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残忍而美丽的情谊:The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(65)

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Sitting in the middle of my room the next morning, I ripped open box after box of presents. I don’t know why I even bothered, since I just gave them a joyless glance and pitched them to the corner of the room. The pile was growing there: a Polaroid camera, a transistor radio, an elaborate electric train set--and several sealed envelopes containing cash. I knew I’d never spend the money or listen to the radio, and the electric train would never trundle down its tracks in my room. I didn’t want any of it--it was all blood money; Baba would have never thrown me a party like that if I hadn’t won the tournament.隔日清早,我坐在房间中间,拆开一个又一个礼品盒子。我不知道自己为何如此费劲,因为我总是兴味索然地看上一眼,就将礼物丢到屋角去。它们在那边积成一堆:宝丽莱相机,变频收音机,精巧的电动列车组合玩具——还有几个装着现金的信封。我知道自己永远不会花那些钱,不会听那个收音机,而那辆电动列车也不会在我房间中爬上它的轨道。我不想要这些东西——这些全都是血腥钱;而且,若非我赢得风筝大赛,爸爸根本就不会替我举办那么一场宴会。
Baba gave me two presents. One was sure to become the envy of every kid in the neighborhood: a brand new Schwinn Stingray, the king of all bicycles. Only a handful of kids in all of Kabul owned a new Stingray and now I was one of them. It had high-rise handlebars with black rubber grips and its famous banana seat. The spokes were gold colored and the steel-frame body red, like a candy apple. Or blood. Any other kid would have hopped on the bike immediately and taken it for a full block skid. I might have done the same a few months ago.爸爸给了我两件礼物。一辆崭新的施温?斯丁格雷[1]SchwinnStingray,美国著名高档自行车品牌。[1],自行车之王,毫无疑问会让临近的小孩垂涎三尺,喀布尔拥有新斯丁格雷的孩子寥寥无几,如今我也跻身其中了。它的手把高高升起,握柄由黑色橡胶制成,还有个蜚声久远的香蕉型车座,轮辐是金色的,钢做的车身是红色的,赭红色,像鲜血那样。换成别的孩子,恐怕会立即跳上去,骑着它招摇过市。几个月前的我也许会这么做。
“You like it?” Baba said, leaning in the doorway to my room. I gave him a sheepish grin and a quick “Thank you.” I wished I could have mustered more.“你喜欢吗?”爸爸斜倚在我房间门口问。我露出温顺的笑容,匆匆说了声“谢谢”。我多希望我能多说几句话。
“We could go for a ride,” Baba said. An invitation, but only a halfhearted one.“我们可以去骑骑。”爸爸说。他在邀请我,不过并非真心实意。
“Maybe later. I’m a little tired,” I said.“再说吧,我有点累了。”
“Sure,” Baba said.“好的。”爸爸说。
“Thanks for the fireworks,” I said. A thank-you, but only a halfhearted one.“谢谢你的烟花。”我说。我在感谢他,不过并非真心实意。
“Get some rest,” Baba said, walking toward his room.“好好休息吧。”爸爸说,朝他房间走去。

Sitting in the middle of my room the next morning, I ripped open box after box of presents. I don’t know why I even bothered, since I just gave them a joyless glance and pitched them to the corner of the room. The pile was growing there: a Polaroid camera, a transistor radio, an elaborate electric train set--and several sealed envelopes containing cash. I knew I’d never spend the money or listen to the radio, and the electric train would never trundle down its tracks in my room. I didn’t want any of it--it was all blood money; Baba would have never thrown me a party like that if I hadn’t won the tournament.
Baba gave me two presents. One was sure to become the envy of every kid in the neighborhood: a brand new Schwinn Stingray, the king of all bicycles. Only a handful of kids in all of Kabul owned a new Stingray and now I was one of them. It had high-rise handlebars with black rubber grips and its famous banana seat. The spokes were gold colored and the steel-frame body red, like a candy apple. Or blood. Any other kid would have hopped on the bike immediately and taken it for a full block skid. I might have done the same a few months ago.
“You like it?” Baba said, leaning in the doorway to my room. I gave him a sheepish grin and a quick “Thank you.” I wished I could have mustered more.
“We could go for a ride,” Baba said. An invitation, but only a halfhearted one.
“Maybe later. I’m a little tired,” I said.
“Sure,” Baba said.
“Thanks for the fireworks,” I said. A thank-you, but only a halfhearted one.
“Get some rest,” Baba said, walking toward his room.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
tournament ['tuənəmənt]


n. 比赛,锦标赛,(中世纪的)骑士比武

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

rubber ['rʌbə]


n. 橡胶,橡皮,橡胶制品
adj. 橡胶的

elaborate [i'læbəreit]


adj. 精细的,详尽的,精心的
v. 详细地

invitation [.invi'teiʃən]


n. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致

halfhearted ['hɑ:f,hɑ:tid]


adj. 不认真的;不热心的;无兴趣的

brand [brænd]


n. 商标,牌子,烙印,标记
vt. 打烙印,

runner ['rʌnə]


n. 赛跑的人,跑步者

candy ['kændi]


n. 糖果
vt. 用糖煮,使结晶为砂糖



n. 轨道(track的复数);磁道;轮胎





