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经典科幻文学:《 再见 多谢你们的鱼》第26章2

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Fine. They were now falling together, which was all very sweet and romantic, but didn’t solve the basic problem, which was that they were falling, and the ground wasn’t waiting around to see if he had any more clever tricks up his sleeve, but was coming up to meet them like an express train.好。现在他们在一块往下落了,这非常甜蜜浪漫,但是没有解决基本问题,那就是他们还在坠落,而且大地不会等在一边看他会不会再从袖子里面变出什么花样来,而是像一列特快列车似的冲上来迎接他们。
He couldn’t support her weight, he hadn’t anything he could support it with or against. The only thing he could think was that they were obviously going to die, and if he wanted anything other than the obvious to happen he was going to have to do something other than the obvious. Here he felt he was on familiar territory.他支持不了她的体重,也没有什么东西可以帮他支持。他能想到的唯一的事情就是他们显然就要死了,而且如果他不希望这件显然的事情发生的话,他就不得不做一点不那么显然的事情。于是这时他感觉自己又进入了一个熟悉的境界。
He let go of her, pushed her away, and when she turned her face to him in a gasp of stunned horror, caught her little finger with his little finger and swung her back upwards, tumbling clumsily up after her.他松开她,把她推开,她魂不附体喘息着转过脸来对着他,这时他用小指扣住她的小指,把她甩到上方去,然后笨手笨脚地跟着她向上翻滚。
Shit, she said, as she sat panting and breathless on absolutely nothing at all, and when she had recovered herself they fled on up into the night.“糟糕。”她说,这时候她正上气不接下气地凌空坐着,等她缓过劲来,他们俩又继续滑入夜空。
Just below cloud level they paused and scanned where they had impossibly come. The ground was something not to regard with any too firm or steady an eye, but merely to glance at, as it were, in passing.飞到云层下方的时候,他们停了一停,看了看他们已经不可思议地来到了什么地方。大地变成了一个不需要特意去注视的什么东西,只需要你在没事的时候随意瞥上一眼。
Fenchurch tried some little swoops, daringly, and found that if she judged herself just right against a body of wind she could pull off some really quite dazzling ones with a little pirouette at the end, followed by a little drop which made her dress billow around her, and this is where readers who are keen to know what Marvin and Ford Prefect have been up to all this while should look ahead to later chapters, because Arthur now could wait no longer and helped her take it off.芬切琪大着胆子试着做了一些小小的俯冲,她发现如果有风的时候她调整得正确的话,只需要在最后的时候脚尖稍微旋转,就可以作出一些令人眼花缭乱的俯冲,之后会有一个小小的下落,这会使她的裙子在她周围像波浪一样翻滚。那些急着要看马文和福特?长官在干吗的读者现在应该跳到下一章去了,因为阿瑟现在已经迫不及待地要帮她把裙子脱下来了。
It drifted down and away whipped by the wind until it was a speck which finally vanished, and for various complicated reasons revolutionized the life of a family on Hounslow, over whose washing line it was discovered draped in the morning.裙子飘落下来,被风吹走,变成一个斑点,最后消失了,出于某些复杂的原因,第二天早上被发现搭在洪斯洛的一个家庭的洗衣机线上,并且使这家人的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。
In a mute embrace, they drifted up till they were swimming amongst the misty wraiths of moisture that you can see feathering around the wings of an aeroplane but never feel because you are sitting warm inside the stuffy aeroplane and looking through the little scratchy perspex window while somebody else’s son tries patiently to pour warm milk into your shirt.他们默默地拥抱着向上飘,直到后来在迷离的水汽中漂浮着,在这样的水汽中你可以看到飞机机翼的顺浆,但是你感觉不到,因为你正热乎乎地坐在臭烘烘的飞机里面,透过一个敷衍了事的小玻璃窗向外看,而不知道什么人的小孩正耐心地试图往你的衬衫里面倒牛奶。
Arthur and Fenchurch could feel them, wispy cold and thin, wreathing round their bodies, very cold, very thin. They felt, even Fenchurch, now protected from the elements by only a couple of fragments from Marks and Spencer, that if they were not going to let the force of gravity bother them, then mere cold or paucity of atmosphere could go and whistle.阿瑟和芬切琪能够感觉到水汽,有点冷而且稀薄,裹着他们的身体,非常冷,非常稀薄。芬切琪身上现在只有两块玛莎服装的布片保护着,即使这样,他们俩都觉得,如果他们不准备让重力来打扰他们的话,那么就这点寒冷和空气稀薄的小情况就一边玩去吧。
The two fragments from Marks and Spencer which, as Fenchurch rose now into the misty body of the clouds, Arthur removed very, very slowly, which is the only way it’s possible to do it when you’re flying and also not using your hands, went on to create considerable havoc in the morning in, respectively, counting from top to bottom, Isleworth and Richmond.芬切琪上升着进入了云层中去,阿瑟非常、非常缓慢地脱掉了她身上那两块玛莎牌的布片,你在天上飞,而且不用手的时候,这是唯一可行的方式。第二天早上,那两块布片又分别在艾尔伍兹和里士满造成了巨大的混乱。
