解说的,做例证的