They were in the cloud for a long time, because it was stacked very high, and when finally they emerged wetly above it, Fenchurch slowly spinning like a starfish lapped by a rising tidepool, they found that above the clouds is where the night get seriously moonlit.他们在云层里面花了很长时间,因为云层堆得很高。当他们终于湿漉漉地在云层上方出现的时候,芬切琪就像涨潮中的满潮湖里的海星一样慢慢旋转,他们发现云层上方才是真正得到夜晚的月光照耀的地方。
The light is darkly brilliant. There are different mountains up there, but they are mountains, with their own white arctic snows.月光如水。这里有不同寻常的群山,而且是有着自己的极地雪覆盖着的群山。
Fine. They were now falling together, which was all very sweet and romantic, but didn’t solve the basic problem, which was that they were falling, and the ground wasn’t waiting around to see if he had any more clever tricks up his sleeve, but was coming up to meet them like an express train.
He couldn’t support her weight, he hadn’t anything he could support it with or against. The only thing he could think was that they were obviously going to die, and if he wanted anything other than the obvious to happen he was going to have to do something other than the obvious. Here he felt he was on familiar territory.
He let go of her, pushed her away, and when she turned her face to him in a gasp of stunned horror, caught her little finger with his little finger and swung her back upwards, tumbling clumsily up after her.
Shit, she said, as she sat panting and breathless on absolutely nothing at all, and when she had recovered herself they fled on up into the night.
Just below cloud level they paused and scanned where they had impossibly come. The ground was something not to regard with any too firm or steady an eye, but merely to glance at, as it were, in passing.
Fenchurch tried some little swoops, daringly, and found that if she judged herself just right against a body of wind she could pull off some really quite dazzling ones with a little pirouette at the end, followed by a little drop which made her dress billow around her, and this is where readers who are keen to know what Marvin and Ford Prefect have been up to all this while should look ahead to later chapters, because Arthur now could wait no longer and helped her take it off.
It drifted down and away whipped by the wind until it was a speck which finally vanished, and for various complicated reasons revolutionized the life of a family on Hounslow, over whose washing line it was discovered draped in the morning.
In a mute embrace, they drifted up till they were swimming amongst the misty wraiths of moisture that you can see feathering around the wings of an aeroplane but never feel because you are sitting warm inside the stuffy aeroplane and looking through the little scratchy perspex window while somebody else’s son tries patiently to pour warm milk into your shirt.
Arthur and Fenchurch could feel them, wispy cold and thin, wreathing round their bodies, very cold, very thin. They felt, even Fenchurch, now protected from the elements by only a couple of fragments from Marks and Spencer, that if they were not going to let the force of gravity bother them, then mere cold or paucity of atmosphere could go and whistle.
The two fragments from Marks and Spencer which, as Fenchurch rose now into the misty body of the clouds, Arthur removed very, very slowly, which is the only way it’s possible to do it when you’re flying and also not using your hands, went on to create considerable havoc in the morning in, respectively, counting from top to bottom, Isleworth and Richmond.
They were in the cloud for a long time, because it was stacked very high, and when finally they emerged wetly above it, Fenchurch slowly spinning like a starfish lapped by a rising tidepool, they found that above the clouds is where the night get seriously moonlit.
The light is darkly brilliant. There are different mountains up there, but they are mountains, with their own white arctic snows.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
romantic [rə'mæntik]


adj. 浪漫的
n. 浪漫的人

complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]


adj. 复杂的,难懂的

dazzling ['dæzliŋ]


adj. 令人眼花缭乱的,耀眼的 动词dazzle的现在

solve [sɔlv]


v. 解决,解答

whistle ['wisl]


n. 口哨,汽笛,厂笛,啸啸声,用于召唤或发布命令的哨声

obvious ['ɔbviəs]


adj. 明显的,显然的

pirouette [.piru'et]


n. (舞蹈)脚尖立地的旋转 vi. 用脚尖旋转

clumsily ['klʌmzili]


adv. 笨拙地

absolutely ['æbsəlu:tli]


adv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地

gravity ['græviti]


n. 重力,严重,庄重,严肃





